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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I had an Evo 8, it creaked and rattled like a pro. Other than that, if you're ready to move on I'd say go for it.
  2. sol740

    New Rig

    Congrats, just in time for Fallout 4.
  3. Despite all the well-timed emotional outcries, there are no realistic, feasible solutions to the problem of gun-related violence. Well, outside of ending the drug war, but the governemnt LIVES off of that money so fuck that madness. Often we hear about tougher background checks as a means to screen the mentally ill. Keep in mind the NICS background check we already have in place is adequate in weeding out the already criminally violent, yet criminals still end up with guns, so we know background checks will not stop the proliferation of firearms. Forget that, how can we also, not stop the mentally ill from getting a firearm. Well we could create a national database keeping track of anyone who has had prior need for mental health related issues and flag them for a potential deeper dive before allowing a firearm to be sold to them from a licensed dealer or private seller. Of course this also creates a few looming issues, even outside of the obvious HIPPA issues, for one it would genuinely discourage the mentally ill from seeking any help if they knew they could be blacklisted from making a future purchase. For instance would a right-leaning, firearms enthusiast who served his country, but may have PTSD seek the help he needs knowing that his name will end up on the no-sell list? Who gets to decide who is on this list? Does "wanting to own a firearm" eventually become a marker for potentially violent, or paranoid behavior? The best part? It doesn't even matter if we have the perfect, most sensible background check ever devised, because ... The entire notion of stronger background checks being needed, and keeping guns out of mentally ill hands is a shell game. The system will inevitably fail, as it would have failed in Virginia, thus leading to the need for even more COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL. Because if you disagree, YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE COMMON SENSE. See, when it inevitably fails, and the background checks now scour every personal sliver of your life up to and including any violent jokes you may have made on social media as a teenager, the problem won't be background checks, it will be that the dangerous still get a hold of firearms even with the background checks in place.
  4. A piece of shit got the jump on three people, realistically little could have been done, as normal people don't walk around constantly looking over their shoulder for surprise attacks. I've been in sketchy situations where my awareness was heightened or shitty parts of town where I paid extra attention, but these people were working, and how often do folks stare, get close to, or want to be around the local newscasters/reporters. We had a story make the news in my old neighborhood in blacklick and I must've seen half my neighbors outside walking down towards the interview trying to get on TV, or see what was happening. So I can imagine that these people are relatively used to having random folks cycle in and out of their periphery, and they're probably instructed not to lose focus on the job at hand because random plebians moving about.
  5. I hear your points. I'm thinking 49-10 goodguys. At least one pick-6. Brewer under constant harassment, less than 20% 3rd down conversation rate. The stadium will be raucous and loud ... for one quarter. Make your predictions.
  6. I recognize the possibility that we could lose, we've inexplicably lost to Purdue, or Iowa before, I know these things can and will happen. However as much as we will be the favorite in likely every game we play, the players and coaches know we lost to VT last year, it's the last shred of doubt, the last chance you get to be the "underdog" because no matter what the records say about the 2014 season, this game was an L. Meyer is a coaching genius, he's feeding them this. They will be ready, and I am expecting not only a W, but a mauling. They beat us last year in our house, then went on to lose to Wake gawd damn Forest. I want the team to turn Blacksburg red, leave no doubt that last year was a fluke. Or, Frank Beamer is Urban's kryptonite and we'll have all season to recover, and get to hear about how we lost to FUCKING VIRGINIA FUCKING TECH all season in route to the playoffs. Hopefully there's another hilarious log-jam in the Big12 and they get shut out again because that would be for the funnies.
  7. Count me out as nervous. You put Jones, Miller, Zeke, and Thomas out on the field and there isn't a team in the ACC I'd be afraid to play. Yes, Jones. Ya know, the baby-faced giant who shows no quarter (even to hospitalized children) won 3 championship games in a row, has a howitzer where his arm should be, flattens 300 pound nose guards when he scrambles, and would likely be JUUUUUUUST fine behind a more limited receiver core having excelled at the 1,2 run type look. We only have Thomas, Miller, and Vannett? My god we are in TROUBLE.
  8. Michigan St would have it's hands full ... :gabe: ... with Indiana being the SEC East champ and all.
  9. Here you have two conflicting beliefs, legal or not (and legal doesn't equal moral for any bootlickers out there). One is that this device is capable of flying in what is considered "airspace" therefore one is free to fly their toy wherever they feel like it(some restrictions apply clearly), no different than driving down a public road. The other is a homeowner's desire to have some privacy in one's own backyard. The laws simply haven't caught up with the technology but sadly we shouldn't even need laws like this to prevent folks from being assholes. Sure, it's relatively minor, but it's not whether or not you think it's a nuisance or not, it's how the other party feels about the situation. As the operator I would imagine they got some inkling that the homeowner wasn't terribly thrilled about the device being above his property, prior to shots being fired. The obvious answer is to offer your fellow man some basic respect while, for all intents and purposes, being on his property. If, for instance, you were sitting in your car taking pictures of my windows, house, family members, and so on, parked on the public street, you have the right to do that, but I will be paying you a visit and asking you what you are doing and why. This situation is different of couse in that I would have no recourse to inquire as to what this is about, or why there is a focus on my property or family. I can empathize the homeowner's frustration in having no avenue with which to voice a complaint save a middle finger, which I can only assume likely happened anyway. What this boils down to is this, just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should, and some simple discretion would have avoided the entire situation. Nope, now we have lawyers, and police, and court fees, and lots of time wasted not relaxing in one's yard, and not piloting a quadcopter. Now if the guy just saw a quad/drone/fuck you whatever it is, flying bye once or twice and just shot it because he's crazy then all that goes out the window.
  10. If Florida can somehow stop sucking ass, win the east, and somehow, against all odds win the SEC championship ending up in the playoff, it would be quite the fucking story. Even crazier than the "Saban ran Meyer out of the SEC" nonsense that was the talk last year. Urban crushed Ohio State with his Florida team, I'd like to see him return the favor ... to himself ... or something.
  11. Joey Bosa use smaller man as battering ram to sack quarterback.
  12. I may head on out if I can finish some work.
  13. I acquired the .380 your collection is missing as part of a trade, and sold it not long after. While it did FTF on me once, that was out of the 300 or so rounds I put through it, for the price, you could do worse.
  14. Mother Nature shot her primordial man-load out of the ocean and onto the plains of Africa. I believe that sums up the whole of human evolutionary history quite succinctly. Hence this woman is only getting in touch with her roots. Which are vast and buried deeply, twisting and turning intricately. Like a web you could say. A web of lies.
  15. Curry certainly made some circus shots in the 4th, and had me getting nervous after a mostly controlled game through 3. The depth issues are going to have an effect and I'm just hoping the good guys have enough gas in the tank.
  16. That's pretty neat, congrats.
  17. That's cetainly possible, just naming off a service other than ATT, WOW and TW. I've never been in a Verizon territory so I have never looked into whether it was rolled out here. Ohio being so populous, I just sort of assumed that by now it would have hit somewhere.
  18. Who is the local telco? If it's Verizon you may have FIOS options.
  19. That washing machine knows how to party.
  20. Someone better get Kirk Ferentz a raise, how can this stand?
  21. BCM sent me a bunch of schwag, which I was happy to receive, but I don't need five BCM posters in my office. Anybody want one or all? They are roughly 24x18, see pic with mags. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/20150402_1936110101_zpswy2linun.jpg
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