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Everything posted by 3.1cutlass

  1. I can't see him leaving Cleveland. He loves the Cleveland/Akron area too much to leave it.
  2. I got 1TB for like $119. They are pretty affordable anymore.
  3. My g/f lives right down the street from the highschool they were pretty insane.
  4. Grip shift ftw! They break FAR less often then trigger shifters. I work in a shop, trust me. Anyways it could be a number of things. How old is the chain cassette? Have somebody put a checker on the chain so see how worn it is. If it is really worn out replace both the chain and cassette, if you don't it will create more problems. If it is within the limits of wear it could be the cassette that is worn. Has the deraileur been adjusted since the shifter was put on? I'm assuming that they replaced the cable when this was done. if you don't know how to adjust them i wouldn't start turning screws because thats not the problem at all. To adjust tension, turn either the barrel adjuster on the deraileur or on the shifter. It is a possibility that a link is frozen or bent but considering everything else that would be the last thing I would check. From what you describe it really sounds like a deraileur adjustment so I would start there.
  5. If you read the description thats just for ONE cylinder!!
  6. Im sure some of you may have heard about the storms in Arizona that took down the ten all of these cars were sitting under. Well here are the aftermath pictures and I must admit quite a few of them just made me sick. https://sites.google.com/a/allclassicsllc.com/www/home/2010-russo-and-steele-damages
  7. Ya i vividly remember it in one episode and you only see it for a few seconds lol It was the end of episode 1 "One Armed Bandits" when the car is pulling away with the kids in the back.
  8. Thats true. Two details i dont see is the dark tan interior and the checkered and rebel flags crossed on the trunk right behind the window. I think the flags were only ever seen in 1 or 2 episodes. EDIT: It's also missing the truck mounted antenna.
  9. Not a bad build missing a few minor details. Good friend of my dads has one too.
  10. Let me know what you think of those tires. I have heard mixed reviews. Otherwise looks awesome!
  11. The history report on that thing blows as well. Pretty much an overall fail.
  12. No on the case but if you had an empty bottle/can i would think you could get a ticket.
  13. Are those miles spent towing a lot?
  14. It is totally illegal whether she is using one earphone or both. Just an FYI.
  15. I realize this. The program doesn't ask for RPO codes, it uses the vin so see what options your car has and shows you how many other cars came with similar options.
  16. It takes into consideration cars with similar options. The vin is only used to see what options your car has.
  17. Nope but I had heard it multiple other places as well. Just going off what people who had driven newer Toyotas had said. Obviously they were wrong.
  18. Im pretty sure i read it on here in the last thread about the recall.
  19. My car it will shift into neutral but i had been told the new toyotas you could not.
  20. IIRC you cannot shift it in to neutral while the car is in motion.
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