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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. How many Newark cops did you see last time you was down here Phil? We have maybe 5 of them on patrol for the whole city on a Saturday night. Sherrifs wont bother you in the city and you may see 1 statey if you are lucky. If you feel like this is going to be a "hot spot" or "unwanted attention" don't come, its not that hard really. What will attract attention is people driving like assholes aroun the parking lot or on the main road right near the spot. Other than that we generally don't have any issues at all out here.
  2. They aren't my shirts lol. Over 1300 invites sent out as of 2mins ago lmfao 237- Going 77- Maybe 1068- Invited (yet to rsvp)
  3. Heacock was a beast theres no denying that. However someone posted up on Scout today showing that even Dantonio's amazing defenses struggled from time to time. It is still really early in the season and they are rotating so many damn players. I dont think the D will really be up to the level people expect until a normal rotation is found. I think someone said that 12 d-linemen alone have played. That doesn't include the 6 or so linebackers we have rotated (thats a ton considering we play nickel most the time) and think about all the DB's who have seen action, hell Archies kid got meaningful playing time this year so far. Urbans quotes: Q. You how much more can you emphasize tackling? What will you do differently starting say Tuesday and Wednesday that will make a change? COACH MEYER: "Emphasis, you get what you emphasize. All I heard about was lack of turnovers a year ago, and certainly we are creating some more. Not as many this past week. But we've got something that I learned from my mentor, Coach Bruce. I know we tackled more than anybody, but obviously it's not getting the job done, so we have to tackle more. Instead of one day a week, we'll probably have to go two now. It's all about fundamentals technique." We make a huge emphasis on stripping the ball. If you watch one of those tackles, it looked like the guy was going after the ball instead of wrapping him up. So we've addressed that and we'll have more conversation about that. Q. In the first three games you guys have given up 13 plays in 20 yards or more on defense. It's gotten worse each week. Is it the scheme, lack of execution or just bad tackling? COACH MEYER: "I think it would be too easy to say bad tackling. There are some scheme issues involved that you've already addressed. There is an area where we're getting hurt. I can share that with you. It's not that big of a deal because you see it. A good piece of it is poor tackling, but once again blame it on the kid for poor tackling. That's not acceptable. That is the most alarming thing. I can't remember Ohio State defense. I've watched them for a long time, and I can't remember the defense I've been around that's given up this many. We've got to stop or we'll lose the game. Other than saying that is a high priority and getting"
  4. Fickell won 6 games with arguablly the worst team at OSU in the last 10 years, several key starters suspended for the majority of the year and a program under fire. The games he did lose were by 7 or less points lol. I do not think he is a head coach yet, but I also don't think he deserves all the hate he gets by OSU fans. So funny everyone is on panic mode right now after a close victory, yet it was a victory. Talk to me when OSU loses to Purdue or someone like that and see how many Fire Urban threads pop up on the national forums.
  5. Wasn't Urban also quoted as stating they have taught the defense to go for the strip this entire off season and now they gotta try teaching them to go for the sure tackle sometimes instead of the strip? If you're wanting turnovers via balls being stripped, you're gonna lose out on some tackles. Its a catch 22 really, I think once the defense stops trying to go for sportscenter highlight hits and just starts tackling the Luke Fickell endorsement wont be an issue. Since we're on the "I hate Luke Fickell" subject (theres several of them on scout), what about Urbans boys that he brought in *cough* Coombs and Withers *cough* The secondary has looked putrid outside of 2 defensive backs and Withers is co-defensive coordinator isn't he?
  6. It should be amazing!! Sharp! Apparel is settin up a booth to sell their products out of (shirts, lanyards, sunglasses ect..), working on getting either a hotdoge, bbq or pizza station to setup shop. Also I run a toy drive here in town and have posted about it on this forum. I know not everyone is wanting to come down in December for a toy drive/meet. So we are goin to set up a collection bin, where we will be accepting new toys, used coats/blankets and $$$.
