Travis is a good dude, He is not a mechanic.. which is why he was looking for help on his car!!! He has one of the last 2.4 rnr stroker moters they built, before they went under. This will be a very fast car once it is fixed. The leak down test was due to coolant and oil in the 3rd cyl. Bore scope showed both fluids and some signs of det.
Travis and to anyone else OUR PHONE IS SHUTOFF BECAUSE OF SERVER CHANGE, THE WEBSITE NOW SHOWS BRYONS CELL. I TRY MY BEST TO TAKE CARE OF EACH AND EVERY CUSTOMER, WE HAVE BEEN BUSY.. I TOLD TRAVIS THIS WHEN HE WAS HERE AND JUST CALLED HIM. My cell is 614 769 5588 Bryons is 323 1443. If anyone needs anything please call our cells we will have a new number next week.