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Everything posted by sol740

  1. The man deserves this honor ... oooooohh yeeeeeah.
  2. sol740

    Goodbye Ohio

    Good luck with your move!
  3. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/200_s_zpsuuto7r0o.gif
  4. I have to award you a point for that.
  5. That's fair enough. I'm only sensitive to it because I've been "corrected" before, and lacked the motivation to bother with an explanation.
  6. Not to interrupt a public banning, but the emphasis is supposed to be on the "could", in a sarcastic tone, as if one were pondering. Though yes, if you are being completely literal, "couldn't" is the proper term. It's "I could care less ..." (As if one would have to make an earnest attempt to actually care less). On topic, I voted no. I do find his posts didactic, pretentious, or arrogant on occasion. Though I suppose my first paragraph could be read in such a way. Ignore button?
  7. sol740

    Ruger SR22

    Congrats, fun little plinkers.
  8. Doing shitty things to animals is super shitty. Having mental-jerkoff fantasies about the retributive justice one would like to see paid on another is hardly altruistic though. It's likely waaaaaaaay more complicated than folks want to admit. Someone who puts an animal through that kind of suffering is likely pretty mentally-damaged, particularly some of the more torturous cases of animal cruelty I've seen. If they are truly mentally ill, sadistically, and compulsively, no I don't want them walking around hurting animals or people, but I have zero desire to watch them suffer.
  9. sol740

    F-ing Tinder

    A friend of mine just fucked up big time on tinder. Is married, and got caught because a single friend of their spouse saw their profile. Supposedly it was pure ego-boosting without any intent to follow through, but I have to secretly call bullshit.
  10. I believe Ice T is the angry black gangsta of whom you speak. Ice Cube was the "FUCK THA POLICE" brand of thuggish banger ... That has also went on to play the role of cop in media :lolguy:
  11. Gotta love the comments on there. Lots of "he disagrees with police abusing citizens but calls for help when he's in trouble ..." thin blue line bullshit. I can't stand this attitude hero-worshippers have about dissenting beliefs. He deserves the exact same service as every other human being in this country regardless of what his personal beliefs are. He could head "KILL MUTHAFUCKING COPS" dot org and this would change nothing. Now, whether or not it actually occurred? I haven't the slightest. Certainly seems like it's timed well, but crazier things have happened.
  12. Success is a combination of drive, hard work, and flat out good luck in varying degrees. In America you have a chance, this chance isn't a guarantee and not everyone starts on equal ground. The drive and hard work are your creations directly, and the good luck portion can be largely mitigated by acceptance of failure. More so, failure is the only guarantee, you will absolutely fail, possibly multiple times in succession. Upon failures there is time to re-access, and adjust course if necessary. Shoot for the stars, hope you hit the moon, and maybe you hit a wormhole. Oh shit, I may be off-topic. Umm, black lives matter.
  13. As opposed to your elightened point of view which is never political tripe? Ever? Yes, socialism coerced through violence is always evil. No matter how good the intentions. People coming together to promote social causes voluntarily is not evil. This is simply a moral issue of right vs. wrong. If we don't agree on this simple tenet, then we certainly won't agree on economics. You will get no argument here from me, this is simply without debate. What is debatable is to what degree the current crop of white/straight/cis males are responsible for the past 200 years of inequality. On the personal level it's absolutely nothing. On the social level the thing that is most glaringly unequal is the criminal justice system which with any high-level, hierarchical, overiew is basically rigged to put poor disadvantaged people into jail. Worse the poor are incentivised to break the law(drugs provide steady income,status, ect), and the law is incentivised (busting drug dealers provides revenue through forfeiture of property or cash, or bonuses for arrests) to put them in jail. Basically ending prohibition would solve much of the problem, but good luck. You never have a popular opinion here (not saying that makes you wrong in that particular instance per se), but sometimes it does seem like you are playing devil's advocate for shits and giggles. This may not be the case, and could just be me misinterpreting an online correspondence, which clearly occurs quite regularly. Clearly your views on socio-economics are typically at least considered and for that I salute you, but you are often rudely dismissive, which is where I think Joe is assigning the bully moniker from. Perhaps you should consider finding a more thoughtful, more well-informed forum to spend your days on. Sigh.
  14. Call of Juarez is GONE ... like Donkey Kong. Which is not up for gifting.
  15. I bought a cheap bundle of games, but I already own two of them. First come, first serve. Far Cry 3 (requires UPLAY client, not Steam) (OUT OF STOCK!) Call of Juarez:Gunslinger (Steam) (OUT OF STOCK!) For what it's worth, I loved both of these games.
  16. You really can't tell what happens, and in what order, but the preceding events certainly color the situation with a tinge of danger, which you don't want when you're facing down a few folks who may be afraid of what you're willing to do. I'm probably your opposite Wagner, I'm very critical of LE, and if anything feel they should be punished all the more severely for proven wrong-doings due to the effect upon the overall system when the public trust begins to breakdown. That said, being critical isn't synonymous with being unfair, and the operative word in that sentence is 'proven'. In the end no matter what this guy said, or what he was involved with, if evidence comes out clearly showing him giving up and then being shot by the police, they should all be prosecuted. If he makes a questionable movement, accidental or not, given the tense nature of the situation the officers have a right to protect their lives and it's a good shoot.
  17. One of these days I wish to have my own Oregon Standoff ... pray I don't get dysentery.
  18. Leave a note that says: "Don't be so greedy." Quite the tip.
  19. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about the surgery, or my care, or positing that my doctors purposefully steered me towards an unnecessary surgery. Clearly with the pain I was in there was fear of a possible rupture. It was just humorous that a story ran about appendicitis, as I'm recovering, likey in relation to the link below. http://www.m.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/news/20150616/appendicitis-can-often-be-treated-with-antibiotics
  20. Well you could be me a few weeks back, walk into the ER with a stabbing stomach ache and get immediately checked in for an appendectomy, no opinions, time to think, or options beyond "well, do you want to die?". I didn't, so I had the surgery, and as I was recovering, literally inside my hospital room, there was a story on the news about how they are treating appendicitis with strong antibiotics now, with a 75% success rate. FUUUUUUUUUUUU ...
  21. Meh, the rule was completely arbitrary anyway, I'm fine with each conference having equal opportunity to decide who it's champ is, and how.
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