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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I would like to see the invaders heads on pikes placed at the border as well, but ... Tyler, there is so much wrong with the above quote I don't know where to begin. First when you say "our own" just who are you talking about ? If they are voting, then they are citizens and have just as many rights as you or anyone else. Also every person gets 6 votes, not just Hispanics. I don't agree with cumulative voting, because I think it encourages racist voting practices, and really you could just do the same thing with a single vote and a 'cumulative effort'. Also what the fuck does Obama have to do with an oil spill in the Gulf ? Did he put it there ? Did he build or approve it ? Or was he pretty much just fucked into having to deal with it.
  2. God too was facepalming at how stupid that fucking thing looks as he dipped his lighting bolt emblazoned finger-tip out of the sky.
  3. I understand where you're coming from, but if you really dig into the actual strategy of American Football (easily the most strategically complex of all major sports), even the down-time becomes intense, ripe with the anticipation of the next call. Hell the tension that builds when facing a "do or die" 3rd/4th and *whatever*, is the key to a memorable game. You remember the sick, empty feeling in the pit of your stomach right before the snap, even though you're near gorged with chicken wings and beer. You remember telling all your friends what you think the coaches/QB should do, and your elation/disgust when things went perfect/failed miserably. Or how you pretty much willed that last pick6. I agree.
  4. sol740

    contract talks

    I am probably not qualified to answer this properly, but if I were you, I'd head towards the direction with the greater earnings potential, while you can. fag.
  5. Yup ... all is well.
  6. sol740

    Big Ten Logo

    I had read somewhere that we may change the name altogether. Something along the lines of "Midwestern Conference" or something. Which I am fine with. Big Ten just doesn't make sense anymore. Especially if the expansion continues.
  7. Of course not, cause every other month is white history month, because the country was founded by mostly white European colonists, most of the 'history' ties back to whites, without need for label. I am happy whites settled here, because now I live here, I am not happy about the treatment of my ancestors in this country, but through their suffering in the past I am given freedom today, as are future generations to come. Blacks and many other races (even other types of white, such as the Irish, Italian) have had trying times breaking into society, and black history month mostly celebrates those who struggled to earn similar rights during the CVM. Which if you are aware was less than a generation ago. That's not really "your" point, as much as it is the point of the entire thread. Though we likely see eye to eye on some key bullets. Yes, that is stupid.Yes anyone who can't just accept that the word was "hole" and not "whore" is a moron, and is so pent up looking for racism, that's all that they can see. No, that does not mean that actual racism doesn't exist. I was called a "chink" (and much worse) just yesterday, by some witless troglodyte in a pickup because he cut me off in traffic, causing me to slam the brake, to which I gave the "what the fuck" hands up, he then preceded to slow down, wait for me to pass and yell obscenities at me, with both of my kids in the car. Stupid people exist of every race, so you have to get over the sweeping generalizations. Sadly, I agree.
  8. Pretty fucked up thing to do, but if someone were actually harassing my daughter, and she came to me because she was uncomfortable, or scared, I'm not sure what I would do, I could go easily go overboard. That said, my daughter is going to grow up like everyone else, and I assume she will have sex when most people do, when they are teenagers. To expect anything different is not only stupid, it's unfair. Education is key to avoiding the worst.
  9. Thanks for posting this Doc, these look great ! I'm having trrouble picking the one I want the most.
  10. Very sorry indeed. I was in a similar situation with my lab when we put her down. An undesirable percentage of a chance for survival with a huge debt to be owed. It was one of the most god-awful choices I've ever had to make, but in the end I couldn't justify breaking my bank account on an outside chance with a pet. Anyways, like Mitch said, time is what it takes.
  11. From the front ... sick ... from the side ... vomit.
  12. Do want Kanada's bike. http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/comment/12/2010/06/2b8dfe136292a32e33d537f4fd4c62b4/340x.jpg
  13. sol740


    Badass car, welcome.
  14. Thanks again everyone, and yes Doc we too, love the floorplan.
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