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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I stand corrected. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/priuslose.jpg
  2. I don't know, I could use a Prius right about now with regular at 4 bucks. I don't think I'd brag to anyone online about killin a Jazzy Scooter.
  3. Yup, add speeding tickets to that list as well.
  4. Anyone who has ever seen that thread sucks on the balls of monkeys. Yes, me too now, and you ... and you.
  5. I say Vette or A8 on list, G8 offlist.
  6. I like operating systems.
  7. sol740

    WBC back at it

    They are typical Baptists like Scientologists are typical scientists. Feel no shame.
  8. sol740

    WBC back at it

    That and pretty much any event where they might generate controversy. Like picketing a dead child's funeral, in unimaginably horrible ways. They are absolute scum, and an unfortunate side effect of free speech. Of course free of speech, is not free of consequence. I will have no pity when they meet them.
  9. sol740

    WBC back at it

    Fuck these worthless bastards. Everyone wear white shirts and Guy Fawkes masks and no one will know who did what, all I'm saying.
  10. Even being considered somewhat left, Paul would likely get my vote.
  11. WTF happened in here. Congrats on the sale Derek, I saw the car a couple times leaving work and it was tits. Made me miss mine. Good luck with the FC.
  12. Why I consulted this very flowchart, and look at me now. I can swim, and ride a bike again, and the ladies don't know it's not a C6Z06 till they're putting their panties back on, and itchin up something fierce.
  13. sol740

    TW VS. WOW

    You're far better off talking to your neighbors and getting their experiences, as they would more likely mirror your own. All networks have congestion/facilities/hardware problems, the key is finding the one that works best in your area. Anecdotal evidence one way or another is likely based in truth, but not necessarily beneficial.
  14. Good luck bro ! Call me when you are back in town and able to party (play video games),and pick up hose (help me with landscaping).
  15. What Tim said. LOL. Good composition is the skill one needs to hone, then equipment, and editing can many times fix what would otherwise be a poor image. Definitely post examples of "bad shots". I use to shoot with a 4mp p&s Canon and in good light, it was capable of decent pics. Lowlight was its weakness, but for cars it was fine with a long exposure + tripod. Most of the pics in my "Evo" and "300zx" albums were taken with a p&s. That's probably why I chose Canon when I stepped up to an SLR.
  16. Well she certainly isn't home-schooling him.
  17. On this support page for the Galaxy S with T-Mobile it states one must have a tethering option on their plan to use the feature. http://support.t-mobile.com/doc/tm55785.xml?related=y&Referring%20Related%20DocID%20List%20Index=5&navtypeid=6&pagetypeid=7&prevPageIndex=1 This. Most providers won't care if you don't rape the network.
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