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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I'll have sex with him. I'll need $20, and a decent porno-mag. Your friend has to be the woman, and no talking.
  2. Gay porn sound clips. Nothing too weird though. Mostly stuff like ... "Oh man, you're a dude ..." "So are you bro ..."
  3. I can cope with things like seeing my dead grandmother crawling up my leg with a knife in her teeth, but this thread is too much.
  4. sol740

    cat problems

    I had a cat that did this. Had.
  5. The eagle flies at the pecking hour.
  6. That shit sucks. I ended up at the hospital 4 times with our first. The fifth time I was waiting in the room for the doc to come in and tell me to go home. I was a little surprised.
  7. sol740

    new guy

  8. Tressel, I know you don't normally like to do this, but please, I beg ... can we run up the score as high as posible ?
  9. Sorry I searched through all the shit they gave me, but I couldn't find it. (its been 3 years)
  10. I think I do hold on ... (can't you get them off of google or something though)
  11. I think I've seen your ride out and about. Clean car. Welcome.
  12. Yah, its pretty fucking weird, and a little creepy. More power to em though. I love how the standard fundes jump all over em, as if no fucked up kids ever came from the status quo. Won't someone think of the children !?!?
  13. WTF ? Damn those terrible yuppies, buying reliable, fuel efficient vehicles before it was the socially concious thing to do. People didn't start buying hondas and toyotas because of a fad. Its much more a mismanagement issue. Blame is squareley placed on the companies inability to operate efficiently, and the union for not allowing them to.
  14. Welcome sounds like a fun collection. I have a 59 fairlane I purchased years ago sitting in my moms garage. Planned on restoring it, but I'm at the point now where I'm pretty sure it'll never happen. +rep but try to get some pics up. Oh Rick sent you ? NM, please go drive around mt vernon square over and over. Just kidding, though I actually was convinced to do the "drive around the square" thing once in highschool by a buddy that lived in Mt V. Said it was what everybody does for the weekend. It was the worst night of my life.
  15. I don't often ask for bans for people that annoy me, because annoyance is often confused (correlated) with disagreement. For example, V8kilr and I often butt heads on issues ranging from religion, to politics, and a lot of other stuff inbetween. However even so I would never be so supercilious as to suggest banning him just cause we disagree on several fundamental levels. That said, can we ban these douchebags yet. I don't care if you're the most likable set of twins alive (which you're not unless you're female and big-titted). You act like dumbasses on this website consistently enough to warrant hopes of never meeting you in person, just so I can avoid ripping my brain out of my nostrels via coat hanger, in a vain attempt to dull my senses enough to not actually register your existing in tangible space.
  16. Means nothing. People have been saying the world is going to end just about every year for the last 6000 or so years. Also ... religion is illogical, divisive, and downright stupid. How more people are not aware of this I will never know.
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