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Everything posted by BrianZ06

  1. BrianZ06

    C5 Z06

    You could drive them in the winter but the wide low profile tires and no weight in the rear would make it a challenge in snow. I would daily drive mine every day if I had the opportunity to do so,except winter. Good gas milage also even with a larger cam. I bought mine with only 8200 miles and have put around 10,000 miles on it with no problems. The leaky rear axle seal is common. So far mine is dry. Everything else is easy fixes and upgrades. Be carefull of some of the early 01's they had some oil burning issues caused by the rings letting oil seep thru.
  2. Our dogs might be related. Bear has one blue eye and one brown. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/Bear002.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/Bear001.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/Bear004.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/Bear003.jpg
  3. All the training in the world to be the best and one slip up can end it all. Sometimes it just comes down to plain common sense.
  4. I watched it for the first time last night or the night before. They had to patrol an all night party that gets held once a year in the woods. That was a little crazy. Drunks,Drugs,Guns and wild Bear what a party that would be to control.
  5. S&W Bodyguard 380 or a Walther PK380. Are two that come to mind.
  6. One of my favorites> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdbAPrRPvUo Joe Satriani B.B King Steve Vai Hendrix To many to list....... Maybe not a solo, but this one here is a keeper. It is my ringtone right now. I play this song as loud as I can in my car.
  7. I'm in love. Shrimp is one of my favorite seafoods. Although that monster is evil looking.
  8. Nothing at all wrong those 58 and 59's. I like all of the oldies. I am still kicking myself for selling my 56 handyman wagon. Now I am trying to buy it back but the new owner loves it to much. No rat rod,just a cool wagon. I guess this is why I am so stuck on 56's. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/56handyman.jpg
  9. Its ugly in a good way. What is going on with the bed.
  10. Looks like a 65 GMC or close. I have my eye on a 56 chevy pick up right now, but I think it is going to be more $ then I want to spend.
  11. I came real close to buying this one last year. Bad timing and to far away made it not happen. http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/DSC01188.jpg
  12. I would call this one a Lead Sled.
  13. I need to get this thread out of my mind dammit. Everytime I am in the bathroom my wife can hear me naming out a movie title. I am done, no more. Last one. How about Mary Poopins, I mean Mary Poppins.
  14. One step above a squirt gun >>>> http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc178/1fstws6/red_ryder_bb_gun_mania.jpg On a serious note, go shooting with your friends and let one of them go with you when you are ready to buy.
  15. I am sure glad my wife does not come on this site. This is her dream vacation. I would rather do the carribean cruise myself. I am just having a hard time thinking all I would be doing is freezing my ass off and dreaming of a nice sandy beach listening to the ocean. Pictures are cool.
  16. Remember when new rome on the west side was still around ?
  17. I usually do all my own maintenance and repair work. Here is a good one for you. I once took my work truck to an oil change place since I was low on oil at the time and knew it was long over do. Well, they wanted to show me something and this is where it gets good. They bring me to the back of my truck and tell me my rear differential fluid needs to be changed. I asked why is that, he said because it is thin and runny, well no shit it is hot. I could not beleive that they told me that line of BS. I wonder how many people they have sold that line to ?
  18. I know for a fact you do not want to get a speeding ticket in Kentucky. I am not sure if they are all like the one I got lucky enough to meet, but if they are watch out.
  19. My mom use to take her altima to the nissan dealership for everything and they always treated her nice. They never tried to sell her something she did not need. How rare is that ? Then again it is a Nissan and I now have this car with 229,000 miles.
  20. Only two shops I would go to. One is a sponsor on this site and one is local in my town. I have only been to a dealership a few times for work to be done and that is only because the vehicle was under a warranty and both times became a nightmare. Had a 99 vette with a leaky rear axle and they had the car forever after ordering the wrong part I received it back dirty on the inside with dirt and gravel on the mats and a nice little scratch on the back bumper. Z71 pick up had a idler pully going out under warranty,well they replaced it and I went on a trip right afterwards. I made it to tennessee and that is when the serpentine belt came off,what a mess.
  21. yes that is what i did but i should have been skeptical :lolguy:, that is what a very bad headache will make do to you also. The only think that i do not like about these mattresses is they are tough to move around on. You almost have to get up to turn over. You get use to it though because once you lay down your pretty much down for the count.
  22. Been sleeping on a Tempur-Pedic Cloud for 2 years. I was a little skeptical about spending that much on a mattress but it is paying off. It does hold the heat. No aches or pains anymore.
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