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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Yeah 100% of it will be put towards toys or the remaining balance will be donated as well.
  2. Big10 is supposedly taking Paterno's name off the championship game trophey
  3. Now as the head of a non-profit orginization there is no filing of taxes to be done correct? I mean since you're non profit you shouldn't have to claim anything right?
  4. Could be a good idea, however you'd have teams like Boise and Houston (this year) that go undefeated but would be left out cause they are not in an elite conference...Not to mention do you really think ESEC would allow only 1 SEC team in the playoff? Cmon son they have way too much time and money wrapped up in the SEC for that to happen, same with CBS. So you are now down to 1 at large spot. What happens when 2nd place in the Pac12 say (Oregon), Big12 (1 loss Oklahoma State) and Big 10 (we'll use Wisconsin) are all 1 loss teams, 2 of those schools get left out...
  5. Good deal, maybe i'll take in donations at the event to cover the $125 so I can do this annually.
  6. Well thats 2 fails from me lmfao!!! I thought that they didn't play in the conference championship game or some shit like that, thus the reason they was the odd man out. Regardless that is the 1 year where an argument could've been legitimately made. Outside of that I still feel it has worked its self out in the end year in and year out
  7. Many of my previous post were made with me under the influence of anger. I will take a much more professional approach than I may have let off while posting in this thread.
  8. Haha, I just emailed "rollingthunder" asking if they was a legit orginization or if it was just a name they used to organize events under. I also asked them how they went about getting permission and how they got started as a charity if in fact they are one.
  9. So I just need some fancy little name and a website then I am official? If thats the case then I will start looking around for a web designer and a catchy name because I would really like to turn this into an anual event. Anyone know where to begin in terms of becoming an official "charity"? I could probablly start by emailing those in charge of "rollingthunder" huh I won't look like an ass, i'll just mention that other stores told us no and that luckily Meijers was nice enough to say yes.
  10. Fail I forgot 98 Tennesee was without Manning, doh!!!! They had a black qb that year, his name is escaping me right now. OSU was loaded in 98, i'll agree with that. I just don't see a major issue with the BCS when its usually 2 undefeated teams playing in the NCG. I don't see how a playoff would be any better. There would always be an argument of "well if we was the #1 seed we wouldn't have had to play such and such" not to mention where do you cut it off as to who gets in the playoffs? Hell look at the standings right now and tell me where the cut off point is at, is it 12? Well then you have an issue right there because the 12th ranked team is a 2 loss team. There are 8 other 2 loss teams in the top 25, how do you explain to them that their 2 losses are worse then South Carolinas? Do you make it an 8 team playoff? Well again how do you tell team #9 that thier equal record just isn't good enough...see what I mean. There will always be some way for a team and its fans to compalin lol.
  11. I see what you're saying WNAPLAY, I however know for a fact that no news medias were there. My wifes step dad was one of the bikers there and we have gone in years past and donated toys as well. I would've had no problem meeting with the manager face to face and maybe that would've been a better route to take. I honestly don't feel that would've changed the end result though. I guess it'll be one of those "what ifs" in life at this point. Greg here is a link: http://www.newarkadvocate.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2011111070303. A single picture is all this even got publicity wise. I could've had the legit factor as well, as I have a couple local companies that have donated money towards this and told me they had no problem backing the event if that was needed (in regards to putting a legit name to the event)
  12. Ohio State lost to Michigan State at home in 98...that kind killed that argument. I still cringe at the though of Dee Miller slipping. Tennesee had a 13-0 record and Florida State was absolutely loaded that year. So in the end it did work out **Edited because I had a major brain fart** 2008 USC lost to Oregon State...I remember that game as it was a thursday night game on ESPN. That is the year you didn't want to play on ESPN's Thursday night football as damn near everyone favored in those games lost. They may have been the best team that year, but losing to Oregon State kind of killed their argument. I wouldve rather watched USC vs Florida in the NCG as Oklahoma got bombed by UF The reason there wasn't such a complaint about Auburn being left out by ESEC was because they at the time were slobbering all over USC's dicks. However Aurburn iirc didn't even play in that years conference championship game becasue Florida was undefeated as well in the SEC East (they somehow didn't play one another that year) and Florida lost to Bama in that game. So you had a 13-0 Auburn team who was complaining, but didn't have enough to stand on.
  13. The bikers got no publicity, there was 1 picture in our local paper. Hell the bikers commented on the picture bitching about the lack of publicity lol. If publicity is what they want, then publicity they shall get
  14. Yeah agree that they probablly did us a favor. I just find it idiotic that a group of 400 bikers get the ok, but a group of 50 cars are told no. idk it just rubbed me the wrong way I guess. If I was asking for money or free toys and they told me no then ok sure I wouldn't be so mad. One of my buddies just text me and said what would they do if we all showed up to buy stuff, tell us no we don't want your business? Jeffro they are never busy, thats why I figured we could do it there. Hell during Christmas season their lot is half empty. Hell I figured they'd love the extra business. Each car has to buy atleast 1 boy and 1 girl toy, that adds up very quickly. I could understand if i was was wanting to do this on Black Friday lol, but 11am on a saturday morning when no one is out and about here in Newark/Heath, cmon!
