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Everything posted by sol740

  1. "This was a great man. A great man." -Bill the butcher
  2. It automatically fills in the PIN, or at least it did for me.
  3. I still have a Mach3 ... so fuck it, give me a free razor. CLICK
  4. I feel terrible for the people that lost it, but you can't very well out up a craigslist ad that says "FOUND LARGE DIAMOND, LOOKING FOR OWNER !"
  5. The place that use to sell me cigarettes when I was a teenager. Thank god for them.
  6. I try to take the ump/ref side in these situations, and I don't even really care for baseball too much anymore, but DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN, that wasn't even really close.
  7. Right, so he's the "Eurotrash Guy", who looks down on the "Corvette Guy", who beats up on the "Ricerocket Guy", all without realizing they are just different stages on the chart of "General Douchebaggery". Seriously though, sounds like the vette guy wanted to play, and Jim "I'm loud so I'm right" Rome wasn't in the mood. It should have stopped there. Instead our man here had to whine and be a bitch about it. Here's what little Jimmy should do, go turn in your AMG, and get a nice Rolls or Bentley, getting the performance version of a car attracts other performance-minded folks, some who may even try to have a little fun on the highway while you scoff, and try to untwist your panties from out of your vag.
  8. Gotta agree with this, kind of annoying to hear speak.
  9. Lets see how many fat girls we can fit on it !
  10. Thanks everyone ! The Evo was still in the garage the first day we moved in, hence the pic. Yes it was sold mostly to become part of a down payment on my next toy, and to cover a cheap DD. Not sure when I am going to buy my new car, I may hold off for a year or so and bank as much as possible to pay down as much as I can handle. I hate not having a fun car this summer, and I will hate it twice as much come next season. About 2 streets from where I grew up in Delaware County. My across the street view is a golf course. I must improve my game. You're still picking my ass up to go snowboarding.
  11. Even though its not "real" 4g by many standards it is still a good deal faster than the standard, acceptable 3G coverage, so put me in the "do-want" camp, since I tether like a summanuhbitch.
  12. So I've been in the process of selling my old house and buying my new for what seems like ages. Finally we closed last week and started the moving process. I'm pretty happy minus the hole in the garage(heart) where the Evo use to be, but that hole will be filled soon enough. I'd shoot more inside pics but it's a disaster area right now. PICS ! http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_2867.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_2868.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_2869.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_2870.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_2872.jpg
  13. Congrats. I got into photog for car shit, and then found out I liked it so much, I shoot everything. Family pics finally don't suck. Now I'm a walking stereotype.
  14. Those will look sick with some fat tire.
  15. LOL and the car he may be purchasing looks pretty much exactly like the one in my profile. Because that's the one he may purchase Welcome to CR Jesse. We'll get together ASAP. Some of the V8's on here are pretty badass, so you'll have some work to do. (although I fully endorse where your intentions are)
  16. Moving houses. Suck and win.
  17. In the "I love to eat, but not to torture" camp.
  18. Did someone say "stinky vagina" ?
  19. I agree, and nor would I want to be on the receiving end if I were a criminal. However if I was specifically trying to steal guns, I would go where I know guns are. Maybe drive around in the morning a couple times verifying the general times the homeowner(s) leaves for work or whatever, and strike when they are not home so there is no threat of violence. Here is a link to article by Dave B. Kopel (NRA member and political science researcher), where he outlines that home invasions are less prevalent in the USA because of the threat of gun-ownership, but not daytime burglary. Here's a link and an excerpt. http://www.davekopel.com/2A/ch/Comment-on-The-Effects-of-Gun-Prevalence-on-Burglary.htm Another excerpt and link. http://www.davekopel.com/2a/LawRev/LawyersGunsBurglars.htm For disclosure purposes Sol740 does not not necessarily endorse, or even agree with Dave Kopel, just passing information along that I have found.
  20. Who agrees to an 85% interest rate ? Does he not know what "interest" means in reference to money ? Was he confused ? Sort of like ...
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