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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. Unbelievable. I don't think they missed a single detail on that car. Nice to see some of the other cars they have in that shop too.
  2. This is low quality from my crappy Nikon digital camera, but someone mentioned it so I figured why not put up the links. I'll put up all 4, but at least one of them was a botched race (I assume someone had a bad start or something). Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4
  3. Agreed. I'd give anything to go back in time and see Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin live. All the new rock just sounds the same to me, and it's not really anything different or creative.
  4. I'm pretty sure the only one in this area is at Polaris. If you get off I-71 at Polaris Pkwy, go west towards the mall and take the first left at the light (I think). It's tucked in behind a gas station or something and across from some hotels.
  5. Cool I think I'll show up, look for the slow MX-5 with a hardtop
  6. Those fenders really help the looks compared to the stock body. Mid-engined W12? Mmm...
  7. Which Jegs? I'm not looking to race anyone but I'd still like to come out and meet some people tonight.
  8. Well look who it is I need to hear about this "incident" last weekend btw. If someone fucked shit up for the Kinko's lot I'm not going to be happy. Mentor-ites FTW!
  9. Yes, if your company lets you do that. I have Alltel and they will let me switch plans for free, but I've heard that other companies charge you some ridiculous fee to switch your plan. I used to have Sprint, luckily I got rid of them before I came down here, because Alltel has great service in this area.
  10. Agreed. They were really popular in middle school, I figured they just faded away after that. Listening to some guy yell SHUT-UP! 10 times over just isn't something I want to hear.
  11. I don't give a fuck if I do give a fuck. Which I don't. Also I don't give a fuck that it's almost 2 and I need to wake up sometime tomorrow.
  12. We watched R-rated movies in high school too, usually war movies or something with value, and we had to get permission slips signed too. But the article said it happened at an elementary school. Just can't understand what the hell that teacher was thinking...
  13. I'd be angry as hell. Showing a 12 year old an R-rated movie, especially one like this, is way out of line for a teacher. I've never seen the movie, but can anyone figure out what educational purpose it would serve? Damn substitute teacher like that should not be allowed to teach.
  14. For some reason my post count has frozen at 7, even though I've got 16 or something. Just a glitch or something?
  15. All you are doing is shifting demand, not changing it in anyway. It's appalling that so many people in this country actually think it will make a difference. The companies know you have to buy gas eventually, whether they get their profit on the 15th or a few days later makes no difference to them.
  16. Do they have room for spectators at this event? I've never been to Trails before but if I don't have anything else to do Sunday I might come out and watch or take pictures.
  17. Tied between Mint Oreo and Heath bar.
  18. My dad had an 2002 Cooper S for about 2 years, never had any major problems. Was a very well built car, and VERY fun to drive. Could keep up with just about anything in a corner, and with the fold-down rear seats you can still fit a decent amount of crap in the back when you need to.
  19. Wow that's amazing, looks like they take out all the stupid extras that other airlines charge you for whether you use them or not. Wonder if they'll add more cities soon?
  20. Thought it would happen eventually, but not this soon. If they can really convince the construction companies and others who use heavy duty trucks to buy the new Tundra, then GM could be in deeper trouble than they already are.
  21. Wow I REALLY like the black w/ red stitching, but I'm trying to find a used one if possible since I'm in college and on a small budget. However I think if I can't find anything used in a couple of weeks I might go for one from that site. Thanks.
  22. Looking for a couple of interior parts for my 91 Miata (any first generation vehicle will do). If you have a leather shift boot or the center console lid or know where I could find these, please contact me. Looking for good/great condition to replace the broken/torn pieces I have. Thanks.
  23. Maybe it's a strip club/gas station. Think of the possibilities...
  24. Yea I would like to make it to a local event, does OVR still hold some at the Ackerman lot? I remember we had a Miata challenge there a couple years ago or so. The problem is I live in the dorms at school, so my car is just parked out on the street and my race tires and trailer are back at home. But I might still come out and spectate just for something to do.
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