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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Booing was uncalled for. It is true, OSU fans can be awful, Ohio fans in general, go to a cleveland game. As far as playoffs go, it is the only way to un-fuck all of college football. The only way to make sure the top 16 or hell, even top 8 get a fair shot at a title. With as many upsets as we had last year, and so far this year, only a moron would think the BSC is an accurate setup. The ranking system could stay pretty much the same with the best teams going into a playoff. It makes so much sense it will never happen. Seriously, name another sport that has a similar setup to the one in college football. Any other sport, that has computers and voting, deciding a teams value, as opposed to ... I don't know ... ACTUALLY FUCKING PLAYING THE GAME. Other college sports (basketball anyone), professional sports, hell even HIGHSCHOOL sports have playoffs. The BSC is the most asinine system for selecting a championship game. I wish enough people would get together and boycott NCAA football for 1 year. Thats all it would take, too bad that won't happen. Edit: This guy makes a lot of sense. http://www.walterfootball.com/bowls.php
  2. Not so happy now are ya biznatch.
  3. ^x2. We needed them to win. Though I do love seeing a good comeback. Talk about a total breakdown of O and D. Ineligle receiver ... jesus what a shitty way to lose. Anyways ... how bout them bulldogs ...
  4. sol740

    knight rider

    Its official, Knight Rider is the greatest show on television. Possibly the greatest show of all time, save several socially important television movies by Lifetime, such as "Dying to be thin", and "Dying to be thin, while being abused". The acting, the effects, the well-thought out plotline, and deep subplot of the main characters past. Its not very often you see a network television show so delicately show-off the more subtle nuances of the human experience. Balance that with the dichotomy of transforming automobiles, and you begin to see the directors attempt to make a metaphorical statement about whether man runs machine, or machines run man. An amazing debut that will surely be celebrated for years to come.
  5. I was just being a dick. I have 10 new BFF's.
  6. 67k ... nice. A little love and that'll be sick.
  7. That was the worst meet I've ever been to and everyone I met was a douchebag. If you're thinking about that, than I'm talking about you.
  8. I snowboard every possible chance I get. Going to try to plan a CR meet to Seven Springs later in the winter.
  9. I generally don't care for mustangs, but I love me some cobras.
  10. Ill probably do that, what time u headed out ?
  11. Where is it, I tried to go out last week, and my GPS took me nowhere. I may need to update the maps.
  12. ^ its entirely possible that we take the big10, and usc takes the pac. Not guaranteed by any means though.
  13. Rosebowl rematch a coming ... can the Pryor/Wells 1 2 punch make difference, we might get to find out.
  14. Thanks Captain Obvious, but not everyone needs to be saved by you this day. Believe it or not we're all well aware that casinos exist to generate revenue, like all other businesses that like to stay in operating status. They provide a "thrill", we pay money. Its tit for tat, why should anyone other than myself, decide how I spend my money. You can be reductive about near every product in existence and say its wasteful. Drinking beer is wasteful, spending money modding cars is wasteful, so on and so forth. How one chooses to spend their income should be their choice. Lots of people seem to have this ridiculous idea that if a casino opens in Ohio, all of the sudden everyones going to cash in their savings accounts and destroy their lives in the process like mindless cash-hemmorrhaging zombie slaves. That's just ludicrous, people suffering from such obsessive gambling desires, will only blow their money elsewhere, let them funnel it back into the state. Sure, casino owners probably aren't angels, but no one is. Grab your (insert whatever) bill, the CEO of that corporation is a greedy SOB too. As most of us would also be, given similar situations. They are simply providing a service.
  15. Keep the money in our own state. The extreme end of gamblers will either do so online, or out of state, or illegally. Let them spend their money here, create jobs, and support Ohio instead of WV or IN. Plus I'll be able to go play a decent game of blackjack every now and than. That's right, I occasionally gamble. Believe or not I haven't even blown my 401k, or my daughters college fund. I thought that was suppose to happen to everyone that dared the evils of gambling.
  16. I have 900EHP. Shit pulls. Nice ride though, looks slick.
  17. LOL ... and in this corner ...
  18. Teaser pics of wheels are gay. Though I like the wheels themselves.
  19. If you tune, you tune ... from the lowliest civic, to the grandma-iest Buick. If you're me, and you're not, you just ride the rice rainbow all the way to the glorious pot of gold at the end. (the pot of gold being a metaphor for my garage, thusly exiting the garage, and heading down to the manhole to play videogames)
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