Why did no one help ? Everyone just ran like a bunch of pussies while this poor kid is getting butchered ? How many men were on the bus, had to be at least 3.
I'll always prefer Japanese imports. My first car "love" was a Z32 twin turbo my friends older brother had when I was 11. I love american muscle too, its just not my style.
I don't smoke pot, but there isn't anything wrong with it being used for recreation by adults. Safer than alcohol, that's for sure. I'll drink to that.
Im as die-hard an OSU fan as they come, but a lot of folks in this town are whiners. I'm sure the same could be said about any hometown crowd. I've heard from outsiders Ohio is pretty bad though.
If you're going to cosplay, do it right. Though I still think the Nightmare Armor "Master Chief" still wins for me.
Did I just say that ???
What I meant was "every hot girl dressed up like a slutty (insert heroine/villaness)" wins for me.
Surely this race of half human/half dogs will destroy us all.
I for one submit to our new canine overlords, and will be a diligent laborer in their biscuit mines.