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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. He might have a point, unless its a marquee matchup the shoe is pretty quiet. I have been to several games where fans just sat there and did nothing until OSU scored and then went back to doing nothing haha. The loudest I have personally ever heard a game was last year vs Wisconsin, especially on the game winning TD pass/catch. The quietest I have ever heard it was probablly against Youngstown State.
  2. Thats because the media hypes up the QB/RB position beyond belief and people buy into it. They might put up big stats but are they really the best player on the field? Would a running back be able to gain all those yards without good blockers, same with a qb. That has always been my biggest gripe about individual awards, even MVP awards.
  3. Woodson isthe exception, dude played DB, WR and returned kicks. Wasn't that Michigan team also 12-0 and the AP champs? He is also the last player who wasnt a QB or RB to win the award, so 15 years in a row that a RB/QB has won it. There is a reason QB's are hated so much, aside from the fact that they should be put in dresses, they get way too much credit with passing yards, they throw a 5 yard pass, wr breaks it off for 80 more and QB gets full credit or 85 yards passing, never understood that lol. Just went back and looked up that year to make sure I had fact straight and damn that Michigan team was pretty good. Wins over: #8 Colorado #15 Iowa #15 Michigan St #2 Penn State #23 Wisconsin #4 Ohio State #8 Washington Woodson also had crazy stats: 1 rushing TD 2 Receiving TD's (238 yards total) 1 Punt return for TD 8 INT's 44 Tackles (Teams would not throw his way)
  4. I agree, I remember hearing as a kid that he would've won had he scored a TD. WTF is that about, dude was dominant as fuck. Oh well the Heisman is a joke, it should be re-named "The award for the quarterback or runningback on the best team in the country". Very rarely does someone else get the award i.e Tebow his sophmore year (only took him 5 million td's to win) and Robert Griffin. Other then that its pretty true that your team has to be the best in the country and you play QB or RB
  5. In other news, I took my little one to get another autograph for his OSU helmet. This time it was some guy named Orlando Pace haha. He was a really cool guy and boy he is still large. Might go back tomorrow and get Craig Krenzel to sign it as well. So far the kid has met and gotten autographs from: Jim Tressel Mike Doss Orlando Pace Clark Kellog Evan Turner
  6. ^^ This, his 500hp CRZ ran high 14s for gods sake. The "700hp" D series has never seen a track to my knowledge, same with his "1004hp" Civic. Best part is he is the only person I know of that uses a turbonetics turbo these days. Bisi was cool in 2002ish
  7. Niners-Jets (Tebow takes them to the holy land...yes a pun was intended) My real prediction is Niners vs Patriots with a Niners victory
  8. Just saw breaking news on Yahoo that he has passed away. For those that dont know who he is, he was John Coffey in The Green Mile. He was also in Armageddon and Planet of The Apes
  9. I told Phil on my fb that Michigan was exposed as being a fraud Saturday night. They had some lucky breaks last year plus got to play the worst team Ohio State has fielded in 10 years. I agree with Zacks comments. If you look at their schedule I can easily see them losing 2-3 more games @ Notre Dame Micigan State @ Nebraska @ Ohio State I think they lose atleast 2 out of those 4 games. Over all I think the B10 is going to have a down year and the true champion wont even be allowed to play in the conference championship game. I think it'll be Wisky vs MSU part 2. Now while talking to Phil he made the point that Alabama is the best team in the country, re-watching the game I might have to agree with him. They really were just bigger and more physical at every position than Michigan. I really hope someone like LSU can knock them off because I do not want to see them in the NCG for the 3rd time in 4 years. Although I think USC could hang with them and would have the best chance of someone outside the SEC to win it all. PS: Braxton still throws ducks!
  10. Welp Boise is out of the talks lol. If thats the best team in the B10 though, we're in for a long season. I really was not impressed by either team tonight
  11. I dont think any of their players raped kids, sadly they are the ones really being punished
  12. Home Depot LOL, least our lights stay on past 10 BTW try this fb link if the first one Matt posted doesn't work for ya http://www.facebook.com/events/419767051394332/
  13. In, bringing out the real racecar (wifes civic) lol
  14. Miller has done some testing with his car I think thats about it for this year. Been sort of a down year in the Honda world with some of the big names not racing. Right now Speed Factory is the top dog. The fact still remains Miller has called Bisi out seriously like 5 times and Bisi pussy's out every time. Others have called Bisi out because his headers are shit, they dont make the power claimed and break
  15. Yeah I agree with the USC, Choklahoma and FSU comments. I think part of me is just praying that its anyone besides an SEC school. I have heard a lot of people on the WVU bandwagon and now that they are in the Big12 they stand a better chance to earn respect compared to the Big East. Oh yeah my upset pick this week is Auburn over Clemson
  16. Yeah of course they are going to protect one of their top teams. I honestly think this is the year where an SEC school doesnt make the NCG. I think USC, Oklahoma and maybe FSU will be there in some form vs each other
  17. Anyone watch South Carolina earlier? That didnt look like a top 10 team to me lol. I am waching Washington St/BYU right now, Mike Leach is still as ballsy as ever. Just went for it on 4th and 5 in teh 1st quarter haha
  18. All of his cars look the same lol. He has whore out the honda world so much that its turned against him and now forced him to go repeat the process with the Porche crowd.
  19. Boost controller took a shit on me, ran off wastegate pressure all night. Going back out next week. I better get my license cause while I was teching in they were giving me shit about watching my MPH
  20. Brock's deal with WWE isn't that strict, in fact he's only obligated to appear at a certain ammount of TV tapings. I said when he "retired" that he'd be back in the octagon soon. Fedor has looked less then stellar his last several fights, he hasn't really fought anyone worth a damn in a while. I think Dana is making all these comments just to draw back a buzz from canceling the PPV
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