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Everything posted by sol740

  1. You're still in here ? We're talking FOTOs EDITEEEN.
  2. your road area by the picnic table looks way cleaner though. I didn't think to make it more uniform after I removed the table, and I didn't see yours till mine were done. :fuuuu: Thanks, just CS5.
  3. Just threw a couple together without the picnic table, signs and lights. Also made the blacktop a little darker. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/s42.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/s42-3.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/s42-2.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/s42-1.jpg
  4. I don't care for them personally, but to each their own.
  5. sol740

    Halo 4

    Bungie-less Halo huh ? Will wait and see.
  6. Wow, it got Darth Revan from KOTOR. Impressed I am.
  7. I can definitely see where you're coming from, and your heart is totally in the right place. I just can't agree with you on several levels. Though as it pertains to "time you can never get back", it could also just as easily be "time you wished you had never seen come to pass". I certainly don't think any one, two, or how many other lines of reasoning need be applied to a patient beyond their own cognizant wishes.
  8. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/sig33.jpg
  9. It should a choice. If you don't agree, don't do it. Freedoms can be ugly, but are freedom nonetheless.
  10. sol740


    Nice seeing everybody. Except the new guy. He was a douche. I kid I kid. Car sounded good on the way out Brandon.
  11. sol740


    My tires iz bald, but I may head out anyway. Unless I end up playing video games. I just downloaded one where you get to choose between hundreds of vehicles. Choose whatever mod-path you like best, then you take your car to a virtual meet, and park it in the virtual lot. You can earn serious buffs just dropping points into Speech.
  12. Could be useful. Also CR raids.
  13. I may know someone who can lock this up, shoot me a PM.
  14. I am going to try to make it.
  15. So are we going to do a CR waterboarding meet and collection fund? One try, vids, first person to clear 15 seconds(or in the event of a tie, whomever lasts longest) gets the cash ?
  16. I don't think weakness has anything to do with it. I think it trips part of your brains basic survival responses and that's that, your body flips its shit. I certainly think one could be trained into having a tolerance, but the more I read into it, the more it seems pretty unbearable for the untrained. Just my .02. Sounds pretty fucked up.
  17. Here I'fe ben tolled all my live that chinese folks is smrt.
  18. Well, naturally you can't hurt the already dead. So fuck em in their "dead" earholes with a large bore drill bit.
  19. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/rapetime.jpg
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