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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. God damn, where did she go and for how long? I have roughly 20k also and thought it was a pretty big chunk. Luckily I've got enough saved up to pay half off when they start, but still.
  2. http://www.attieorourke.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/extreme-ironing-04.jpg http://www.noelkingsley.com/blog/archives/extreme_ironing4.jpg http://www.moolf.com/images/stories/Sport/Extreme/Extreme-Ironing-sport/Extreme-Ironing-sport1.jpg http://www.oneinchpunch.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/extreme-ironing-02.jpg http://withmalice.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/taxi-ironing.jpg http://www.shawneecrossroads.com/EXTREM2.jpg http://www.boingboing.net/IMG_1847.sized.jpg
  3. http://assets6.paultan.org/static2/rides-magazine-hyundai-sonata.jpg Doooooooo it.
  4. Well put. Some people think that chanting "Scottie Pippen" during the game was a compliment to LeBron, but it's pretty clear that being a wingman isn't something LeBron is accustomed to. He went from being the star of the show in Cleveland to 1/3 of the star players for the Heat. It's unfortunate that he went about his move to South Beach the way he did, because it will still haunt him years from now.
  5. This is why I hate watching games on TNT or other national cable networks. Announcers don't know shit about shit. I hate watching the Cavs games on TV without Austin Carr even if he doesn't make sense half the time.
  6. Yea, but we still beat you. The game last night should, if anything, make you feel worse about the Celtics. You are a moron. Most Cavs fans aren't angry about the fact that he left, it was the way he did it. The people you see in the media don't necessarily represent the majority of rational sports fans in Cleveland. He ignored Dan Gilbert until the "decision", and left us with no real options because all the free agents had already been picked up. "Stand up" would be telling the Cavs early on that he was leaving, giving us time to set up a team for this year. The way he left shows that he has no class and most likely won't ever get it. It wasn't a family get together, read some of the things Mary Schmitt Boyer wrote about the game last night. Basically said that even things that appeared as friendly conversation on TV weren't really friendly at all. Gibson was asked about him smiling while talking to LeBron, said that he smiles when he's angry and that some things were said that affected friendships between LeBron and other Cavs players last night. From her Twitter: Daniel Gibson said what looks like smiles & laughs with #LeBron weren't. Some things were said last night that hurt friendship, he said. When asked point-blank if Daniel Gibson is still friends with #LeBron, he simply smiled. Came right after he said he smiles when he's angry. Daniel Gibson on seeming to smile when talking with #LeBron: "There was nothing friendly about the conversations we had last night."
  7. I've had Sprint for over 4 years, yet to have any problems with coverage, customer service or otherwise. For all the horror stories I hear, I guess I must be lucky. Tough to beat the old SERO plan though.
  8. It helps to only turn it on when you need it, just like wifi and GPS. No need for 4G if you're just browsing the web or something, but turn it on for downloading big files or movies. I got 4.6 down earlier tonight near a tower, feels good man.
  9. Voted, you're in the lead by over double as of this morning. Enjoy those cigars!
  10. Yea that's part of the trade off for speed. Download Juice Defender, it nearly doubles my battery life.
  11. True 4G is still just a term decided by some group of geeks. 4G or not, it's a lot fucking faster than 3G and that's good enough for me and probably 99% of America as well. They can call it GayButtsexG for all I care and I'll still be happy with it.
  12. I get the feeling that even though it is officially out in the three big Ohio cities now, that coverage will still get better over the next month or so. I'm 25 miles from Cleveland and coverage in my town is spotty but getting better.
  13. Yea he got the same shit from people on Cleveland Racing too. Guy was tarded.
  14. But does that program allow you to download music files for free on the fly? I mean what you said is great for files you already have, but I think the OP is talking about programs that let you download new music without paying.
  15. Except you don't need to root android to use any of these apps. I ran it on my Galaxy S long before I rooted.
  16. I've had one called Music Box that does essentially the same thing. I think they source high quality rips from youtube and download as mp3 but I'm not sure.
  17. I'm not saying he hasn't done some worthwhile things in his life. He's been around forever. But old age has certainly made him more entertaining.
  18. Why do people compare Obama and Palin? One is a politician (whether you agree with his policies or not), and the other is a dumb bitch who is using her popularity (with morons) to have her own reality show. Swear to god, she is in the top 5 on my list of people who should've been aborted.
  19. I tried lemon-lime for the first time yesterday. Couldn't get over the tartness. But about half way through the can I stopped caring because it was a great pregame before watching the Browns go back to their old selves.
  20. I can't believe anyone would buy a car from someone who can't even describe it properly. Then again, anyone who would buy that probably types the same way.
  21. At the end of every 60 Minutes episode, they have this old semi-demented guy rant for a few minutes about something, usually of no real importance. The game is to take out everything but the first and last sentence of his segment. Watch this full clip to get an idea of how crazy this guy has become: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5153457n&tag=api
  22. Hopefully this isn't a repost. This is some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen on youtube. There are tons of them.
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