I just fapped to a mock up of a cell phone ...
and I'm resting for round 2. I just hope no one walks in on me or else it'll look like I'm fapping to a pic of a dude.
They were doing this in my neighborhood and people called the cops cause it seemed fishy. I don't care what deal you give me, there's no way in hell I'm buying meat out of random truck on the street.
I was going to go with a Kimber, but everyone here talked me out of it, than I saw yours and was thinking that was the one. Now I'm not sure again, but I'll continue the hunt.
I had a black guy knock on my door once, than I was like "Hey Jesse, come in buddy", and he said something about being too legit to quit ... or something along those lines.
My buddys older brother bought a Saleen Explorer. It was pretty sweet ...
... till it started falling apart piece by piece less than a year after he bought it.