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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I have to buy some fuckin ice cream like never before.
  2. I miss my Evo. Will own another someday.
  3. sol740

    Ruger SR22

    Don't have but do want.
  4. http://completelyseriouscomics.com/comics/2012-02-06-brobafett.jpg
  5. I assume it's because of that.
  6. Yeah my Evo had looked the same. Minus the window being broken. Seriously though, I fucking hate thieves and hope they get what's coming to them.
  7. Sorry also man. That's got to be tough.
  8. I believe knife laws very from municipality to municipality, with the general consensus being to stay with a blade of 3 inches or less, and to never speak of it as a weapon, but a tool. I've carried in movie theaters and will continue to at locations that allow it. Dude sounds like an idiot, but I'm not sure of his intent whether evil, or that felt he needed multiple weapons for defense.
  9. Expect of yourself, what you expect of others. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. Be as skeptical of your own beliefs, as you are of others.
  10. Pick a firearm size/style you will actually carry daily. Then pick the largest caliber for that gun you can comfortably put on target multiple times in 2 seconds. Or just go with the 19 cause it's an awesome gun. For what it's worth I've loved my m&p9c as a daily. Also swap with the LCP when I absolutely need to.
  11. It goes hand in hand because the government knows criminals will get firearms regardless, thus making even more restrictions that directly effect criminals pointless. Logically the next step to"keeping them out of criminal hands" tends to be restrictions upon law-abiding citizens. Even though rifles are rarely used in firearms homicides/shootings, something like less than 5%. Seems like a lot of effort for what is in the grand scheme of crime, a small issue. Assault rifle is just a scary word, I prefer "defense rifle". The government already interferes enough in my life in regards to the freedoms I'm suppose to have by right of birth. Plus when the government takes a right, they tend to keep them. Also harder restrictions would do little to curb the James Holmes's of the world, people who have squeaky clean records, and are by all accounts intelligent, albeit disturbed.
  12. Firearms restrictions for bad guys already exist. Many just don't listen. They obtain stolen firearms, or straw purchases. Also people who have never committed a crime cross the threshold daily, and would also be unaffected by laws. So to answer your question. I don't know.
  13. Punishing criminals one would think would work, but it largely doesn't as the perps often don't care, or are too dumb. Taking guns away from the general public is evil, and would not stop criminals from obtaining and using firearms. Larger police forces are an arm of the government that specializes in revenue generation more so than crime prevention. Unfortunately I see very few things one can do beyond being prepared to defend oneself at all times, hoping for the best in people, and planning for the worst. That sounds awfully deflating, I am truly open to bright ideas.
  14. How dare this woman use violence. She should be arrested, she's obviously a menace.
  15. ^ very cool. Nice to see us getting some positive coverage. Actually, I take that back. Will wait and see if it's actually positive.
  16. Jesus Christ: Mercenary Hunter
  17. Fuck, this must happen. I need groupies stat.
  18. If these are the lax requirements for being an Asian pop star, I need to fly over there and have a go at it. Plus I'm American, and have an eyelid fold without the help of surgery.
  19. You heard the man ... he was a child molester.
  20. But, but, but ... guns are responsible for all of our evils as a species!
  21. Very nice, congrats! Just bought a m&p lower receiver myself.
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