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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. Possibly two buyer's.
  2. Looks and sounds like you had a great time. I heard you have to keep a watch out for bears ???
  3. It was hot but I had a good time and yes a big thanks to Rich.
  4. I just read the entire thread for the first time. I know you have been real busy with your business. Looks like your time and patiences will be paying off soon. Nice job !
  5. With the lack of rain and 90+ degree weather we have had there is not a whole lot that can be done this time of the year. We need rain .Some of these yards are going to need some extra help as in slice seeding in the fall or early spring. Fertilizer will not work at all in this dry spell we are having. It is even risky to spray weeds right now because it is so hot and the grass is in such stress. I have some yards that I have been taking care of for years and they are even looking bad. As far as grubs I have not seen any signs of them. I'm sure you know how to test for grubs but just grab the grass and if it pulls up easy with no roots they are doing damage. Grubs usually do not go after yards that are extremely dry.
  6. I do have a light issue. I think I will be going with an LED.
  7. Plasma vs Led ??? I just went shopping for a 55-60 inch. Im torn between plasma or led. The led has a brighter and crisper picture but they are around 400-500 more then the plasma. HHGreg has a sharp 60 led for 1499.00 ,this was their lowest starting price for a 60 led. I was hoping to stay around a grand or less. They have a 51 inch plasma samsung for 699.00. I was told lcd's are not going to be around for much longer. They only have a one year warranty also.
  8. BrianZ06


    82+ mph winds in dublin. Marysville got hit hard also. Trees down everywhere.
  9. Deck looks nice Tim. Just let me know when the next party is scheduled.
  10. I have a customer with a large crab apple tree that needs shaped/sheared into an umbrella shape, rounded at the top and flat at the bottom. It still has a good shape left but needs some work. It is to tall for me and a ladder. I need someone with a pole hedge trimmer that is experienced in this type of work. I contacted two companies both no show. Anyone have a suggestion ? I'm pretty sure know one on here does this type of work or I would have found them thru my search. I have a feeling I will be doing this job myself some how. Home is located in the Powel area.
  11. I thought about going but I had an important job to finish. Talk about being hot, I was trimming bushes at an office building that I take care of on Henderson rd and got very over heated. I started the job at 8:30 and we ended at 1:30. When I got home inside to air cond my body temp for on fire. Im just now cooling down.
  12. Carmax = NO. I thought you just had a bad experience with them. Carmax,LOL.
  13. Sell your current car/truck then walk in with some cash and make them an offer on the car you are interested in. You will have more control of the deal.
  14. I won for the longest time. Once you get off course its all over.
  15. I'm just glad I did not hurt anyone on my first run,lol. Being my first time out ever on one of these courses I should have studied the track more and try to just stay on course. Seriously I got off course big time and got a little frustrated with myself on my very first run. Now my second run which I was not going for a time I did much better and only made a couple mistakes. Thrid run was fun. I got the feeling on each run I would make I would be slowly improving a little. Its all about knowing the course. I had to be home around 2:00 to a broken ac unit or I would have stayed. Big thanks to Sean and his dad or I would have been lost.
  16. I'm going to give it my best shot to be there early. I worked late to today to get all cought up so I could take tomorrow off. I mowed 15 Dublin yards and a few odd jobs. That is a full day for me. I'm going to have to hit the bed early tonight so I dont fall sleep behind the wheel tomorrow.
  17. I agree your neighbor more then likely told them not to mow that area. I have been mowing residential and commercial yards for a many years and never experienced a situation like this. I accidently mow into other yards all the time when mowing my customers yards. My insurance covers me everywhere. Some people are very picky about there property lines. It would easier for me to just mow it and be done with it rather then trying to stay away from that area each time I mow. Something just does not sound right here. It is possible the mowing company just does not want to mow more then they have to. It would take me no more time or gas do that strip.
  18. I'm a little late here been working 10-12 hour days for the last two weeks but I agree with Mark. Only thing I can add now is that the auto has had some old school customizing done. Looks like some one as added a german silver inlay on the stock and a plastic pistol grip cap,also a rubber pad.
  19. Post the link.I will give it a shot.
  20. I drove by it right after it happend. I wonder if anyone was pumping gas at the time ? I saw another accident today (head on ) at snouffer road on my way to do some work at Tim ( pdqgp ) house. Honda accord and F150. The honda was totaled. I saw this right after it happend also.
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