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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Jesus fucking Christ. I want to find that mans corpse and set it on fire. That poor little boy.
  2. Competitive? Fuck Penn St. in the earholes, if you were anywhere near their boards, or blogs post tattoo-gate, pre-pedogate, the self-righteous indignation levels were so foglike in their thickness you could hide a dozen child-charity traps behind them. I hope we annihilate PSU year in, year out, so thoroughly that whatever coach they just lost the year before wakes up sore in the ass. Add in every other B1G team when it comes to playing us. Sure, I want all B1G teams to win their other games, but I don't actually care if they do.
  3. I think A&E just played him like a poker hand, they knew what they had when they got dealt, and they played it happily till the cards came up ugly. I honestly won't be surprised at all if he ends up back on the show after shit calms down. There's obviously been a huge backlash to the backlash. I mean Eminem duo'd with "the gayest man since Sir Elton John, Sir Elton John", and everyone completely forgot his BS.
  4. Fair enough, and I don't think you're a hater of gays, or me (we've had plenty of agreements on other subjects such as 2a) or anyone else in here, but I have to disagree on your point that one should be able to express opinions without repercussions. Repercussions are a bi-product of having the freedom to express oneself.
  5. I feel like I'm reading an internet thread where "that one guy keeps telling everyone how sarcastic he's being, every time he gets called out for logical fallacies." This reminds me of a Facebook meme going around right now where it depicts something like the following. "How can America be for this?" (Picture of Miley Cyrus being a slut.) "But against this?!?!" (Picture of Duck Dynasty family praying together.) Because that's totally what everyone is offended by, all the wholesomey fucking goodness of the Robertson clan. That's what pisses all of those leftist, Christian-hating, Hollywood elitist pricks right off, the fact that they pray together, not the idiotic comparisons between gays and sheepfucking rapists. It's the prayer. So if I'm missing "actual intended sarcasm", behind the cavalcade of stupidity that the fans of this man and show have trotted out in his defense forgive me. Though in fairness, "guy who literally had a picture of the subject at hand as a personal avatar" it's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.
  6. More false equivalence BS. Punting puppies into a river would be almost universally disapproved of, and would not illicit much movement of the outrage needle if someone railed against punting puppies into a river during an interview. Two adults deciding they make each other happy is totally JUST LIKE HORRIBLE ANIMAL ABUSE. Tilley isn't saying the only way an employer can fire you is if you're critical of them directly, just using an example of how your right to free speech means jack shit to your attachment or separation to payroll. Yup, drawing comparisons between being gay, and bestiality is totally inoffensive. What is it with the rape, or murder of animals?
  7. As long as I'm pitching and I ain't catching, than I declare buttsex for all.
  8. If the government of the U.S.A were to shutdown A&E because of statements made by some hick I would probably hate if I met in person, I would be the first to rail against that in all of it's unconstitutional bullfuckery. As is, a TV channel with corporate relations to tend to saw fit to distance themselves from perceived intolerant speech. Let's hope he doesn't beat someone and their wife half to death over it. Lastly, popularity of speech, and consequence of speech are not part of freedom of speech. Back when the gay-pride movement started, I promise, it was pretty fucking unpopular. Same with almost all civil rights movements.
  9. It's been thoroughly established that this has nothing to do with freedom of speech. The government didn't punish him for his speech. I suggest reading the thread.
  10. Many religious folks are quick to point out other people's sins while covering their ears and eyes to their own transgressions, past, or present. I pointed out the eating of shellfish in Leviticus, somewhat facetiously, however I bet that asshole had sex before he was married, (ya know, like 90% of all normal people), maybe even LIVED IN SIN. It's never about the shit they've done, because you don't get to point fingers and have a pompous attitude of superiority like that. How many here in this thread lived with a GF? Had multiple partners possibly? Did you jerk off to pornography sometime recently? Lie to a friend about some tiny insignificant detail in a story to make it more interesting? You filthy fucking heathens.
  11. Go grab some grub, this will be here when you're well and fed. My point is simply this, if you consider someone exercising their free speech in public as "shoving beliefs down throat", you may choose to not go out in public, as their right to "actual free speech" trumps your discomfort. They in turn can't come onto your private property, and continue.
  12. Right, equality for all. However that has absolutely nothing to do with the situation at hand. Dude said what he said, TV folks didn't like the potential backlash, done deal.
  13. You can do that if you want. The KKK has "white pride marches". They're not very popular, but they're allowed to have them.
  14. So people protesting in public (actual free speech within certain boundaries), is akin to someone being booted off a TV show for making public statements the creators/producers do not wish to represent (not free speech)? Also a pride parade, with the proper permits and what have you, is another form of free speech. You may have your "straight parade" if you should so pursue such a thing.
  15. If you find gay pride parades gross, than you should cease to attend gay pride parades. I'm not sure what you're getting at? Gay people shouldn't be allowed to kiss? Or that ChickFilA should be allowed to not serve gays? For the record, I find straight and gay PDA, kind of gross if it's like a make-out session.
  16. How exactly are they "shoving their beliefs down your throat?" Seriously, I'm asking for an example. Are they marching their gay-parades right into your church service, and fucking each other homo-style on the altar? For gods sake, being fired for violating an employers policy, isn't fucking DISCRIMINATION. I'm glad he's "sticking to his guns", good for him. His "guns" ran antithetical to his TV shows source of revenue. Too bad, so sad.
  17. You are not making any kind of relevant point. If your argument is that because someone finds bestiality gross, than it's also ok for someone else to find being gay gross, than I find that line of reasoning specious at best. For the reasons previously listed. Ya know, the rape part.
  18. Rape aside? Did you just type that? Who is and is not a bigot is subjective, I'm sure someone thinks I'm bigoted against religious folks, I'm not, I just ask for people to be as skeptical of their beliefs as they are someone else's. I find consent to be a crucial part of a legitimate sexual relationship. An animal cannot consent, therefore it is NEVER ok. It's also gross, but that's subjective.
  19. The Bible also says similar damnings about eating shellfish, and to stone your wife to death in front of her dad if she cheats on you, or it turns out she's not a virgin. That's because the Bible is a mishmashed collection of superstitions that otherwise intelligent people seem to take seriously, and pick and choose the parts that are convenient. Free speech strikes again, but if my employer was a church, they might fire me for saying that. Regardless, follow your beliefs, live your beliefs, and leave the judging for your imaginary friend to do in the afterlife, it says that right there in the Bible, let he who is without sin cast blah blah blah. LOL
  20. You're not really drawing comparisons between fully consenting gay people, and some guy that fucks an animal, are you?
  21. The show is crap. Free Speech. You may disagree. Free Speech. Your idea of good values is subjective. Objective Free Speech. If my company seriously disagrees with me they can fire me. At Will Employment. If enough people disagree with his ousting, they can band together, kickstart their own TV channel, or petition an overtly religious channel to add him on. Community Action. Sentence Fragment, Sentence Fragment.
  22. TV is paid for by ads. The companies that buy those ads are often child companies of much larger organizations that are beholden to prohibit perceived intolerant speech or action. Targeted demographics (i.e. people that think fake TV is real) are often only a small slice of the larger organizations piece of the ad pie. Freedom of speech has absolutely nothing to do with TV, nor does having freedom of speech absolve you of any negative consequences that occur as result of.
  23. "I wonder if he's doing this to get attention?" said the most oblivious person in the world.
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