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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Not to thread jack but I am also looking for some tickets. Mainly looking for 2-4 tickets for the Nebraska game.
  2. I like the new staff from what I have see, seems like there is more fire in the program then that last regime. My wife was watching with me and said "are they seriously taking naps" haha. I had to explain to her how 2 and 3 a days work. In non OSU news, LSU db Tyrann Mathieu has checked himself into rehab apparently. Guess that clears up why he was given the boot.
  3. Haha yeah hes pretty stout. That picture makes him look ethiopian but a few on here can vouche for his beastyness. At his 2 year check up back in may he was like 38 or 39inchs with his legs bunched up, he wouldn't lay flat haha. Never hurts coming from a family full of big guys
  4. Wheels came in today, my 2 year old son (Tyson) approves of them. He even told me that they were wheels and for daddys race car haha. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/rearskinnies.png
  5. Haha lets just say that boost is now double what it was at the last IFO and what its been thus far. Also I have bought some parts to help shed weight which will hopefully help. It will be ready to rock and roll next month at both the track day and IFO
  6. Urban prob had some pull with this decision
  7. Thanks, I plan on being at the CR Fall track day doing some T&T for sure. I am gonna try getting my license passes out of the way in next couple weeks. They were already on my ass about getting them last time out, now with 8-15 more psi and good gas I am definitley gonna need them or continue getting kicked out of the track.
  8. Update time!! The car is finally done at the tuner and I am pretty anxious to get it back. I would like to give a big thanks to Steve Wilson as always and Chris/Chuck Wright at Pro Car in Akron for all the tuning and help over the last 4 weeks. The car was nothing but headaches on the dyno haha, first the ignitor went bad on the distributor, then it blew 4 brand new tires apart, finally with the help of some worn drag radials it was able to be finished. I don't know what the final numbers are, I do know taht it made 400whp@6700 rpms and the car spools 7psi more at the same rpm over the previous tune. C16 is an amazing thing, the car also now revs to 10k rpms over the old 8500...yes it still makes power at 10k rpms according to Steve. I want to get this thing on a track and see what sort of trap speeds I encounter, that will give me a better idea of where its really at power wise. Oh yeah another 5-7 psi is coming at the race track as well, we ran out of wastegate spring so had to stop dyno tuning at 25psi. I also have picked up a couple things to make the car look better and shed weight. First up was a VIS carbon fiber hood that I drove to West Viginia to pick up for $100. The other item is a set of v2 Competition rear skinnies. Gonna wrap them in either MT or MH tires. I still have a few things I need to buy in order to help get the car trapping and hitting the ET's we want. Stay tuned
  9. I dont care what spot I have, 28, 34, hell I plan on being even higher in the next week. I am picking my car up from the tuner as its finally done, lets just say it makes more power then it did when I ran 11.2 lol BTW looks like someone may have cleaned it up cause I am now #27!!! Hahahaha
  10. Was out last night in my buddies truck, had a bed load of people including Alex lol. I love the drunks on the sidelines talking shit when you wont do a burnout, so we started telling them to do one first, they were all sorts of cornfused at that point. Did the truck go into people down by the police station? If so we was coming through town right when that happened. That type of shit will be what gets the event shut down
  11. Apparently TE Jake Stoneburner has been moved to WR, he played that position in highschool. Leads me to belive that the current WR's are not playmakers as I suggested over and over last year... Brandon Castel ‏ @ BCastOZone Meyer said Stoneburner working primarily with WR's. "We have 2 pretty good TE's in Heuerman and Vannett." Ari Wasserman ‏ @ AriWassermanBSB Stoneburner will go over and help because Meyer is comfortable with the other tight ends on the roster. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 8m Ari Wasserman ‏ @ AriWassermanBSB Jake Stoneburner has officially moved to wide receiver. Meyer said the receivers are coming along, but they’re not “OSU caliber” yet. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite Also read that d-lineman Adam Bellamy is going to transfer out which is strange since he was in the 2 deep and most likely a starter next year
  12. Might venture out as I said, got a couple friends in town wanting to go plus my phone was blowing up til 2am last night
  13. Heath is always big, tomorrow the cops will be pricks. Right about 1030 they'll roll in full force and shut it down. They have done this the past 2 years. Might venture out tomorrow just to avoid my phone blowing the fuck up like it did tonight from people asking where I was at haha. My facebook news status thingy has been blowing up with people complaining about the drunks on side of the road talking shit to them while cruising through
  14. I am sitting at home on my couch currently and can hear the cars from here. I won't be going out to it this year. After last year I am pretty much over this event. I can't stand the toothless hillbillies standing around boasting about Merican made cars yet most of them probablly drive a Honda, Toyota, whatever else. Its great for the economy here as the hotels, gas stations and food joint are packed On a side note I will be at the actual races tomorow, wife got press box passes again.
  15. Yeah most feel he is going to go to a lesser level school to play.
  16. Lol, kid is a beast and sure fire top 10 pick in the NFL whenever he comes out. I honestly think LSU loses a game or 2 now that he isn't there. His return skills are insane
  17. Better question, who is going to buy another persons twitter account for that much? You find me a buyer and I will consider doing the whole twittering thing
  18. Just saw breakin news on the bottom line on ESPN that LSU DB Tyrann Mathieu has been looking for a different school to play at this year? I wonder what the deal is with that, kid is a monster on a championship caliber team, just seems very odd to me. He was dismissed from the team? This is huge news for this coming season, speculation is he failed his 3rd drug test
  19. Went to Texas back in March, can't say that I ever care to visit again lol.
  20. Haha yeah I have read some pretty crazy theories, I am waiting on the sky elevators to pop up so we can all say "Beam me up Scotty"
  21. Sweet, tax dollars spent on exploring an inhabitable planet, whew whoo....not!
  22. IDK, Hankins has been quoted as saying 1. He won leave unless he's the#1 over all pick and 2. He wants to win a championship. The way things look with the 2013 schedule I think #2 is very likely unless some major upset is pulled against OSU. Roby could very well be gone, but I think he sticks around to try winning a ring. Gotta think neither of them get a bowl game this year and the one last year they lost, I would like to think they wanna go out on top. We shall see though Malcolm is in my top 3 over all favorite Buckeyes of all time!!! That dude was/is a beast.
  23. Roby is my favorite player on the team currently, not sure how I feel about the whole "earning the #1 jersey", thats a Michigan thing. I wonder if those 40s were electronically timed, if so a 4.31 is fucking flying so is a 4.35 lol. The Hayes situation is supposedly medical related and it opens up a schollie. Alot of people are concerned with Roby returning kicks as we're thin at the DB position
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