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Everything posted by sol740

  1. OMFG ... where is Martin, that was great.
  2. sol740


    Welcome, clean looking car.
  3. Go ahead, your car will just break down after a couple runs.
  4. Vick is of freakish talent, hardly comparable. Sports of all kinds have a talent to fuckupometer ratio.
  5. That was a bitch-move no doubt.
  6. sol740

    Last day

    Congrats ya damn jerk.
  7. WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO !!! Im so fucking happy I could pop. Yay football.
  8. LOL ... as I have found out. Forgive my ignorance.
  9. Based off this set of #'s the 500SS ran the slalom at around 68mph, and .93 skidpad. http://www.roadandtrack.com/article.asp?section_id=3&article_id=6056&page_number=2 Very close to Z06 numbers for sure. I think the Z gets has been around 70mph and .9x-1.x on multiple road tests though. I'd very much like to see two really good drivers battle it out.
  10. Maybe I'm wrong than, I don't really know Mustangs, does the SS still have a live rear axle ? Jesus Christ thats expensive, sorry I'd buy a Ferrari.
  11. Z06 will eat a SS alive in the twisties though, much more versatile vehicle overall. Though it probably boils down to what brand you appreciate more, and type of car you were trying to buy.
  12. Thats bad-ass for sure, but I wouldn't put 80k down for it.
  13. SPOILERS BELOW ! You do realize that in that god-awful movie, the main bad guy your groomed into being wary of, the gruff irish hitman sent to kill the brothers turns out to be ... DUH DUH DUH ... THEIR LONG LOST FATHER !!! OMFG !!! That seriously had to be the lamest, most ridiculous, and most unnecessary "twist" anyone ever tried to pass without at least a smidge of irony. Then he completely changes his ways and he's a good guy fighting with his sons. That's just retarded. Maybe in the sequel their long lost Maa joins the crime-fighting team ! SPOILERS OVER.
  14. Children of Men was a fantastic film. Some of those single-shot scenes were incredible.
  15. I just couldn't suspend disbelief(the falling through the air duct scene ... rolls eyes and sighs). Pokemon ? I'm not sure where you're going with that. You're talking about the same Boondock Saints as this right ? http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/boondock_saints/ A lot of my friends thought I was crazy too, but I suppose it just wasn't my cup of tea. LOL ... Yes Sir !
  16. So many of my friends told me to see Boondock Saints, and I was so amped to see it. Then it was literally the worst movie I saw that whole year. I may have to skip this one.
  17. Meh, I wouldn't want that shit near my house either.
  18. Touche'. (I fully expect failure soon, even from Tony, if there is a #3 it will be awful without fail)
  19. I fucking hate Hollywood, and they're making me hate Marvel. Which makes me hate them more. What's that ? Disney did what ? Awwww fuck.
  20. sol740


    You can grind their bones to make your bread. Then we can make sandwiches
  21. Torrents are magical elves that will perform ritualistic dances on top of ones PC or MAC, than run to the nearest house using a "Torrent Search" (flashlight with an elf-cutout), and perform the same dance on the requester's PC or MAC, thus pure digital transfer is enabled.
  22. I'd park the beef bus in tuna town regardless of which hand her ring was on.
  23. It didn't matter how long he was in it for, he scattered his bits cause of how hard it kicked in.
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