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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Nice intro and some cool pics. Welcome.
  2. If we're digging Oregon Trail up, lets not get dysentery and forget other noteworthy timewasters ... such as Number Munchers !!! Wait ... that was ... EDUCATIONAL ?!?! Damn you Mrs. Snodgras ... damn you to hell.
  3. You listed too many ... now I don't care. That may be the alcohol speaking. Though I'll say, humming the theme song to Robotech, and having no other kids know what the fuck that is.
  4. sol740

    I lol'd

    Got this in an email ... I chuckled. If this is a repost excuse my fail. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1829170
  5. sol740


    Good show indeed.
  6. sol740


    Nice car ... you don't ... have ... anymore. WELCOME !!! I say go Side-Wheel drive ... like one of my shitty RC cars.
  7. I think I spotted you on New Albany-Reynoldsburg, close to Morse Rd today. Nice car. Welcome ... and thanks for this thread, its been fun to read so far.
  8. The Liberals !!! The Conservatives !!! Blah blah blah ... Can we just get a flat tax already. Earning more than me doesn't mean you should pay a lower percentage of tax than me. If I'm getting taken for 30% so should everyone else.
  9. Unless you're talking about math ... cause I'm of chinese descent and we do love the math. The Jesus is funny ... in a 'frat-house joke on a local church' kind of way. Not so much in a 'High Art' kind of way. Though I'm sure it was done to just get attention much like the Space Invaders/911 "art" at the Leipzig game convention. The more media attention it gets, the more you end up doing exactly what the "artist" intended. Christians getting all bent out of shape and making a controversy out of the subject will just encourage more of the same nonsense. http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2008/08/22/space-invaders-art-not-approved/
  10. Welcome. I want to do a similar garage setup after I buy a house with a little more property. Question ... if you were to take the best parts from each of your foxbody's and build just one car ... would that car look a little nicer than the ones in the pics ? I kid I kid ...
  11. Welcome ... guy ... whos been a member longer than me. (and don't say "Don't call me guy, friend !")
  12. Eh, this = "Did you know there is crime in poverty and gang stricken areas ?!?! Oh my god there is !!!" Though I am all for legal, non-felony convicted, ownership of most firearms. Though people stating that there should be zero gun laws are being pretty ignorant. Yes criminals will get guns regardless, which is why CCW and The Castle law are nessesary, but lets not make it easier for them to obtain them in the first place. We should already be shutting down, or at least background checking at gun swaps. Why have laws when its as easy as going to the next county (or same) and just proving your age. I also believe private citizens have no need for fully automatic weapons, another gun law that should absolutely be in effect. Just my .02
  13. sol740

    So my puppy.....

    Did you seriously just type that ? You did ? Ok.
  14. ^ because sex is a normal part of the functional human existence, directly related to classes such as Health, or even Biology. Not something people should be ashamed of. Certainly not be taught that sex is evil. Theres a reason most of us starting becoming sexually active as teens. Its because THAT'S WHEN YOUR BRAIN IS TELLING YOU ITS TIME !!! Advising young people of the risks/rewards, and how to be resposible if they choose to have sex is the only logical thing to do. Why do you think the US has such a rediculously high teen pregnancy rate compared (per capita) to other similar countries ? Its not because they're better at being abstinent. I would even wager that Bristol avoided contraceptives out of fear of being caught with them. /followup rant
  15. sol740

    So my puppy.....

    ^lol no epic ebattles for me
  16. sol740

    So my puppy.....

    Is that why you posted this on an internet forum ? To not get an opinion. If it was so obvious I would assume it would be easily avoided ...
  17. sol740

    So my puppy.....

    Entirely your own fault. Control your animal and there is no problem. No one was hurt, which is fortunate. I'm sure the dog is nice enough, but anything could've happened, she might have run out into the street just trying to get away and been hit by a car, or countless other possible situations. If I was the dad I wouldve been pissed off too.
  18. LOL ... I don't think making someone get married after an unplanned pregnancy counts for anything but poor judgment. Only compounds the problem. Who knows though, maybe it'll work out for them. Shes got great "assets" though. (cheeseball joke, chuckle chuckle) In all fairness he has not had a chance to make good on his policies (not an easy thing to do for anyone R or D) so how can we know he won't deliver. While we've basically had Mccain already in the office for 8 years, well 90% of Mccain.
  19. The "issues" can't simply be polarized, as they generally go hand in hand.
  20. Lots of the purveyors of so called Christian Science try to pass it off as just that. Science, which it is most definitely not. Even the words "Intelligent Design" are meant to invoke a relationship between intelligence and religion. Sorry but the words "God made man from dirt", don't inspire anything that can be confused with intelligence. Plus ID always ends with the same chicken/egg argument. ID proponents state that we as humans are inherently complex beings. Therefore we can deduce that our creator is infinitely more complex than ourselves. Using their own ruleset that the complex must be designed, than the creator (being complex) must have been created by an even more intelligent and complex being. Ofcourse that's where we swim some murky waters. Most creationists throw their own model out the window if you look past the creation of humans. "The rules don't apply to god", that's called breaking a rule, and therefore is not science.
  21. ^ I must be slipping. Someone get me a coffee ...
  22. Ok so a recap is in order for those just joining. Governor Palin is a skanked out whore. Groveling at the heels of her demagogue masters. Lapping up every morsel of facetime shes receives as reward for her mindless, slave-esque loyalty. Everyone in this thread agrees about this. Damn, i'm a little turned on now. The republican party is hot. (im being facetious so don't get all panty-twisted ... mmmm panties)
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