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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    Israel and Iran

    don't mind me, just trollin through.
  2. sol740

    Israel and Iran

    Waiting for native Americans to kick in my door.
  3. Very nice, can't wait to see the numbers. Good looking car too.
  4. sol740

    Kony 2012

    Atrocities? Yes. Terrible? Yes. Solution that solves problem? Not to be found. There are horrific, worthless bastards that will inflict unspeakable acts of terror upon those who cannot defend themselves. In most of these places the displacement of one warlord or corrupt government only serves as a promotion for some other scumbag or group of. I'm not saying I don't care about such matters, because I do, but what can we realistically do that solves the problem. We've tried arming insurgents to fight for themselves before, didn't turn out so well. We've removed dictators and terrorists from power before, some of whom we may or may not have appointed. Why didn't The Devil Came On Horseback get a similar Facebook push?
  5. Hilarious. Fuck those pieces of human shit.
  6. sol740


    I will excuse Freddie Mercury on account of rocking so hard. Also when these tracks were said to be recorded, Michael Jackson was not only still black, but the only jokes about him you heard were in regards to his hair catching on fire, and whether or not he had a hilariously inappropriate relationship with a primate, as opposed to his face melting off his newly outfitted carbon nanotube skeleton, and whether or not he had horrific, inappropriate relationships with little boys.
  7. sol740


    Hmmm , MJ and Will.I.Am huh? Sounds like I should pour some caustic liquid into my ears before I am somehow exposed.
  8. sol740

    What is this?

    Bumper pool table.
  9. I'm a big fan of boresnakes and good CLP soak for most of my cleaning duties. I have a decent amount of brushes and picks as well. Other than the CLP I do grease some areas depending on the firearm. I also recently picked up a gas tube cleaner. When I was still a total handgun noob I don't think I cleaned my Glock 17 for a couple years. :lolguy: Now I think I sort of enjoy cleaning my guns.
  10. Nice pickup, I know some folks that love these pistols.
  11. Ha, I just busted out tranceport like two days ago.
  12. Black Sun Empire Noisia Spor's been killing it for a while Oh, and Hospital records ... I don't even try to keep up anymore, EDM moves too quick. Plus I pretty much only listen to drum and bass.
  13. Year of live, chatpad, headset, and 400 points. $40 shipped. Edit: Link removed. Mods lock this please. That sold out super quick.
  14. In theory we agree, I simply prefer it be a matter of privatized freedom, not religion specifically since that would be implied.
  15. See above. Please be more specific so I can actually try to formulate a rebuttal. We are not strictly speaking of religious institutions, we are speaking of any employer who decides to impose his morality on his employees. Now I've yet to state my personal position, just asked absolutely valid questions, as they pertain to the possible abuse of opening such a Pandoras box. If you allow institutions, religious in funding or otherwise, to dictate what coverage they provide (negotiated with their provider or providers) via ala carte selection of coverages, based solely on the employers superstitious beliefs, the doors are open for just about any discrimination you can imagine, as religion is completely intangible. Should we have such freedom? Well yes, but that conversation would be way longer than a BC thread. Also while I would rather pay for a pill than a pregnancy/abortion/welfare check, I would rather the system not set up a Pavlovian response to popping out babies in the first place.
  16. So what if someone decides their religion is against unwed mothers having babies and their insurance shouldn't have to cover it, or even treatment of disease it finds questionable? Maybe cancer is gods punishment for their sins. That sounds extreme, but religion allows for extreme stupidity.
  17. ... and here I was going to defend the Carlton Freeman, then you dissed the DJ CC?
  18. Best thing found on chatroulette ever. http://i.imgur.com/6lwfw.jpg
  19. Sounds like this needs to happen.
  20. If I don't spit into it I have nothing to aim at/chase down the drain.
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