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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Back up, 50 off 100 first 500 customers. promo code is DOW34.
  2. The goal was to purchase a Remington 700, or Stevens 200, and make it into a project capable of sub-MOA, just for the fuck of it. Last year I stood in a ridiculous line on Black Friday and snagged a Dick's Sporting Goods 700 ADL special for $350 ($450 with a $100 rebate). Here's a pic from when I got it home. (After reading reviews I found it's actually quite capable of shooting what I'm wanting right out of the stupid box, basically negating the entire goal, and making this thread completely and utterly pointless ... shut yer stoopid face I wanted a project) http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/20121123.jpg The 700 came dressed in a hideous mossy oak camo stock, with an oddly pinkish hue in places, the less than silky smooth low-end Rem700 bolt throw, rimfire-worthy optic, and standard Xmark trigger. Lastly and definitely not least(ly?), it sports a 26" Varmint barrel, which is the milkshake that brought me to the yard, as the kids are wont to say. The Xmark trigger I do actually kind of like, though I can see myself going with a Timney or Rifle Basix in the future. Mounted the junk for pics sake and we get this. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/picsay-1353708959.jpg In the spirit of doing something dirt cheap that improves function, or ease of, I purchased a KRG Bolt-Lift. It actually makes a noticeable improvement IMHO and I wouldn't hesitate to buy another. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/bolt_lift_top_zpsd176fd74.jpg After "installing" the bolt-lift, and properly resting my sore wrist from all the crazy torquing and slight positioning adjustments I had to make, I ordered the optic and rings that were going to adorn my rifle. I chose the Millet TRS-1 optic, with Weaver Tactical Rings. However it required some time to ship, so I figured I might as well freefloat the barrel, and paint the stomach-contents emptying stock. The stock is pretty junky, but like I said, people are shooting stupid groups with this plastic nightmare, so I figured I'd paint it "less ugly" and do some baseline groups still wearing the stock ... errr ... stock. After pouring over the limitless color possibilities I landed on a generic camo-green that was already in my garage, did a shitty job, and copying another 700 build on this site, filled the hollow end of the stock with sprayfoam, which as far as I can tell, did absolutely nothing. Here's some pics with all of that finished, plus a Harris bi-pod, and 20 dollar cushioned sling. This was a few months back. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/41debd82-8da5-4337-a8f9-7caf18e80b81_zps14133413.jpg Now I've barely shot this rifle, and the little shooting I have done, has further cemented the tickling parasite in my brain that's telling me that I'm clearly wasting my time, but alas the project must go on. I have been researching stocks that are on the lower end of the price range, I didn't want to spend more on my stock, than on the optic, or rifle itself, so no fancy-pants AICS chassis, JAE-700s, not even a Mcmillan or Manners. More like a basic H&S, Boyds Tacticool, or Varmint Thumbhole or even a Choad in the $100-$300 range. That's when a Slickguns post caught my eye. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/AA700_107_0_zps50754604.jpg That's the Archangel AA700 stock, and it was $188.00 bucks, almost smack dab in the middle of my range. That doesn't look like a $188.00 stock, what with aluminum pillar bedding, adjustable length of pull, and adjustable cheekpiece, 10 round detachable box magazine, weird integrated bi-pod(that damn Harris just fucked my target goal) that I'm just positive is going to break, and barrel channel purposefully made to freefloat a varmint barrel, this thing just has to be a humongous piece of shit. So I bought one, it's in transit now, and I plan on giving a full report on how it performs next time I get out to the range. This should pretty much complete the build, although I may, or may not glass bed the action, depending on the results, and I may cut the barrel down to 20" or so. So far, this is the breakdown. Remington 700 ADL Big Box Special -$350+tax Weaver Rings - $30 Millett TRS1 - $319 KRG Bolt-Lift - $28 + $5 SH Archangel AA700 Stock - $188 + $18 SH Generic Sling - $20 Harris Bipod I may or may not need - $79 So that's just a bit over a grand (certainly not the cheapest budget build) but certainly not even giving the hymen of stratospheric spending potential a finger scare. And all to make a rifle that looks like this ... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/AA700_107_0_zps50754604.jpg Shoot like this ... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/20121123.jpg
  3. http://cdn3.sbnation.com/imported_assets/1755125/wIokiM-tHio.gif
  4. Dude's a fucking champion. Sauna Champ and Darwin Award in one fell swoop.
  5. Going to concur with Bob, RRA builds a good product in my experience, and I'd have no issue recommending them, but that's high-end (DD, Noveske, LMT ect) AR range there.
  6. People don't understand what their "rights" are. It's really disconcerting. She can't force the police to stop that man from recording her with his property, out in public? It's like she's not even the queen of everything at all.
  7. Chicks with tattoos ... they just do it for me. Still not watching the show.
  8. sol740

