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Everything posted by sol740

  1. In short, Smineb likes OSU's defense.
  2. If you pick that over a penis you're a fool.
  3. This is so fucking stupid ... but I lol'd. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-fc5os23mI
  4. The point wasn't necessarily to "save" money/oil with the first wave of "converted vehicles" but to create a push towards having more gas-saving vehicles on the road. Hopefully, this would eventually help lead to more independence from foreign oil. Now whether or not that could be implemented through CAFE standards over time more efficiently is an arguable point. Enlighten me, please. Cause I hear this argument often but never have benefited from seeing actual, tangible numbers. I'm not being a dick here, I'm actually curious. Also, we are seeing some headway in the battle for more efficient battery based systems, some of which in the near future, should make todays charge/usage ratios seem mundane.
  5. That was great ... we should totally do this again sometime. Say in a couple months or so.
  6. Looking forward to this, I think Jackie Earle Haley will fit nicely. He's suppose to be doing a cameo.
  7. Sorry, Bengals fan here since I could watch football, and I lived through the perpetual hell that was the nineties for them. Of course people will talk more when their team is winning ... who would brag about a losing team other than to say "haha we suck", or "definitely getting a first rounder". Though I also root for the Browns so long as they aren't playing the Bengals. Pittsburgh is at least kind of close to us so you can understand all the fans in the area. Not like back in the day with all the kids rocking the Cowboys gear.
  8. sol740

    Just an FYI.

    Yes ... as much snow as possible. I want some powder days.
  9. Its more for skiers than riders.
  10. Nice intro and some cool cars. Welcome !
  11. LOL, you fell for it too. That 1.5 mile trail is their slowest green and its almost completely flat, so you have to skate with your foot for a good chunk of the way. I'm telling you Seven Springs is just as good, and its closer. Snowshoe is definitely more scenic though. More like a "real" mountain.
  12. You bet your ass it will. I will make it, the lumberjack in me will not give up.
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