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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. I learned my lesson this week. When you come into a large amount of stock in one company, don't let it just sit there. Probably should have branched out on my inheritance, but at this point I'm just waiting for a rebound. I did finally get into my 401k at work this week though. Nothing like some free money.
  2. A time so haunting moonlight in the mist Lay me down Beside you oh as long as it lasts From the river comes a Figure drifting slowly by Trailing long the water, leaving softer than a sigh Softer than a sigh All the feelings they remain like a still life A dying swan song forever lost your cries of glory The rain is falling down like silence in a shroud When All that really matters left to lose I'm all alone I'm all alone All the feelings they remain like a still life A dying swan song forever lost your cries of glory Walking from the shadows, a fear of sadness grows Your heart is in your hand your knowing looks Our Time is gone My time is gone Swan's dying song...
  3. Down a couple thousand, I ain't mad tho. I'm still up way more than that over the last year.
  4. No but you can try this thing where you don't listen to it. I'm not even defending MGK necessarily, but christ. If you don't like it, just listen to Sarah McLachlan, I think she is what most stuck up people listen to now.
  5. Keep in mind too that if you use a trap and put something deadly inside, you run the risk of catching a neighbors pet inside and then you're really fucked. Edit: beat me to it.
  6. You could possibly use a trap, and put some food inside that would attract the skunk. Not sure what kind of food that would be, but whatever it is you could then put rat poison or pesticide or something in the food. Executing a skunk isn't really humane no matter how you look at it, but I guess this could be one of the slightly more humane ways of accomplishing that.
  7. Like I said, it's only a rumor, and one that I'm pretty sure isn't true. Most reports are placing her out of the country for the time being. But somehow it spread pretty quick. I'm only about 30 minutes away myself.
  8. I went to Germany when I was in high school, went to Paris for a couple nights but mainly stayed in Germany. Definitely do the Porsche factory tour and Mercedes museum if you can, I went while the new museum was being built. We stayed in a small town near Ramstein AFB with some people who used to work for my parents, he was a gov't contractor. As has been said, spend some time driving around without any real destination. Obviously driving the autobahn is a big plus as well, but you get used to it quickly.
  9. I used to do that when I was still in school. Everyone month or so they'd email me and I'd go in for about 20 minutes. They give you whatever it is you are testing (once I got to try the breakfast stuff before it was out in the restaurants), answer some questions on a computer, and walk out with $20. Obviously this is a lot more commitment though.
  10. No kids, no care. I have nothing to be worried about, right? :masturboy:
  11. Fuck yes. Rumor is she has now moved to Newbury, OH. BRB, goin to Newbury.
  12. 50 percent of people in any given job or company are worthless, same thing goes for the police. I've met cool cops, I've met dick cops, no matter what you do in life you can still be an asshole. Maybe more assholes become cops, but that's another argument.
  13. No, you mad. The second you created this thread you yelled to the entire world "I'm a generally angry person and the smallest inconveniences make me quite angry." It's pretty well spelled out.
  14. http://boards.40cakes.com/b/src/130176983752.jpg
  15. http://www.jimhodgson.com/images//fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu.png
  16. I know, I lost a spelling bee in 5th grade because of some bullshit pronunciation by the announcer. I take it out on people who use numbers interchangeably with words as a misguided coping mechanism :gabe:. How about the whole forum switches transportation for a day. All bikers drive cars, and all the people in here having a bitch-fest have to ride bikes. Then every person who is so proud of trying to run a biker into a ditch can see what it feels like to be on the other end. Spoiler alert: it'll make you so angry you'll chase down a plow truck driver for no actual reason.
  17. That is so badass bro. People who won't give up shits for the law are just "2" sweet.
  18. Generally, cars that are used or modified for racing are considered an unacceptable risk for most insurance companies. Hagerty and some other companies may be able to cover them though.
  19. FYI this is the same thought process a domesticated house pet uses. Oddly enough they also get angry and chase down people on bikes.
  20. With all of the complaining I see you do on here, you most likely have high blood pressure (or will soon), which may result in you having a heart attack and dying in your 40's. I've heard exercise lowers blood pressure. Ever thought about riding a bike?
  21. :fuuuu: "Unbiased" and "American Media" are mutually exclusive.
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