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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I would also like 5 plz.
  2. Congrats on the new piece. Definitely considering adding one to the collection.
  3. sol740

    S&W Shield

    Sweet, let us know.
  4. Shit talking makes for a fun thread, but I hope we see this race soon. Sounds like a good one. Also: Witcher Wolf spotted.
  5. Shit, landing on "Free Parking" and winning the money in the middle of the board is BS too. Fuck, next I'll learn Fireball Island had rules against me crushing everyone each turn. http://www.criticalmiss.com/issue10/CampaignRealMonopoly1.html
  6. Now I'm not saying you are wrong or right, or that the above quoted is wrong or right, just saying I wouldn't want to be the case law that sets the precedent. If you are in fear of your life, defend yourself.
  7. Might bring my happy ass out.
  8. Wow, shit just got a whole lot real-er. Don't play around with someone who has fixated on you, and may have mental issues. Find a firearm, be ready to defend yourself. Do not shoot anyone unless you see a weapon. Or he enters your home(garage doesn't count).
  9. OP, I imagine if this thread was more like ... "... anyone ever have a neighbor that hated your car and you feel like you're being mostly respectful of the neighborhood, wtf did you do ..." ... many would have likely raised their hands, and offered some advice. (Not the trolls, they probably would have told you to eat a cock, or to do a burnout in front of the house) Hell when I had the Evo my down the street neighbor fucking hated it because of the exhaust, and complained to our HOA. No big deal, he was a crotchety old fuck and it didn't bother me beyond that. What I didn't do was annoy the rest of the neighborhood into agreeing with him by reinforcing his primary complaint(say bouncing off rev limiter, and popping my recirculating but still noticeable BOV, up and down our streets). Anyways you'll find that people "back down" as they grow up. Usually to avoid unsavory reprocussions, like jail, which leads to loss of employment, which leads to divorce because your wife can't believe how fucking dumb you acted, and how broke you've become from the jail and loss of job, which leads to spousal or child support, court fees, and all kinds of terrible shit. Not to defend any keyboard warrioring that occurs, just advising. Tilley, <3.
  10. sol740

    S&W Shield

    Oh shit, do want.
  11. Wow, blacks are racist against whites, whites are racist against arabs(blacks are off limits right now), asians are prejudiced towards anyone taller than 5'7", indians are racist toward native americans for stealing their names. What is actually "racist" is trying to draw lines in the "who's more racist" sand, by grouping everybody together. The entire circular logic of "I've met racist blacks, therefore blacks are more racist", just reeks of bias.
  12. Ah, Mike Tyson, our last bastion of reason, and sound scruples.
  13. Should he escape the criminal charge, he is likely fucked anyway. I would say that preponderance of evidence would allow for a hefty civil moneyraping. Though not totally familiar with Florida law, so I may be wrong.
  14. Yeah, I can see that. Though, I think a trial is in order, if for nothing else, because the dead is this case was completely unarmed. Zimmerman would be smart to release detailed photos of his alleged injuries, and or other medical info. Not just some grainy, shitty, surveillance footage. I mean, I take detailed photos of minor fender benders, and we know he has a phone
  15. Like I said, that's speculation. He could have just as easily started a confrontation, become overwhelmed, and attempted to retreat to his vehicle. Just to clarify, that's also speculation. The point is I can't possibly know that.
  16. Legal majority shoots and kills unarmed legal minority, he admitted to chasing, despite being advised not to. He was out of his vehicle, when the shooting occurred. You can speculate he was attacked just as easily as you could speculate that Trayvon felt threatened, and acted in self-defense. I see little in the above that would constitute a clean shoot.
  17. sol740

    Hot or Not?

    Do you still have to cuddle? I mean of course not. Yeah, that's what I meant.
  18. THUNDER BUDDIES! Gonna say NWS for language, and inanimate object humping. No repost? http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/d5477d7535/ted-restricted-trailer
  19. I'm really sorry to hear this. I hope for the best.
  20. Oh no, won't someone please think of that poor home-invading criminal ...
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