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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. I get a funny feeling that the people complaining about bikers on the road are the same people who would complain about using tax dollars to pave a bike path on the shoulder too.
  2. I'm loling that people are surprised a company in a capitalist country would do something in their best interest to make a profit.
  3. It still costs more to buy one new movie on DVD than it would to go with the double plan at the new price. Netflix is a want not a need, you can complain all you want but I am betting the majority of people who can afford Netflix currently can still afford it at the new price. Honestly it's unreal how many people are acting like Netflix has gone and raped their first born or something.
  4. Welcome, and as stated above if you don't put some pics up it could get messy. I just picked mine up a couple months ago, only done TIP/SRI and RMM inserts. Any mods?
  5. I've got a rubbermaid tub full of loose ones, probably 300 or so in there. Then I have a plastic thing with about 30 in box ones that were either rare or doubles. Probably won't ever get rid of them.
  6. So here is my question. I bought my car from my dad, I paid a decent chunk in cash but still ended up financing about $10,000 of it through my credit union. Let's say that I had put down something ridiculous like $100 for the sale price or did the whole family gift thing. Would the DMV, seeing that my car has a lien on it, be able to figure out that I was paying at the very least $10,000 for the car? Not like it matters since I already paid the tax on the actual sale price (sort of), but I'm just wondering what could have happened if I tried to get around the system. Could come in handy for the future.
  7. Fuck, wish I would've known about this when I bought the MS3 from my father. We fudged the numbers a little bit but I still paid sales tax on $15,000. I had heard that they did away with the whole family gifting thing, that's what I get for not checking.
  8. I would still check into applying, we now have people who work for Progressive but underwrite the homeowners policies on behalf of Homesite and ASI. They are trying to go this route rather than underwrite their own policies (which I think they tried some years ago but couldn't turn a profit on it.) Are you licensed just for claims or for sales also?
  9. http://i679.photobucket.com/albums/vv153/cmoneymontana/seinfeld.gif
  10. http://i679.photobucket.com/albums/vv153/cmoneymontana/seinfeld.gif
  11. I've used an app called Juice Defender with decent results. Basically you can set it to turn on your data every half hour or so for a minute to check for email and other things, then it goes back off. So unless you are actively using the phone, the data setting is off most of the time which saves battery. It can get up to twice the normal battery life depending how you set it. Also, as everyone else said, use wireless for data when you can. At least on my Galaxy S, it uses much less power than just leaving it on 3G.
  12. Before I got my CSR job there, they interviewed me for a Claims Generalist trainee position and starting salary was 38k. Ended up not having quite the previous experience they wanted, so they put me in customer service and I'm going to try and move up through claims soon. This was in Cleveland, they have 3 pay scales for each position based on where you are located but I think most of Ohio is the same pay scale. FYI, Progressive is a ridiculously good company to work for. During their last hiring spree, they had over 60,000 applications and only hired about 1,000 people. Pay is good, benefits are phenomenal and they are a very flexible company.
  13. Once you get the good accelerators you get money at a ridiculous rate. I got to super-upgrade in less than 15 minutes.
  14. How do you like doing claims? I've been doing customer service at one of the main campuses in Mayfield since February, but I'm thinking about either going into claims or getting licensed to do direct sales soon. I've heard the money is pretty decent for starting out in claims too.
  15. aaaaahahahahaha what the fuck is this I don't think that is very healthy
  16. YUH I WISH :masturboy: There we go. Best story is when my dad got pulled over once for doing 80 something on the highway. No ticket, cop just couldn't believe he could go that fast on wheels that small. Most lawn mowers have larger wheels now.
  17. Black panasports would look pretty sick. We've got a set of 10 inch panasports on a car in the basement, first person to guess what it is gets nothing.
  18. I'm still wondering this too actually. I just saw a dyno graph of 266 hp and 306 tq on a dynojet with the only mods being a testpipe and a CAI. I'm itching to get this one out to an autocross up here and see how it does. The group up here uses the old Geauga Lake parking lot so they have a decent lot to open it up on.
  19. Wasn't me, I live in Mentor (northeast of Cleveland about 5 minutes from Lake Erie). Haha I know, they were taken with a phone (if you couldn't tell) and the sun was not helping things. Waiting till I can detail it so we can get pics with my car and his new Speed Miata. He found a 2005 with only 22,000 miles on it so needless to say his paint is perfect and mine needs a little work.
  20. This is the best I can do on pictures so far, waiting until I get it waxed before I go do some decent shots. Having a photographer for a dad makes things easy when it comes to access to good cameras. Out with the old: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/miataman91/244165_10100724441365615_12452484_63999213_6631018_o.jpg In with the new: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/miataman91/256733_10100724446465395_12452484_63999380_7673110_o.jpg
  21. I had Borla for the Miata and absolutely loved it, but I may look into removing a resonator first and see how that sounds. I'm not looking to wake up the whole neighborhood, but I do like a little more growl than stock. I've been actively seeking out new on-ramps for freeways though, I am impressed at just how well this thing sticks.
  22. Would love to make it to cars and coffee, unfortunately I now live northeast of Cleveland. And I wasn't planning on doing enough to make things go boom, but I would like to get just a little more power. Once I get back into autocrossing again I will be looking into suspension mods, but again being my main and only vehicle it won't be too crazy.
  23. Cleveland fans are too busy watching the Indians sweep all over the country to really care about what Miami is doing.
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