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Everything posted by sol740

  1. And I was just about to let my Utah permit expire. I will have to double-check if non-residence is an issue. Also, fuck that guy.
  2. I also read it as a joke on the stereotypical Alabamagrama, but I don't know the guy so ...
  3. Trump is the worst thing that could happen to this country. I'm a small government appreciating, free market espousing, freedom-loving (not pretend freedom-loving, like your average Toby Keith fan, actual freedom) token libertarian, and the man is the most Hitler-esque of any modern candidate I can remember, though his persona is so ridiculous one has to wonder how much of it is an act. Choose between a socialist/scandalous liar who deletes government-related email servers because they're somehow "private", or a bigoted lunatic, who stands firmly against the "small government" ideals his party is supposed to represent, and whose genius ideas include a giant border wall that would cost hundreds of billions to build, and wouldn't work. We are fucked.
  4. And then special teams come through.
  5. I understand and respect your point of view, I simply disagree. If we ever meet you will have met someone who carries regularly, if not daily, and absolutely detests the idea of ever having to use it for defense. There is an unfair stereotype of the "gun nut" who is so paranoid about boogeymen that he can't function and is constantly in fear of attack. As someone who carries so regularly, I can attest that this is not often true. I never think about my having a firearm, I just do. The same way I have my wallet, or keys, it just goes with me. I'm not dwelling on it, or having adolescent power fantasies about being a hero. If I have to leave it behind it does annoy me, but that is relatively rare, and sadly, almost exclusively in places where mass shootings typically occur.
  6. I think you're projecting a bit. It's simple, you get to choose whether or not to carry a firearm, I respect that choice. I simply ask for the same. Very few CCW'ers I know have the billy-badass attitude you bring up, but there are some, sadly. For me, if a shooting is going down I'm looking for ways to get me and my family away from the situation and into relative safety, the firearm allows me to mount a defense should there be forceful denial of that escape. Unlikely? Absolutely. I don't expect my house to catch on fire either but it's insured. The risk is low, but the consequences for inaction, high. We all have to choose our level of comfort.
  7. If the security firm you worked for lost their firearms in 30% of altercations with aggressors your security firm fucking sucks.
  8. If you don't like firearms, don't buy or carry one.
  9. Ban Muslim Guns. Everybody's happy?
  10. Could we end up in the Fiesta ... against (gasp), Houston? Fuuuuuuuuuuuu ...
  11. I had read another news source's article where their status was in question still, and not the linked source.
  12. The US needs to track down and rescue the pilots who ejected, as we supposedly have some ops in the area. This is a peaceful gesture to Russia, while not making an about face to Turkey, who believes their air-space and warnings were violated.
  13. Hey, we lost. Fuck Michigan. If you can't get up for THE GAME, it's time to find a new spectator sport.
  14. sol740

    Walking Dead

    Sounds like quite the SharkJump pretending to kill off beloved main characters so you get to pull the big, soap-opera fake out. COMIC SPOILERS BEGIN COMIC SPOILERS BELOW So glad I quit watching, the comic just fucking murdered his ass out of nowhere and it was brutal, and it could happen to basically anyone, anywhere. Though I quit reading not terribly long after that partially because Negan was so cartoonishly evil, so maybe it doesn't matter.
  15. My sister goes to Harvard, have a five minute conversation with any of her friends. You will want to kill yourself.
  16. Normally I don't share Facebook posts, but this is thoughtfully written, and pertinent.
  17. Fair, and sadly anytime we "miscalculate" a drone attack and bomb a hospital full of children, we create more terrorists. If someone bombed your kid's school, but claimed it was an accident, and collateral damage, who amongst us wouldn't go to war?
  18. C'mon LSU, don't lose to Beavis ...
  19. It's clear that in today's world what we accept as a "terrorist act" has morphed a bit since 9/11, fair or unfair, that happens when you extinguish three thousand lives in a single orchestrated attack. Though that act was as political as it was steeped in religious dogma, with a lot of those in Al Queda being largely disliked by ISIS members and leadership. However, how closely are they following the texts they hold so dear? Again in the bible there are plenty of verses to detest, but very few incidents of organized Christians bombing large public events, non-believers, or other innocent non-combatants. I do not give a pass to fundementalist extremists of any creed, color, or nation. Buddhists extremists are as detestable as Muslim extremists, or Christian extremists, or political extremists. I would also separate clearly mentally deranged lone-wolves (a lot of mass-shooters) from those unified under a common ideological flag though.
  20. The problem is anytime someone criticizes Islam, folks immediately start pulling the "you're a racist" card, and it's complete bullshit. I don't want to restate the exact same points I made in yesterday's thread, which none refuted with any semblance of reason, or logic, just emotional "stop the racism!" nonsense. ISIS is following an incredibly literal interpretation of the Qur'an. Do most Muslims? No, of course not. Is it because of their skin color? No, of course not. Are there a disturbingly high number of radicalized followers? Absolutely, look at the Pew Poll numbers. Now the ideas in most "ancient holy books" are horribly backwards, and inconsistent with modern values. The "Big 3" are all chock full of despicable views, but which of those three currently has followers numbered in the millions, exercising the hateful, violent commands in their precious holy books, with alarming regularity? In statistically significant numbers, only one, and the ideas are deserving of critique.
  21. And a quality loss, and that's what really counts.
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