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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Yeah, I could do without the whole bandits having a different skin, but oh well. Also for me the point is simply surviving and finding loot, so I don't have to think about much else. It's crazy just how fast and out of nowhere you can end up in trouble. I was walking through a field last night, minding my noise level, watching the area for zombies, and as I run around past a busted truck a damn crawling zombie scared the shit out of me. Shoot him dead, and the next thing I know there are 20 of them. Had to run like a bitch to a farmhouse where I could funnel them through the doorway. Plus I was losing blood so my hands were shaking and I could barely get the shots off.
  2. Day-Z is a Zombie mod for Arma 2, and I've been having a blast with it. It's basically a multiplayer survival horror game, except if you die that's it, you have to start all over again from the basic loadout. Whatever loot you had is being worn by whomever killed your sorry ass. Yup, besides the hundreds of zombies trying to kill you, any other player has incentive to kill you for your stuff, because loot is scarce, and therefore valuable. Sometimes people form little bandit gangs and you might be fighting half a dozen trolls, wanting to loot you for your 4 makarov magazines, some water or food(all of which you need to survive), or just to be assholes. Your visibility and sound level all play into whether you are spotted by a zombie or not, and yes, when you shoot one, the others in the area notice, and head that way. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3481582 http://dayzmod.com/about.php
  3. I don't know, all the usual alarms went off, but I got a trustworthy vibe from these guys.
  4. I think it's hawt. Congrats man.
  5. So if this guy is shot with an old 30-06, was it not assault? California, combining the hottest girls with the dumbest laws.
  6. I like the part where I got connected for free.
  7. Your car is private property and cannot be searched without a warrant, permission, or probable cause. There is something or other about arms length reach, that supposedly is within the officers discretion.
  8. This was easy to jerk off to, but then I starting crying right after I ejaculated. Which is difficult when you've smeared peanut butter all over your face, hands, and genitals because of the the cement like consistency of the cum/tears/peanut butter mixture. Weird. Anyways, get back to your totally normal inflating.
  9. Kids will just start using IM or another data method to avoid being an easily trackable offense. SMS is tagalong data, and is tracked differently than standard data. SMS has a character limit because it's riding along with other tiny bits and bytes that your phone transfers all the time anyway to be able to operate as a phone.
  10. Right, plus you have to go to court, interrupt your life, and likely pay more than the ticket costs to "win". I'm sure most of us would rather pay the fine than go through the hassle and that is a problem. This is what your government does, finds ways to tax you as much as possible under the guise of safety.
  11. Our society is always in need of more laws, especially laws that are difficult to enforce, yet provide a stream of revenue to incentivise its possible abuse. Will this mean I'll have to go to court to prove I was changing songs on my music app, or turning off GPS, or any of the other things we all do on our phones.
  12. sol740

    Diablo 3

    Why didn't I call off work today. Glad I didn't stay up till 3am after hearing about the server issues. Totally expected for this type of release though.
  13. sol740

    Diablo 3

    Had it downloaded for some time, but won't unlock till 12am PST. Oh well, I'll play tomorrow.
  14. I say you start an exclusive hunting club for the wealthy and powerful where you provide exotic locales, and the only prey that could excite such advanced palettes ... MAN. Then you invite this guy out to a "we so sorry" bro-fest. He'll feel awesome on the inside because he's never had a friend before, then ... THE HUNT IS ON.
  15. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/tumblr_m1pegdY1A31qerri4o1_500.jpg
  16. The drop my friend. The drop.
  17. Jesus motorcycle Paul is motherfucking win!
  18. Wait for iiiiiiit. Hopefully not a repost.
  19. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/GTO-1.jpg Maybe you like, maybe you don't. Though Berto makes a good point.
  20. I'm sure this would take me to work just as well as any other car.
  21. Interested in plans for cavalier.
  22. Nice! Want to see with stripe first. I may be interested in the wheels too.
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