  7. Over 900 people have been invited on facebook alone lol
  8. I watched Alabama vs Arkansas and it was men amongst boys plain and simple. I really hate saying that they are good, but they are
  9. The Corners for OSU are very good, the safeties...well not so much
  10. The SEC teams will beat each other with the exception of maybe UGA. They get off pretty easy. Their only challenging games should be South Carolina and Florida, but who knows maybe they get beat by one or both. Here is their remaining schedule Vandy Tennesee @S. Carolina @Kentucky Florida Ole Miss @Auburn Georgia Southern Ga Tech (Could possibly get upset here) Oklaoma is like Va Tech, they always start out high, choke, beat everone afterwards, go to bowl game to choke again. I just hope we dont have an SEC vs SEC NCG
  11. Did anyone else see this about Miami's attendance yesterday? http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/thanks-showing-miami-fans-photo-175408799--ncaaf.html
  12. 1. Alabama 2. LSU 3. Oregon 4. Florida St 5. Georgia 6. Oklahoma 7. South Carolina 8. West Virginia 9. Stanford 10. Clemson 11. Notre Dame 12. Texas 13. USC 14. Florida 15. Kansas St 16. Ohio State 17. TCU 18. Michigan 19. UCLA 20. Louisville 21. Michigan State 22. Arizona 23. Mississppi State 24. Boise State 25. Nebraska There are some good matchups in week 4: Cal vs #13 USC #18 Michigan vs #11 Notre Dame #15 Kansas St vs #6 Oklahoma #10 Clemson vs #4 Florida St #22 Arizona vs #3 Oregon My upset pick: Missouri over #7 South Carolina
  13. Anyone else see this: http://espn.go.com/college-sports/recruiting/football/story/_/id/8380733/oregon-recruit-thomas-tyner-rushes-644-yards-10-touchdowns
  14. SEC is the best!! Auburn beat the powerhouse that is ULM in overtime haha. BTW over on scout right now and there is a bunch of dumb fans. I make some pretty stupid post in the eyes of people on here, but these guys are insane. Braxton is a god, can do no wrong, puts up huge numbers so his mistakes get over looked. Fickell and the whole defensive staff needs fired, our defense is the worst in the land, ect....Seriously laughing at some of the post over there
  15. The D line played solid yet again, the linebackers and secondary...not so much. Although I do feel Bradley Roby had a very good game. Christian Bryant annoys me to death, one minute he's blowing someone up, the next he's whiffing big time on a tackle, he redeemed himself by making the game saving INT. Devin Smith has stepped up as the playmaking WR OSU needs. Even though he dropped a couple pases he is clearly the #1 option in my opinion. Yes Philly Brown gets a lot of touches but who has the most TD's out of the two? I still say that the lack of a traditional running game will hurt this team at some point in the season. Braxton got contained for the most part in the 2nd half and look what happened, the offense was terrible. You stop Braxton running and you will beat OSU. Oh yeah back to rankings, CBS has Arkansas listed as #21 right now in their game vs #1 Alabama haha.
  16. Ok, that run by Braxton was pretty damn impressive. He broke the ankles of 2 kids lol
  17. Tomorrow wont be a big crowd compared to next saturday. Couple people are having bonfires from what I have heard so probablly be a real small group out there tomorrow night
  18. Bumping so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle
  19. Talked about this is in my sociology class last week.
  20. We vistited the house they used to film the nursing home scene and the path where Tom Hanks character walks to visit Mr. Jingles while we was in North Carolina last month. BTW this is in my top 5 movies of all time, very god film http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/North%20Carolina%20Trip%20August%202012/390853_10151122601086907_1779855418_n.jpg
  21. When will they honor Troy Smith and retire his numer along with the rest of the Heisman winners? I used to love ESPN as well Tilley, I thought it was amazing that I could watch sports 24/7. I would watch the same sportscenter over and over, now I hate flipping to the channel. However until a better alternative is in place its the best we have. The big 10 network sucks pretty badly and really hasnt gotten any better in the 6 years that it has been around imo.
  22. I remember Columbine as well, they didnt allow any kids in school to wear rock band t-shits, long jackets or anything "goth" for the rest of the year
  23. I used the rankings that ESPN has on their site..I am assuming they would use the AP, do they not? BTW fuck yo points lol. This thread is one of the reasons I log on here so much, that and the fact that my right wrist cannot take the abuse like it once could
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