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Everything posted by kep91tsi

  1. Agreed mike rush is unbelivable has 4 suby motors and my dsm motor currently!! Two thumbs up for mm :thumbup:
  2. Eric hows it going long?? Long time no talk again, the scirocco reminds of one I had faded red glory!! The one car I wish i could have back. Anyway good intro, good luck, hit me up sometime.
  3. If you need to borrow parts to diag/ transistor, coil, wires whatever, I got plenty of good ones. pm me
  4. What time does track open and close, want to get a baseline on my just bought 5.0
  5. Thanks hal was about to do that. Rob consumables are the inner tips there 14 a piece, after used for awhile the hole gets enlarged and melted causing more slag in the cut, so you change the inner tip and it cuts perfect again.
  6. Anyone need a plasma cutter? 25 amp will do up to 3/8, cuts any type of metal. Perfect at removing metal for drag, will draw a perfect line up to 5/16. Brand new maybe used 5 times, also have a box of consumables. Paid 1600+consumables, Will sell for 1000obo need to sell asap!!!! thanks kep
  7. pics? auto? interested for younger brother have to have auto. thanks kep
  8. have some off my crx pm me sell for what your buddy sold us slicks for haha
  9. no a stock j pipe bolts to turbo outlet, and goes to the lower intercooler pipe.
  10. WTB asap 1g dsm 14b wastgate actuator, stock J-pipe
  11. Sam nice work the cage looks great and i am holding your cam cap hostage until further notice:D
  12. i need a set of crx seats and a rust free pass door!!!
  13. I have one i will sell you 50 bucks not exactly the same but it also has top
  14. Travis is a good dude, He is not a mechanic.. which is why he was looking for help on his car!!! He has one of the last 2.4 rnr stroker moters they built, before they went under. This will be a very fast car once it is fixed. The leak down test was due to coolant and oil in the 3rd cyl. Bore scope showed both fluids and some signs of det. Travis and to anyone else OUR PHONE IS SHUTOFF BECAUSE OF SERVER CHANGE, THE WEBSITE NOW SHOWS BRYONS CELL. I TRY MY BEST TO TAKE CARE OF EACH AND EVERY CUSTOMER, WE HAVE BEEN BUSY.. I TOLD TRAVIS THIS WHEN HE WAS HERE AND JUST CALLED HIM. My cell is 614 769 5588 Bryons is 323 1443. If anyone needs anything please call our cells we will have a new number next week.
  15. Scott were have you been, I got my license back finally. I am working on 2 scouts right now a 67 800 w/ 266 v8, and a scout 2 with 345? v8. If you need parts got bunch of random stuff. The scout 2 is becoming a truggy. If you have anything to get rid of off that truck call me always looking. Also Scout looks great, good job, I like the build as well. call me
  16. Well I was just wanting to stock up. I have aroung 380 guns but never ever enough LOL Bryon Not Kep LOL he forgot to sign out......
  17. just buy one you know you want it!!! 35r sti....
  18. We would have to take a look at intercooler piping and car to give you an good estimate. 8350 industrial pkwy unit 16 plain city ohio 43064 http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=8350+industrial+pkwy+unit+16+plain+city+ohio+43064&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.626896,78.75&ie=UTF8&ll=40.133068,-83.207016&spn=0.007924,0.02738&z=16&g=8350+industrial+pkwy+unit+16+plain+city+ohio+43064&iwloc=addr
  19. bump, please call don't have much time to check forum. thanks
  20. How much to spray the outside and inside of a 78 dodge ramcharger, basically fullsize suv
  21. Might be interested, but would be afew weeks before I could afford them.
  22. I have it, It is a huge allen wrench. If you want to borrow it pm me
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