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Everything posted by Vander

  1. Vander

    Thread ?

    How do I edit the title of thread I started? I want to change a price. I know how to change the price in a post in the thread, but not the title of the thread. Thank you.
  2. Vander


    :bs: No shit it's a scam!!! :bs:
  3. I saw a video of a guy doing it, proving it was fake.
  4. Bump $50 Or trade for a working 8 or 10 gallon air compressor.
  5. Imagine pulling up to $100k car in that and beating them, they would be so pissed and confused!
  6. I just turned in my app today at the E. Main Street location. You also get a 10% discount if you have a golden buckeye card.
  7. A gag order by who? A court? That sucks.
  8. Vander


    I like s & g's!!
  9. Vander

    WTB DSM Intake

    Ok thanks, that would be great! My car is actually the same as yours 98 GS.
  10. Vander

    car parts

    Can you find out the car alarm brand?
  11. Vander

    WTB DSM Intake

    The throttle body is where the tubing starts. I already check some auto parts stores the problem was they don't have piping that turns sharp enough to fit in between the battery and the block. So I figured someone with an Eclipse or 420a engine may still have there stock one from upgraded to an aftermarket intake.
  12. Vander

    WTB DSM Intake

    I sort of need something like this. Starts at the top arrow, then ends near the bottom arrow and attaches to the air filter. Something close to that, doesn't have to be the exact same. Near the top arrow is the most important. http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb315/Vander6/newintake.jpg
  13. Vander

    WTB DSM Intake

    Sorry I should of been more specific. I do not not need the intake manifold, I need the piping that connects to the throttle body on the intake manifold, that then goes to the air filter. Do you have that?
  14. I need an intake for a 420a engine. 95-99 Eclipse. It can be stock or aftermarket.
  15. Yeah I've seen the one with the 2 Mercedes.
  16. Wow, I didn't even realize that until you pointed it out.
  17. Evans Automotive FTW! They made me one, and it worked great!
  18. Vander


    Does anyone know where I can buy postcards?
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