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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Discuss here ... http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/10/palin.investigation/index.html http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/palin_troopergate
  2. sol740

    Bored Fri.

    Cool. Sounds like Im going to polaris. Ill be up there around 10.
  3. I was really trying to give you the benefit. Oh well ... you're car looks flaming. It wouldn't look flaming without the useless junk you have on it. Easy fix. We tend to care about performance first, looks second. Still important, but still second. I will say that's probably most on this site. We also tend to not care for people that throw a bunch of useless bullshit on their cars so they LOOK fast ... but aren't. I agree with you that all cars need to be in their element for max performance benefit. Some on strip, some on drag, a car can be dog slow on one, and quick as hell on another. I seriously doubt yours is fast anywhere in its current state. Not a big deal, as that can be fixed. Though don't get all butt hurt when you join a racing site, with a car that's all show and no go(bad show at that), and get called a ricer a couple times. (im king ricer around these parts anyway ... ask phil) Lol ... and qft ... though the engine isn't really under a lid, is it ?
  4. sol740

    Bored Fri.

    Who's going out tonight ? Where ? Im bored and gotz shit to do.
  5. Every single person in or from lancaster is or wants to be a hick. If you're in lancaster right now reading this, slack-jawed, and heavily mouth-breathing, than I'm talking about you.
  6. Lol ... I love lettuce, I didn't know it would add mad power. Srsly turbos ftw. I just need a bigger one now.
  7. sol740


    The thread is titled "Drummers" after all.
  8. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.
  9. That intro started out well enough than ... ... Burn all of that hideous crap, and the car may not be in bad shape. Hopefully that's the last guys doing. (remember that face you make when someone bites it real hard on a skateboard, or when someone falls face first onto a table saw, you know the one. Teeth gritted, mouth semi-cocked open [ha ... mouthcock], cheek scrunched on one side. Yup that's the one)
  10. It just takes practice. If you're having a hard time with making toeside turns, first just practice stopping on your toeside to get your body use to the weight transfer. After you get toeside stops down, try making long sweeping carves across the face of the entire trail. You'll go slower and wreck without killing yourself. Remember to just try to keep linking toeside to heelside and on and on. I noticed for some friends I taught to ride, kicking the board out and sliding through the turn was easier than trying to ride a proper carve at first, than later it was easy to make the transition to a riding decent lines. We should go some time this winter.
  11. ^ awww titties ... the great equalizer.
  12. Lets say you walk into a store, and you're buying a dildo (as you so often do), and you bring your dildo to the counter and the dildo man advises you that the cost is $3.00+ tax. You head home in great anticipation of the dildism that is to follow. However when you arrive home you notice the shop keep standing in front of your door. He states before you go inside that you owe him another dollar he originally forgot about. You reluctantly agree and you go inside. You get inside just in time to see the man climbing through your window, and than he asks for another dollar. Point: I pay my taxes, so fuck off about your 'minimum contributions'. The state/fed says "this is your part, pay and you get this." I pay, and now Im off to take care of myself, and my own. Its called CAPITOLISM. P.S. Donating to already tax funded organizations isn't bad, I just don't. I "contribute" in other ways, united way, block-watch, mentoring, running for breast cancer (cause I love titties).
  13. ^ Typical neo-con propaganda. Forcing private institutions to change curriculum, is communism. Are you posting that without the slighest sense of irony ?
  14. You're missing the point, paying taxes already supports our military. Forcing curriculum on a PRIVATE (again, PRIVATE) school is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. That's freedom ? What's next ? If I don't 'donate' extra money to the state this year I don't fire and police service. Fuck that.
  15. We already pay for the military on a person by person basis. Private schools operating without state funding shouldn't do shit if they so choose. That's what federal military is suppose to protect. Our rights to choose. Don't get wrong, i'm not saying ROTC is a bad thing, but get your heads out of your asses, if a school doesn't want to offer it go somewhere else. That's like saying every business/person in this country should pay an extra military tax on top of all our other taxes (of which a portion already goes to the ... military), its absurd. As far as your professor goes, that's pretty shitty of your teach, but your personal anecdotes hardly have any pertinent value to the subject, as Im sure we could find similar problems occuring every day on both sides. You confronted her, and your grade was corrected.
  16. Washington warned us about partisan politics 200 years ago. He was right. Unfortunately, as much as I dislike the parties, they will form one way or another, formally or informally. Also being "patriotic" is definitely a good thing. Its also entirely subjective, and happens to be one of the single abused words in America today. Disagree with us ? You're being unpatriotic. Or taken to its most disgusting misuse, polarizing people into the "us vs them" attitude, where disagreement means your siding with the terrorists. What's that ? You ... don't like the Patriot act destroying your rights ? You're a terrorist sympathizer. Im not disagreeing with you that a party needs to be patriotic, just reminding you that they all think they are in their own way.
  17. Higher Education: Now with more un-American. Oh no, some universities don't want to be West Point !?!? Someone call the patriot police !
  18. That may be a mirror you're talking to. Facts eh ? Thats funny. Cause everyones got their own set of facts these days, just ask Fox News, they'll tell you all kinds of "facts". http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/2008/02/obamas_weatherman_connection.html http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/10/6/104426/266 All about his "relationship" Ayers. What about Mccain and the Keating 5, seeing as how Mccain was, I don't know, actually old enough at that time to have actually been a part of that scam, and seeing as how similar practices are what got us into this mess we're in now, I would assume that would get more attention. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keating_Five Just a wiki, research it yourselves.
  19. Lets all quit our jobs. Maybe the government will pass a bill that can fund our drinking. Oh ... wait ... thats called welfare.
  20. The right is banking on the definition of "terrorist". Which is drastically different pre-911 to post-911. Now-a-days we almost all think about terrorists wearing a towel for a hat, and being part of an extremist Islamic sect. That is definitely a part of terrorism as a whole, but pre-911 we were all Tim Mcvey-ey about what terrorists were suppose to be (see Arlington Rd, great flick). Now the right is specifically banking that the word 'terrorist' will resonate across the unwashed masses and instantly connect Obama to (again) Islam in some wacko fashion. While the acts of The Weathermen were no doubt wrong, the idea behind revolting against your government, is one that is suppose to be ingrained in us as a people. The 2nd amendment is there not so we can go hunting, its specifically there for us to overthrow a corrupt government. Militias were quite often (late 90's) confused with terrorists (some deservedly), even though the act of rebeling is one of the most American things you can do. I would assume conservatives would agree with me about that. No, not the hyper-paranoid, telephone-tapping, internet carnivore scouring, Neo-Cons, I mean actual conservatives. That said all Obama did was serve on a board, with a college professor, regarding education reform, 20 years after the Weathermen (an extreme political group, not muslim) floundered. Hyperbole from a party reeling, furrowing their brows in a vain attempt to comprehend why they're losing points in the polls.
  21. Is it me or are you guys debating two seperate things ? Mike I think you're talking about flat tax. Science, I believe you thought the analogy is oversimplified. (it is) Or am I off-base.
  22. Flat tax ftw. I shouldn't pay a higher or lower percentage of income than anyone.
  23. ^ I remember reading that they had overhauled a lot more than just ponies. I could be wrong though.
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