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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I am going to try and make this, but if I cannot I need Paul to be the creepy guy taking pics. I will need some of these for my Ohio Sorority Index Matrix ... or fapalogue for short. Did I type that "out loud" ?
  2. Obligatory "play hide the penor" comment. I would suggest a wine-tasting.
  3. I don't know why, but I like this intro. Welcome, nice truck.
  4. Seriously man, and I'm saying this to try and help you, but are lame mom jokes the only insults your plebeian brain can strain to force out ? Your profile says you're an engineer (I'm laughing my ass off about that by the way), couldn't you "engineer" something a little more original than the equivalent of a "that's what she said, yuck yuck yuck" joke. I know you've been ostracized by the very folks who are suppose to be sympathetic to your plight, so I'll take into account the fact you may be uncomfortably butt-hurt right now, and that may be affecting your mental capacity, and possibly even basic motor skills (though you may have perfected the art of dragging your knuckles and drooling uncontrollably). Call me out ? As in set up a race ? On the internet ? Your specific brand of retarded should come with an instruction manual that lays out step by step how to scatter an LSx with the fewest ponies possible. I don't set up internet races where the police hang out, but I will tell you this, get your whiny ass down to a meet in Cbus and you will find races for your broke ass ride.
  5. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... 'my mom' ... whoa ... I don't know where you get this grade A material from, but please keep it coming.
  6. LOL ... this shit is great.
  7. Good lord, that guy must've had some evidence stacked against him.
  8. I believe there is a vid of an insanely fast Contour in the Pics/Vids section.
  9. I really dig it, but theres many other cars I would purchase with that amount of money.
  10. Stella, Yuengling, Rogue, any Sam Adams, Newcastle, or maybe some IPA's.
  11. You can do Trials in real life !!!
  12. sol740


    Ill take two please.
  13. sol740

    new to the site

    Eek, you are headed for some serious fail. Get some pics up, try typing sentences, and you may just get out of here. This can be a great forum by the way, with some real good car guys so it'll be worth cleaning up your posts. EDIT: Oh and be ready to get flamed.
  14. Fucking ugly performance today. They need to seriously step up the pace to have a chance against USC.
  15. Sounds like a cool car ... but that story was so retarded. I'm confused as to the correct action at this point. Will withhold for now.
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