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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. I voted write in. I may just vote Romney to do my part to get Obama out of there though...
  2. No? Its a body on full-boxed-frame mid size truck with over 6000lb towing capacity. Not a bad package IMO Cant get them here anyway so its a mute point.... http://www.themotorreport.com.au/51431/2011-volkswagen-amarok-launched-in-australia
  3. Nothing mini about that. Pass. I'd rock a VW Amarok though... least it is a 'real truck'
  4. Someone on the FJ forum got this one. http://www.fjcruiserforums.com/forums/attachments/general-discussion/62463d1348175214-what-did-you-do-your-fj-cruiser-today-dscf5481.jpg
  5. Maybe the 10% Lowes coupon could help some? (not certain if it can apply to W+D) http://www.lowes.com/cd_Lowes+Moving+Center_509684072_?cm_mmc=vanity_program-_-moving-_-l-_-l EDIT: I see im late to the party.....
  6. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a299/iwashmycar/forum/AreYouKiddingMeBlackSS.png
  7. Glad I went to the store for a 12'er of Oktoberfest earlier! Cool video
  8. Probably Mark's. http://crashton.smugmug.com/Cars/8-25-2012-Dark-Helmet-gets-a/i-4mJCbFw/0/M/eDSC5920-M.jpg
  9. iwashmycar


    http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a299/iwashmycar/PS/Caddy.jpg http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a299/iwashmycar/forum/StraightFaceAwesome.png
  10. did you see those pants!? I think if he would have used the skills to do similar work but not make it look like an F-ed up Lambo it would be pretty sweet. Use a whole bunch of different custom touches...everyone will think it's the new Hyundai lol
  11. True that. Tell me you dont work just a little harder when there is a good looking lady across the way??
  12. I once had some gloss black ones, and painted the caps to match, but it may take some matching with a unique color...
  13. Yeah the FWD did suck (was a tank in the snow though). Was fun as shit to daily drive. I wouldnt own one out of warranty either... hence it being traded in for a Toyota lol I didnt get too many "gay comments" http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a299/iwashmycar/Mini/IMG_1771.jpg
  14. If you dont tear it or scrape it it will not come off. You can treat it like any other wheel (minus chemicals / cleaners). I would still not hesitate to use and automatic car wash. I think I went through a few when mine were Plastidipped. I definitely did when I had some trim Plastidipped. Held up fine, even in the winter. With enough thick coats from the start you will not need to reapply.
  15. O_O that engine is like 5700 bucks http://www.ministeam.com/acatalog/copy_of_Wiggers.html EDI: holy shit... 8 grand with a supercharger.... I did not realize they were in Pataskala... would be cool to see
  16. What the deuce is so expensive to replace on a (assuming from your info) T100!? Maybe the oil and water pumps... but that's only once. A Honda, however will beat out anything.... when there is a billion out there parts come cheap!
  17. Because people are not very avid about riding? Or they dont last?
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