Everything went well at the range. After going thru all the basic safety stuff and how to stand,hold the gun etc she shot off her first round with the glock. She did good. Kept the gun under control at all times. After going thru a couple boxes of blazer 115gr we shot the 1911 45 she had no problems with that gun either. The glock gave her more of a snap then the 1911 did which was to be expected. The guy next to us gave her the opportunity to shoot his walther p22 and she really liked that gun. She wants her own now. I shot some hornady xtp 147gr thru the glock and it seems to be a little more accurate then the blazer target ammo. I know I need much more practice with the glock. I can shoot my 1911 much better,but then I'm use to the light trigger and single action 1911 45. I had a few feeding problems with the new chip mccormick 8 round mags for my 1911. The last round was hanging up. If I shot it fast to empty out the mag I had no problems. Only slow firing is when the last round would hang up and keep the slide half racked. Im pretty sure the fix would be a heavier spring in the magazine. All in all a good day.