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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. Flyin Miata

    WTF AEP???

    Just fucking deal with it like everyone else has to/don't be a pussy.
  2. Just because you're the biggest company doesn't always mean you're the best. Do you shop at Wal-Mart because everyone else does?
  3. So, anyone taking bets on how long AT&T will last once all the iPhone people can switch to Verizon? Not sure why anyone would ever choose that company other than for the iPhone based on what I've heard from friends about how bad their network is. Aside from the Captivate and the Aria, their smartphone selection is lacking. Unless the new windows phone take off really quick, they could be hurting next year.
  4. White Stripes Kid Cudi Radiohead Spoon N.W.A. Beatles Miles Davis Holst
  5. This is the place on High by the Wexner right? Always thought it was some kind of front for drugs or something because they never looked open when I walked by. Wish I would've stopped in now. Getting into vinyl is great though, vinyl sales have more than doubled from what they were a few years ago. If you're into newer music, a lot of bands offer vinyls for a good price that include MP3 download codes too. Best of both worlds. It can be addicting though, I've picked up over 80 records in the last couple years.
  6. Wanna have real fun? Wait until there is a few inches of snow on the ground and try going up a steep hill with it. Had to drive a rental Yaris out to a customer in bumfuck nowhere one winter, and half way up the hill I was figuring out in my mind how I would slide back down if necessary. Good luck getting the tires bald in an auto too. Neutral slam is your only option.
  7. It must not be on all their phones, because GPS worked great on my Epic right out of the box, and they came out with an update that fixed it on most other carriers. The only reason mine is broken now is because I'm running a test version of 2.2 and I'm too lazy to switch back right now.
  8. I'm wondering what makes you think the Bengals are so much better. You guys (along with the Broncos) are one team away from being the worst in the NFL. How on earth you can be defending them against the Browns is beyond me. I mean, the Browns have been terrible up until this year. You're acting like you just haven't paid attention to a single thing the Browns have done in 2010. I know, it hurts to have a lower win percentage than the "clowns". Guess it's something you guys will get used to soon enough though.
  9. All I'm asking is for you to tell me who is the better team this year. Browns or Bengals.
  10. A bungles fan seeming to not understand how these nicknames work, AND avoiding the fact that your team has a worse record than the Browns. Who dey think gonna LOL all the way home? ME.
  11. I installed the leaked test version of 2.2 a week ago when it was supposedly the "official leaked release". Turns out it was just a test version and my GPS currently won't work, and Wi-fi chooses random days when it wants to work. I'm annoyed by the fact that 2.3 is out now and we STILL don't have 2.2, but I'd rather they take the time to make it work right before releasing it.
  12. Who dey think has the better record this year? Keep dreaming, bungles fans.
  13. The Evo gets the android updates quicker because it's an HTC phone. Samsung has been total shit at getting out the 2.2 Froyo update to the Epic (and all the other Galaxy S phones in America). Evo screen is 0.3 inches bigger than Epic, but Epic screen is much better looking. If you go to the store to test them, try out the Swype keyboard. For sending texts, it's really great if you get used to it. Basically just trace out a line over the letters spelling the word you want, picks the right word 95 percent of the time. If you plan on using the phone to send out long emails though, I'd recommend having a real keyboard. When I was upgrading my phone, I was in the same boat as you. I ended up just going to the store and within 20 minutes of trying both phones it was an easy decision for me.
  14. QFT. During the last storm we got a little over a foot in my area and was absolutely amazed they closed school two days in a row. I complain about the snow, but living in a lake effect snow area makes for some awesome winter driving. Also, it's really nice living in an area where people actually know how to DRIVE in the snow. Columbus drivers are better at keeping it above the speed limit in the summer, but I feel like I'm at Cedar Point riding the damn bumper cars once snow hits down there.
  15. Did Sprint come to your house and put it in your butt or something? I swear I've seen 30 posts from you talking about how bad Sprint is. I've had them for years with no issues, the plans are cheap, service is great (Columbus and Cleveland, only two cities I've lived in). Just wondering what it is that has you so pissed off at Sprint. They've changed for the better over the last couple years.
  16. I've had the Epic for a couple months, and have used the Evo a few times as well. You can't go wrong with either phone really, I went with the Epic because I like having a physical keyboard for typing out long emails when I'm away from home. They are both great phones, both have 4G. Just go to the Sprint store at Easton and use both phones side by side to see what you like best. One plus on the Epic is that it has a Super AMOLED screen, which when set next to the Evo you will see an incredible difference in brightness and contrast. However you pay for that when trying to use it in direct sunlight.
  17. Chomsky is the god damn man. It still amazes me that people don't understand the media exists, like any other business, to make a profit. They don't have any duty to society. They produce stories that will sell the most advertising by getting the most viewers, simple as that.
  18. Expected to get 6-12 inches by Wednesday up here NE of Cleveland. Just as our last 6 inches finally melted, we're getting it all back and then some. One thing I don't miss about living in Columbus is the lack of snow.
  19. That was my guess. That or the less likely chance that the airbag failed.
  20. I was just talking about the debadging part, and trying to show a picture of that.
  21. You are absolutely correct. I am a woman and proud. Just kidding you're still not getting it. http://i46.tinypic.com/20qantj.gif
  22. Nope I'm 22. Must be a 30 and over thing.
  23. Like damn near everything he wrote. Just because everyone didn't understand his humor doesn't mean it wasn't funny, just means most people have a retarded sense of humor. Trolling=funny. Jeff Foxworthy and that stupid anger management post=not funny at all ever.
  24. Great movie. But Michael Cera really needs to stop doing other movies and sign on for the Arrested Development movie already. He's the main reason it's been delayed for years now.
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