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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. Do directions from New York to China too. Step 30 or something like that.
  2. Fuuuuck. I hope these cars level out to this price in 4 or 5 months. I guess the good deals always pop up when you're not looking for a car.
  3. Funny how the old white guy tries to cover his ass. "No, it didn't matter what race he was!" Oddly, I don't believe him.
  4. Cool, this is good to hear. I have lots of customer service being a manager at a restaurant and working in a photography studio. Hopefully they feel the same way .
  5. How do you like doing claims there? I'm going through the interview process for the claims adjuster position up here in Mayfield. Anything I should know before doing the phone interview?
  6. Are you interested in having the truck driven back to Ohio? I will be driving down to South Carolina near Thanksgiving with my family, but if you want I could swing by on the way back north and pick it up. Not sure if you want the miles put on the truck or not though. If you are interested, shoot me a PM and we can talk. I've got a fairly clean record (no accidents ever, and a couple speeding tickets). I was a porter for a dealership so I'm used to driving other people's vehicles.
  7. Flyin Miata

    Go vote!

    Yea... just wanted to make sure I read this right.
  8. Flyin Miata

    Go vote!

    Yep, you can either vote for the moderate left capitalist or the moderate right capitalist. CHANGE!!!!
  9. I'm liking this ESPN module. Replays of College football games, live events, Soccer games that I would never see otherwise. Sucks that some ISP's won't allow it, but mine does so whatever. Netflix search is baller too.
  10. Shenanigans. Now make with the pictures.
  11. The commercials this year seem worse than usual, to the point where I'm almost ashamed to live in a country where this is how political races are ran. Not with straight facts, but with exaggerated bullshit. If I had to choose, I would probably go with Kasich based on Strickland's subpar performance. But as with all political elections, it's not about picking the best man or woman. It's about picking the least crooked one.
  12. chyeaaaaa Browns. No one gives a flying fuck about the Bengals.
  13. Or just get Sprint's version of the Galaxy, which not only has the FFC but a kickass physical keyboard as well. Not to mention 4G for when they get it fully rolled out here in Cleveland (sucks for Columbus though). I just picked mine up a few days ago, and it's quite a phone. Super AMOLED screen is fucking amazing, and once you get rid of the shitty Samsung TouchWiz interface it is a damn good alternative to the EVO.
  14. What you're saying is true for laser, but a lot of OHP still use regular old radar. They use it enough that my detector paid for itself a couple years after I bought it. Don't buy one thinking you will never get another ticket, because you will. Buy one with the understanding that over time, you will probably save yourself from enough tickets to warrant the purchase of it in the first place.
  15. I'm gonna stick with Sprint for now. Next month I'll have a new Galaxy S with 4G (when they turn it on in Cleveland, hopefully end of the year) with unlimited 3G, 4G, texting and 500 minutes a month. My bill will only be 50 dollars per month plus taxes. When another company can offer me all of that for the price, I'll consider them. Until then Sprint is top on my list. I've never had a problem with their supposedly terrible customer service reps either.
  16. http://media.okidoker.com/data02/c/1/3/2/32616/407755/1006605_2.jpg?updated=0 Could go for something like this, not sure if they make them anymore though. I got mine close to 8 years ago. Looks like that when powered on, but turn the car off and the bottom row of buttons slides in, and the entire front face goes pitch black. Looking in the car you can barely tell that there is even a radio in there. Worked really well for having a convertible too.
  17. I don't think that having a basic understanding of the English language really counts as being a grammar specialist, but maybe that's just me.
  18. So... I'd really like you to post some other jokes you find funny. I will compile them into a book of the stupidest jokes ever told. I mean seriously... political views or not, you shouldn't laugh at that unless you're at least 75 years old.
  19. Welcome, I just moved back to Mentor myself. If you see a paint-faded old Miata that sounds slow and is actually really slow, it's me imagining I'm in a midget spaceship.
  20. Those things are true, coming from people I've talked to who work there. My friend lived directly across from there in an apartment though so we always got beer there and they recognize us enough to where I'm fine with going there. My health on the other hand is not fine with it...
  21. I eat there every once in a while but only when people I know are working in the back. Otherwise I avoid it for apparently very well known reasons.
  22. I think the Galaxy S on Sprint (also called Epic 4G) will be my next phone in a month or so. I went into the Sprint store at Easton to check out the Evo in person and ended up liking the Galaxy way more. It does pretty much everything an Evo does, but with a physical keyboard and a much higher quality screen. I'm sold.
  23. Shit, I'm up on Iuka. Time to take a walk down to 9th with a baseball bat?
  24. I don't race because I have trouble keeping up with minivans getting on the highway. Meh. Also, not everyone who races, street races. Autocrossing, track days, those are all racing too. Just because someone doesn't want to risk their life/money/job by racing on the street doesn't mean they don't race.
  25. Get those locks changed immediately.
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