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Everything posted by Vander

  1. do u have the stock seats?
  2. Yeah thats who I was thinking. I think he wsa trying to sell his rims though.
  3. Its looking good, you're definately off to a good start. Who taught you how to paint?
  4. I have one for $6,200 obo. Its a 2000 Honda Civic 100% stock. I know its higher than what you said, but I thought I would let you know.
  5. Go 2 Acloche, they are a good temp agency. I believe they are located on Main Street near the old Fudruckers.
  6. I pmed you earlier, before both of those guys. But didn't receive your address. Please pm me. Thank you.
  7. Can someone sandblast an exhaust manifold for me probably next Monday, maybe Tuesday? It is a small manifold for a 4cyl. I know there is a lot of shops that can do it, but I dont want to pay their prices. So I was wondering if anyone had one of those small home sandblasters from Harbor Freight or something and was capable of doing it??
  8. But I think it would be sweet, and if you have the money and patience then do it. It is always good to be original!
  9. I say go for it!! I love engine swaps, and actually have been planning and pricing one out for after I sell my eclipse.
  10. with just a little work that thing could be amazing! Very unique.
  11. Where and who can custom fabricate me some motor mounts for an engine swap?
  12. Fitz came and test drove the car and loved it a lot. But I believe he went with a less expensive 96 Mitsubishi GST (Gonna have a lot of problems with that one). So bump! If you're interested in purchasing the car please pm me and you can come check it out!!!
  13. You will need a larger intercooler than that one.
  14. One part is the passenger side mirror. Not just the glass, but the whole assembly.
  15. Vander

    for sale

    I really hope that is a joke!!
  16. Not much progess being made, just everyone stating there strategy and opinion on how it should be done.
  17. Sounds like a good idea to me. :thumbup:
  18. I've seen those at walmart for $99. I would rather by the extra small ones you see on Lexus's and Mercedes that don't attach to your license plate.
  19. Where? When and how much? so i cant get in on one of those first 14-15
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