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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Correct, if shoving bamboo shoots up their fingernails net out to reliable intel, efficiently, so be it. However there is no evidence that torture gets you more reliable info than standard interrogation, and more often gets unreliable info, that wastes lots of time (money, our taxpayer money) on seeking out false leads and made up stories. People will say just about anything to get out of being tortured, which is why it's not terribly effective. That's before you even take into consideration whether you're violating any international treaties/agreements.
  2. sol740


    Clubhouse ain't shit when you roll up in a lude.
  3. sol740


    Cody, take Kirks advice here. Log off, back away from the keyboard, and chill for a moment. You are really coming off like a prick here, and I've never met you. Worse than that, based off the impressions some good folks on here are giving me, I wouldn't want to meet you. Now that's not entirely fair, and I tend to get along with just about anyone that can manage some basic respect, and courtesy. I do try to judge folks for myself, and not be swayed by some internetting bullshit. Not only that, but I remember your intro thread being relatively decent for someone your age. However in this case we have, at the very least, one person who says you were in, on, or whatever to their car, and regardless of how you remember it, man up, apologize about it, and be done with it. Someone opens my car door without my expressed permission I assume they are trying to steal from me. That would not be a very good situation. Back to the lecture at hand, even fail of fucktastic proportions can be righted. The only reason I am not calling you a complete and total fucking moron is solely due to your age, which predispositions you to moronic shit anyway. How ? Chill the fuck out, don't attract so much awful attention. Respect others stuff, like you want your stuff respected, and let's not interject with an opinion on every possible topic, or criticism. Of course, what the fuck do I know anyway? Unless this is some clever ruse(actually take back the clever part), and now I look like an idiot. In which case fuck all you guys.
  4. sol740


    Seriously ... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/cody.jpg ^ like motherfucking April of 2011 ? And this thread exists already?
  5. sol740

    Drink of Choice?

    Mixed: Glenfiddich mixed with rocks Beer: Sam Adams Shot: Appletini extra tini ... by which I mean more single malt, though only boorish ogres do shots of liquor.
  6. Pics of tits for justice. This can save us. EDIT: oh and car sounds neat ... in for pics of that too.
  7. I have several applications out there for potential swingfriendly sacks. I heard I am on the list for a possible callback. Also interested in swingfriendly breasts, ya know ... till they get all saggy anyway.
  8. sol740


    I vote fight to the death, Gentlemen's Duel. Monocle, optional. I DEMAND SATISFACTION !
  9. Generic comment about LSx.
  10. Tressell was OSU's sacrificial lamb. Present him to the NCAA and hope it appeases the God Of Sanction. To their credit, it looks like they did everything they could to keep him, but he tied his rope when he tried to cover it up. I liked Tressell, I may not have agreed with him all the time, but his record made that unimportant. I would love to see Meter, Gruden, or Dungy personally.
  11. Model rockets ... are a blast :masturboy:.
  12. That is the very height of good taste, and clean luxury. You would all do well to learn by it.
  13. Here's a novel idea. Tough punishments for criminals, for the promotion of decency in society. And I don't mean 3 a day and a roof.
  14. That's how you get +rep. Hello Jordyn, I'm not going to pretend to be a VW person, so I have nothing of substance to say about your ride, so I'll just say "Welcome".
  15. Welcome, good intro, and neat collection.
  16. Till you find the one dumb piece of shit that doesn't take kindly to being "kicked out" of anything, by anyone, and decides to do something really stupid.
  17. I must have pulled up immediately after it happened, I didn't actually see the accident but I checked my call history and my 911 call was at 10:23. I don't remember specifically seeing an SUV either, but I'll be honest I was a little freaked out by the whole situation. I did not hear him speak. I've been feeling ill about this all day. I know I didn't know this man, but it just makes you realize how fragile everything is.
  18. Oh man, that is terrible news. I'm so sorry to hear that.
  19. Agreed, very neat idea if you could make all of it work without fear of liability, and with efforts to minimize potential bullshit via key cards and whatnot.
  20. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_7627-1.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/IMG_7611-1.jpg
  21. I went out to Polaris to check out QSL and didn't see anybody, then considered heading over to HD till I saw lightning. Then I just went home.
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