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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. This is what my wife just bought me for our 25th anniversary. She knows I like 1911's and my Springfield Champion 4" is with a gunsmith right now having work done. I have other guns to keep me busy but I think she knew I was having 1911 withdrawals. I also sold a 1911 A1 5" a while back and I missed it a lot. I was surprised to say the least. Springfield Armory TRP http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/2012-09-23_12-57-43_667_zpseea2684a.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/2012-09-23_12-56-51_255_zps4810f4a7.jpg
  2. The SR22 is a great gun for the money. I just picked up a SR9c all black also. They shoot great and feel good in the hand.
  3. Always wanted to try one of these out. So many 1911's out there right now its crazy.
  4. Some of the later gen 3 might have the extractor problems from what I have read. Other then the extractor problem I would say they are reliable.
  5. I have bought and sold a few guns off armslist. Never had a problem. My main concern is always meeting up with a stranger. I always bring a buddy or someone with me when meeting up. I always meet somewhere at a location I choose.
  6. I have owned 3 glocks in the past with no problems. The 19 I have now is my 3rd glock and it has no issues. I just need more practice to shoot it has good as my 1911. The GEN 3 guns are very reliable.. The early gen 4 guns have been hit and miss from what I have read. All of mine were gen 2 and 3. I am actually looking into a glock 30 to add to the collection.
  7. Congrats Paul, it's not as bad as some are saying here,LOL.
  8. Just curious where outside marysville is ? I am also outside Marysville. Near Ostrander I bet you are on the other side..
  9. BrianZ06

    Ruger SR1911

    Looks nice. Was curious how they shot. What kind of sights ? 1911's are my favorite. In the process of doing some custom work right now on my springfield 4 inch champion. How did that shield shoot ?
  10. Just bought a TV from the walmart after looking everywhere else. Sanyo 55 inch LCD for 729.00 and the picture is just has good if not better then the TV's I was looking at for 1000 and up. They all have the same warranty. Gun from walmart should be no different then one from a gun store.
  11. Sauteed with butter/olive oil is another way to cook it. Good stuff.
  12. I eat most veggies but can not stand raw celery.
  13. BrianZ06

    M&P Shield

    I was looking at the Ultra CDP ll 3 inch lightweight Kimber. It feels great in the hand. Is this the one you have ?
  14. BrianZ06

    M&P Shield

    The exact reason I am looking into getting one. The glock 19 is nice for outside the waist and setting on the night stand,but just to wide for me to be a IWB carry gun. It is a great all around gun. I have night sights and an extended slide release on mine. I'm looking into lightening the trigger also.I never liked those heavy trigger pulls. I am just to use to my 1911.
  15. Now I really want to shoot. I have been thinking about getting a shield and would love to try one out. I'm going to be with a friend on the way to check out a car he might buy or I would be joining you for sure.
  16. I will be there tomorrow at about that time to talk to kevin their gunsmith about installing some new sights and few other things on my 1911. I doubt I will have time to shoot though but would like to.
  17. BrianZ06

    Ruger SR22

    Just purchased one. I really like the feel of this little 22. Actually it is not mine. After shooting last week with my wife she really wanted a 22 to practice with after shooting my 1911 45 and glock 19. We decided the 22 is cheap to shoot and has no recoil which would be great for a first timer just starting out. I compared the ruger sr22 to the walther 22 and the ruger just seemed to fit better in the hand with better balance for such a small gun. Anyone else have one.
  18. They came from autozone they have 3 types and I bought the best they had for the front since this truck pulls a 16ft tandem axle trailer everyday packed with commercial mowers. I need to install electric brakes on the trailer to save my truck brakes. Now that I remember those clips were a major pain to keep in place when installing the pad.
  19. Will definitely check those out. I looked at them a while back but it is worth a double check. It is what it sounds like like. This truck has 4 wheel disc.
  20. I'm sure I did,but it was doing it before the new pads went on also. Its not to hard to pull them out though if that is a possibility. Another thing is that when I hear the noise I tried riding the brakes and it still did it. I'm really stumped on this one.
  21. I have checked a lot of things out and so far no luck. It sounds like it is in the brakes. A dragging,rubbing sound. I can really hear it when I drive between parked cars or when I'm up against a barrier wall driving slow. I just installed new pads on the front and the rear are not even half worn down. I had it up in the air and tried to make the noise by turning each wheel individually and could not make it happen. The u joints were my next check but they seem good also. It is an 02 2500HD crew cab,4x4 with the 8.1 and 130,000 miles runs great. It is just bugging me that I can figure it out. I changed the front diff fluid and it came out grey,not dirty black like I thought it would. The rear diff fluid looked normal when draining. 4x4 works fine.
  22. My cam is around the 234-242, 600/610 on a 114 with stage 2 tea heads. Car drives fine and has plenty of power up top with a lot of lope. This size cam likes the high rpms. You usually lose power at the bottom with these big cams. It shakes pretty good at a stop light if that is what you like. My compression is bumped up also. Never had a stall out and have put plenty of miles on this set up. Dual valve springs a must.
  23. I can not believe a shooting range on Bethel Rd. This great though. I'm in that area all the time with my work. I actually have an account right across the street that I am at once a week.
  24. Just wait till you see your 40's . To be honest I really do not feel like my age. I also do the same type of work. Some days are better then others. I try to eat a good breakfast like what s15driftking said in his post it does help. Drink plenty of water. I also take certain vitamins. Sleep is very important. I'm not a good sleeper. Tylenol PM is a must for me,just one helps.I usually stay up till I feel like I am ready to pass out,then I know when I hit the bed i will be out fast like right now.
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