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Everything posted by Reed44

  1. I love ford but that was pretty good. :nod:
  2. Would I have anyone in my range? I dont want to run by myself, and when I dont, I dont want them getting the leash out or anything.
  3. Thorne-Yea it will be fun but I hate to get all that snow and salt on it. Amy-Your not brining the mustang?
  4. 21% thats pretty good. I dont know of anyone more than 18% at my store. I guess working a sunday could be better than a saturday becuase sunday is shorter. Saturday is supposed to be the money day though.
  5. for sure. I cant wait to see what the evo runs. Im gonna love having the track to our selves all day.
  6. I work at NTB part-time for school. I dont work sundays becuase If I need to go home then I have a day to do it. I would not give up a 8-5 m-f job. Unless the work environment is horrible. Are you planning to be a sales guy or tech. There is money to be made at NTB but you have to sell your ass off if your a sales guy. I see techs making $250-$300 in commison in one day sometimes. If your slow then your pay check is not so nice. Did they offer you a fall back on your weekly pay?
  7. Yeah I miss torque and the rear end slidding around. aaaahhhh.
  8. yea it makes me want to trade back. It wasnt faster than the mustang at first when it was at 18lbs. I turned it up to 20 and now I cant tell. Mostly because I cant drive the car yet. Its real quick off the line but I still think the mustang has more testicles.
  9. Its hard getting use to but its a fun car to drive. I see my mustang everyday so it makes it even harder. I figured out how to launch it, now I just have to perfect it. I cant wait for norwalk, I have no clue what it will run.
  10. shhhhhh just let it happen. It will all be fine.
  11. sweet, turbo weather. Hopefully low 13's
  12. Just wondering if anyone knew which one it was.
  13. I wasnt bitching about it. I was getting a better understanding of the rules and if they were going to be inforced as norwalk staff did. Like I said, I have no problem wearing a helment. The strictness of it just depends if I have to drive back home and get it. I dont even know what I will run. What will my evo run. Sorry I messed up thought.
  14. yep, the usually. Everyone hates the west side.
  15. ok thanks. Whats going on tonight on the west side? I cant get on clevelandracing yet untill they let me register.
  16. Not trying to create a argument but I went up there and they told me that 13 second rule and not to worry about a helment. They told me I did need one but also dont worry about it. They didnt seem to strict on it. I ran mid 13's with my mustang with out a helment. There was not an issue. I dont have a problem with wearing one. Just wondering if you are going to be like that towards the rules. I dont even know what I will run in the EVO. I can launch it decently now, and I am running 20psi. Any thaughts?
  17. How strict is the helment/13sec rule. I went there with my mustang running 13's at a night event and had no trouble. Reason I ask is because I will have to drive all the way back home to columbus just to get my helment.
  18. I am trying to hook up a shift light in my evo but cant figure out what wire I need. It says the negative coil wire so I looked it up on mitchell, found the wire, probed it, and nothing. Does anyone know where I am supposed to hook the tach signal up to?
  19. Please inform me where these races are going on. I live off stearns road on the west side.
  20. nurkvinny- Sorry. Im waiting on my sister to get pics of the evo. I should have it done tonight.
  21. Sorry to hear that. Hope you get it fixed. If you dont go can you give that sticker to someone who is. Thanks.
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