    Optics help

    Congrats, I think you'll be happy with the purchase.
  9. sol740

    Optics help

    I've been nothing but impressed with my Millett TRS1, and I've read similar about the LRS1.
  10. Based on the above you and I likely share very similar views on the subject. Though I would postulate the prohibition of illicit substances helps fuel criminal behavior, and that many addicts could function in normal society, with a safe, available, and market regulated product. Of course stupid fucks will be stupid fucks, and there's nothing we can do to prevent that. On Topic ... Working downtown for many years has taught me to never leave anything (including change) worth stealing in the car, and to leave my doors unlocked.
  11. Hrrrr??? Keep in mind I have zero issue with capital punishment in cases of undeniable guilt of serious crime, and was kind of with you till that last part. The government has no business telling individuals what they should and should not be able to do with their own bodies. Prohibition perpetuates actual real crime, by creating black markets, where seedy, horrible people solve disputes through violence and intimidation, some becoming insanely wealthy and powerful in the process, which even sometimes trickles down even to the lowest user should prices inflate to the point the user has to commit crimes to afford their addiction. Tax payers suffer because we pay for the DEA, countless police raids and sting operations, court cases, prison space, food, healthcare, literally trillions of dollars. Unless you were just being facetious in which case just ignore all of the above. LJ, sucks to hear man, I hope they accidentally plug one into their brains with it, and save us from their future stupidity.
  12. Dennis Dodd, apologizes to OSU. http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/blog/dennis-dodd/23057318/boredom-not-money-motivation-for-manziel-putting-ams-future-at-risk
  13. Mandel on the public perception difference between Manziel and Pryor.
  14. You have to go to the FN USA site. http://www.fnhusa.com/l/products/commercial/handguns/ I'm also a big fan of this gun having recently shot one.
  15. I'm biased because I love 1911's. However that said, if you're wanting 9mm, it's hard not to recommend the usual suspects. Glock 17/19 Springfield XD/M S&W M&P Ruger SR9 That said, I love my FN FNX-9, been reliable as can be possible (100% with no hiccups as of yet), very 1911-y in feel and operation, it points like a 1911, and it's capable of condition 1 (cocked and locked) carry, as well as da/sa no safety, or safety engaged da/sa if one should so desire. They're not much more than the listed, and FN is a respectable brand. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/20130321_-picsay_zps008ed9e4.jpg
  16. Jeeeezuz, the comments on some of the sites reporting, in support of Manziel, are eyebrow raising. Where were all these "the NCAA is pointless", "kids should be making money off their names" comments when it was Terrelle Pryor and company doing it?
  17. Racial Profiling: if George Zimmerman were outside pulling the weeds in my flower bed, I wouldn't assume he speaks English.
  18. If I hadn't bought online I'd seriously consider doing that.
  19. Just did a Disney cruise, kids loved it. Plenty for grown-ups.
  20. Gawd damnit, I just bought 2 Tahiti 7870s. Good luck w sale.
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