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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. Normal bottle of wine is about the same amount of liquid as a loko, and just a little less alcohol content. Two dollars<ten dollars, therefore loko>wine unless you're trying to be romantic or drink something that won't give you a heart attack in ten years.
  2. Lemonade is the best one out there, but Fruit Punch is good too. If you get fucked up off of one can though you need to drink more. I've seen people attempt to drink 3 in one night (stupid, yes) and it ended up badly. I'll drink one for a quick pregame before the bars sometimes, but it's so tough not to drink them all the time when they're only $1.99.
  3. Where do you live on campus? I'm on Iuka by Woodruff and I saw two guys checking for unlocked cars a week ago around 5 in the morning. They saw me outside and didn't even stop. Called the cops on them as soon as I got inside, but it made me realize there is no such thing as a "nice" area of campus. I'll keep an eye out for it though, hopefully someone just took a joy ride and dumped it somewhere.
  4. Creep cover is really good. Too bad they had to use it in the preview for a movie about Facebook though.
  5. Yea but Denny's isn't worth an hour drive. Half hour? Sure, but the only time I drove to the one in Marion is when my neighbors and I went at 5 in the morning for the free grand slam day during a blizzard. I guess I'm spoiled though, I grew up having a Denny's about 4 minutes away.
  6. It's a HUGE truck with a SHITTY paint job and it will drive ANYWHERE. What else do you need to know, I'm ready to thrown down seven grand.
  7. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/miataman91/Troll_fail.jpg
  8. If you've ever sat in a Miata with a hardtop, you know why it should probably top the list. I'm driving a minivan now though, it's like a whole new realm of possibility.
  9. Probably a bigger selling point on this car than most.
  10. http://thehomelessmustard.com/index.html Hmm...
  11. I've never played the lottery, and I don't really plan on it. I'd rather take that money and buy beer with it. At least then I know there is a 100% chance that I'll get drunk and I don't have to gamble on it.
  12. No but I wish all of Texas would just piss off and float away somewhere.
  13. Flyin Miata


    I'll be seeing it again sometime this week to make sure I got everything that was going on. Can't beat the 5 dollar student tickets at Gateway theater. At least in the summer most of the asshole moviegoers are out of town.
  14. Just because you're a cop doesn't mean you can't use a little common decency and not be an egotistical dick. Could've just as easily came up, written him the ticket and said have a nice day.
  15. Flyin Miata


    Everyone I was with seemed to be able to follow it pretty well. Maybe you should see it again, I know I probably will because no matter how well you think you understand a movie you always miss little parts that make a difference.
  16. Flyin Miata


    Absolutely great, the best way to see that movie is to just not question anything going on. If you just sit back and absorb everything it really gets to you. Not to mention Ellen Page just gets sexier every time she makes a film.
  17. Are you out of just the regular warranty, or the 3 year extended for RRoD also? If you're still in the three year, you can try sending it to Microsoft and telling them that you got the 3 red rings, even if you really didn't. A few of my friends did this and Microsoft didn't check that they actually had gotten the red rings, just sent them out a refurb unit.
  18. Meh, I'm not going to get into an argument about what I like versus what you like. Personally that kind of music makes me want to stick a sharp object into my ears. But if people like it, more power to them.
  19. http://musicremedy.com/webfiles/artists/Bobaflex/Bobaflex-08-big.jpg These guys look gay as fuck. Every single picture they are posed like they're the most badass bros ever created. I can't even imagine what they're music sounds like.
  20. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=keef
  21. Absolutely hilarious. That guy actually sounds like what I would imagine a gay Lebron sounding like.
  22. It's this program that basically tells you when people aren't home so you can rob them blind.
  23. I have a friend who is a substitute teacher there, and I may be one myself if I get the job in a couple months. He teaches at Groveport, Hamilton, Gahanna and another school. He told me the kids in Groveport get away with anything they want and the teachers could honestly care less. The other teachers tell him to pick his battles wisely because most of the time they just press the button to call security to the room. He taught there on 4/20 and said it was unbelievable what those kids do on school property without getting punished.
  24. Also, Fatheads (owned by Gilbert) is having a Benedict Arnold sale on all LBJ posters. Originally $99.99, down to $17.41 now. http://www.fathead.com/search-results/lebron/
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