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Everything posted by sol740

  1. An interesting point of view, and one I wouldn't argue against. The only possible downfall I see is a possible slippery slope to the standard, dogmatic, rhetoric so common amongst the fiercely religious. In so far as our would be 'second lady' prefering ID being the only curriculum. Well maybe that, and "How to look pretty in evening wear" 101.
  2. We always split some odd hairs with each other, though I have to respectfully disagree that religion (faith) has any place with science (repeated test). Faith is specifically asking the end user to overlook the impossible and just "have faith" no matter what. I respect that, but its not science. Evolution and other notable scientific theories if proven wrong, or if another theory should come along and better fit in with the things we can test and prove, the scientific community will collectively change their minds. Luminiferous aether anyone ? I know, and I felt bad about it. Edited for funny.
  3. 1. is a whole can of worms I shouldn't have opened . 3. I didn't mean diplomacy per se. I was thinking more along the lines of CIA intelligence, investigative and so on so forth. Bolster our intelligence forces and use the military only when needed.
  4. I was imagining more of a study hall for the religious. (don't get me started Richard Dawkins is my hero)
  5. Which are insanely one-sided. Shes a self-appointed morality judge. I am actually for creationism being taught in school, as long as its an electable course. Not in a fucking science class for christs sake.(PI)
  6. You mean am I concerned about my RIGHTS ??? Of course I am. The fact that you would defend the banning of public information goes to show how misinformed you must be about your own personal rights. Voting because "MKV Aaron likes something" is not automatically the "right" reason. Though lets examine your reasons. 1. War: We are in a war costing us billions of dollars a month that has arguably made us no safer than before. If anything our military is now tied up when other more threatening forces gather. Republicans put us there. 2. Taxation: If you're voting red I hope you're already rich. (personally Im for a flat tax because it just seems fair, but whatever) 3. Defense: (Ostensibly War again) Warring with other countries on a whim is not "defense". Thats stupidity. More intelligence is what this country needs, with more transparency between seperate bureaus. 4. Abortion: Im for a womans right to choose, so what ? (I am against 2nd and 3rd term abortions)
  7. I thought she sounded like ... well ... a tool. No offense to tools. Lets see ... zero foreign policy, as in she didn't even have a passport till ... about yesterday. Wants to teach abstinence in schools and ban sex-ed (worked for her!) Wanted to ban books in public libraries that she deemed "amoral". Under investigation for abuse of office. How can anyone like this woman again ? Oh ya, shes pretty and she was a pageant queen. Because all the smartest women I've ever met were wearing sashes at the time.
  8. Good ol' autoerotic asphyxiation. Someone get me a belt and an INXS cd.
  9. 2nd day using Chrome and I am definitely impressed. Not just with the awesome porn mode either. The task manager allows you to see which tab (if any) is causing a problem and can be killed individually, and tabs rip and reattach. Loads most pages quite speedy. Seeing as how its only in beta so far so good.
  10. Every time I say "I take it you've never driven a boosted 4G63 before have you?" to a purely domestic guy I usually get the same answer. "A joosted whatchama 3 ?"
  11. Ya, but you'd do it in the leg or arm or something.
  12. No one here would be saying any of this shit if it was your little brother, or nephew, or god forbid, child. I did dumb shit when I was a kid, and Id bet most of the people in this thread have done similarly stupid things. Whether or not you learn from the stupid things you do is what is important. As far as blaming a kids parents ... that's preposterous, no one can be watched 24/7. Im also fairly certain that you at one point disobeyed your parents teachings. You probabaly didn't die because of it. As far as my own property goes ... hell yeah Id be pissed, maybe an ass whoopin was in order, but a death sentence is a little rediculous. There may be details Im not aware of, maybe the kid pulled a weapon or attacked the guy in which case all the above goes out the window. Outside of that the shooter needs to be dragged out into the street and shot.
  13. I take it you've never driven a car with an LSx before. You should try it ... you might like it. I kid I kid ... that's a fine collection you folks have going.
  14. Welcome. Post pics when u can. Do you come to columbus often ?
  15. Day one so far and I totally dig it. Plus it has a porn mode ... thats almost an instant win right there.
  16. Welcome, sounds like a fun collection. Pics of the rides if ya got em.
  17. Governor Palin ... the same governor Palin that campaigned on sex education being immoral. The one that said abstinence is the only thing our teens should be taught about sex ? Chief Wiggum said it best ... "I told you never to get into my forbidden closet of secrets."
  18. If its less of a memory hog than firefox, Im all over it.
  19. sol740


    Uhhhh ... welcome ... guy who has been a member for a couple years longer than I.
  20. ^ Why thats ... rather good ...
  21. ^ she said she was mine !!!
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