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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Welcome Steve, nice intro and cool car.
  2. sol740


    I am here for this.
  3. Some people take things too far, though in fairness just having a white/black savior role isn't analogous to the standard 'white messiah' storyline. Generally you're looking at an indigenous people/group. Introduction of the lead character to the group, and through attrition, acceptance of that character and usually the character gains some leadership/respect role while teaching his new friends a thing or two about his culture and vice versa, laughs and awkward moments ensue. Usually some unlikely love story unfolds. Yada yada yada. You can read into that however you feel, but it is a very often repeated theme in many major motion pictures. Is it racist ? In my first post I stated that was a bit harsh, are there racial/cultural undertones, absolutely, that is the whole idea of the story. That differences can be beautiful, or ugly depending on what side you view them from. I honestly think it really depends on the respect the film has for the people that are penetrated (usually in multiple ways, go blue weiner). In the case of blue aliens that are cat-like, and longlegged, I hope for at least one 4 giant-mech on 1 fem-cat gangbang.
  4. Racist seems a tad strong. However you'd have to be blind to not notice this relatively common reoccurring storyline. What's funny is likely the most outwardly offensive (last samurai) was a pretty good movie despite it's utter predictability. Just dismissing the valid points some have made is to simply be the opposite side of the wrong coin. One side is very often too quickly offended, the other is often too quickly reoffended. Asking questions about race in order to dissolve ignorance should be a more welcome event for both.
  5. CRT projection ? Sounds like you need to do a static and 60 or 120 pt convergence which can usually only be done in the service menu, with about an hour of free time. Perfect time to do a DVD calibration while you're in there too, and knock it all out. So get a sixxer and make an afternoon of it. Also you could do the optical focusing on each pot(requires opening all the "do not open" panels), but may not be necessary after a decent convergence/calib. If this isn't CRT and your getting those image distortions Im not sure what to say.
  6. And here I thought I was the only one.
  7. The saddest part is that they would have definitely been Super Bowl Champions if they could have just won this playoff game, the following playoffs, and the Super Bowl. Breaks the little engine in my chest. Oh well, my buckeyes won their bowl game. Woot.
  8. sol740

    Try this again

    Banned ? Ah man, I wanted epic LULz.
  9. That site taught me things about myself.
  10. sol740

    Try this again

    I don't Know What's worse, this Thread, your last Thread, or your seemingly random Capitalization.
  11. sol740

    Watching tv and WTF?

    I fucking hate TV since arrested development was taken off. Now I hate it more.
  12. Far from being do-able, but I'm glad that we are working on getting this perfected.
  13. Theres no contest between those names. The choice is easy. Bob. Bob the bearded dragon. Ryu is nice too.
  14. Yup, dare I start to go on about the college playoff again. JK.
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