  15. About a month ago I got the idea to do a toys for tots event. I asked a few buddies of mine if they'd be interested in helping out some kids this Christmas and from there the idea grew. Since we are all car guys, we decided why not make it a Toys For Tots Cruise. We could have everyone come out in their cars for one final time this year, buy some toys and then donate them to the Salvation Army. Sounds like a great idea right? So armed with this idea I called my local Toys R Us store as I know the local bikers here do a very similar event (they just did theirs 2 weeks ago). I call in and get a cashier and ask to speak to a store manager, the manager gets on the phone and I explain the following to him: "Hello, my name is Josh Moore and I just have a couple quick questions for you regarrding an event I am trying to put together. I along with several of my friends are wanting to do a Toys for Tots charity event involving cars. There will be between 50 and 100 cars, depending on the weather and who forgets to show up (mind you the local Toys R Us has a big lot). We are not requesting any donations or anything of that nature, more so just seeking permission to all meet up in your parking lot, buy toys from your store and then go donate them. We would be at your store no longer than an hour and a half, I will make sure that no trash is left behind and that no one is a nucianse to your workers or other customers." The guy tells me that he isn't the one in charge of giving out such permission that I would need to contact coorperate. Ok thats fine no biggie, or so I thought. I get on Toys R Us website and find the coorperate phone number and give them a shout. I get a nice lady who tells me that she is not the one to contact that I have to write an email asking for permission. Still not an issue I hang up and promptly send them an email stating the exact same thing I said over the phone. Two days go by and I get a generic reply from them stating that they only donate to their charity which involves Marines...ok I don't want charity, I just want permission. So I email them back again, this time I get no reply. Fast forward to today, my wife calls in and finally gets ahold of someone with some sort of authority. My wife explains everything I have tried explaining to a manager and some email address, the lady tells my wife to hang on one second and she'll be right back. The lady comes back on the phone and tells my wife that Toys R Us has a non soliciting policy inside and outside of the store. Her and my wife continue talking and my wife explains how we aren't selling anything, aren't asking for donations and that we'll be spending money in the store. The lady says sorry thats just the policy. So my wife then ask about the bikers doing this same event and even having a hot dog concession stand outside while doing it. The lady says "I'm really not sure, it's just what I was told". So long story short, Toys R Us is a huge pile of shit! Luckily Meijers was willing to allow us to use their parking lot as the meeting point and accept our money in the process. It just so happens I have an interview with my local newspaper (The Newark Advocate) on Wednesday, so i'll be sure that Toys R Us gets some publicity, it just won't be the kind they want. I can see it now "Major toy store says no to car enthusiest wanting to donate to children". That'll look good on them, not. Sorry for my rant, had to tell someone about it haha
  16. Hehe figured i'd spread the shit giving Phil. I don't mind the BCS, there has been only 1 maybe 2 years where I didnt agree with it. The big one was when undefeated Auburn was left out, but outside of that it usually works its self out and the best team in the country wins the NCG. I do hate preseason rankings ,but without them how else would they be able to hype the hell out of games. I mean Oklahoma State vs Oklahoma doesn't sound that great, #2 Oklahoma State vs #5 Oklahoma, now that draws some attention (if this was preseason hypothetically). I think rankings shouldn't come out until week 5 or so, but again they need them in order to draw ratings. You wanna talk about dumb rankings, how about crowning national champions in highschool sports. How the fuck do you do that?
  17. RG3 has fallen off the map in terms of media coverage. He went from Heisman hopefull to who? BTW Phil it was 2 years ago, 2010-2012..thats 2 years Regardless I think Oregon has already been exposed that against good defenses they aren't that amazing, like you said LSU handled them. Back to BCS talk for a second, What happens if LSU loses to Arkansas and Oklahoma State loses to Oklahoma? I'm not a fan of a playoff system as I actually enjoy watching the 28 or so bowl games that are played, but this would be one of the most controversial years if these 2 things were to happen. \
  18. I was just wondering and i've never seen a cop out at a store here in the Newark/Heath area on black friday lol. I have seen people camping out at 2pm on Thursday though
  19. Anyone ever thought about going out and selling hotdogs, pop and coffee? I would venture to guess that a lot of money could be made doing this lol. There are people standing in lines for up to 6 hours if not longer.
  20. Phil all you heard about leading into that OSU/Oregon game was how fast Oregon was, just like last year they were so fast. Then they faced a team outside the Pac12 and got smacked around and suddenly they didnt look so fast anymore. They are entertaining to watch I will give you that, I just don't think they are a serious contender. Stanford is done they will be in the Rose Bowl playing Wisky or Michigan State. That might be a matchup that the Big10 can actually win. As good as Luck is, his WR's are not. Who ya got this week? #21 Penn State vs Ohio State (senior day in the shoe, PSU doesn't win in Cbus often. I think its 1 or 2 victories ever) #16 Nebraska vs #18 Michigan USC at #4 Oregon (This is my upset pick! USC is a very silten 8-1 this year) #5 Oklahoma vs #22 Baylor #13 Kansas State vs #23 Texas Outside of that its a pretty boring weekend. Alabama is playing powerhours Georgia Southen and South Carolina is playing Citadel, so much for that brutal SEC schedule lol.
  21. They are the same team that was so fast yet got mauled by Ohio States defense. No team in the Pac12 plays defense. Oregon would get smacked around again by LSU in the NCG. Oklahoma State may not have a defense but I think they could put points on the board against LSU. As long as the SEC doesnt win another championship I am ok with whoever goes lol
  22. Andrew Luck and Stanford go down as well, called that one. The heisman race just opened up again as did the chase for the BCS
  23. Boise State goes down :( !!!!!! I blame it on the white uniforms lmfao, oh well thats the beauty of college football. Now the discussion of a LSU/Bama rematch becomes a lot more realistic should Oregon beat Stanford tonight and Oklahoma State lose to Oklahoma, I really hope that doesn't happen
  24. yeah I agree. I didnt want to see this team in a BCS game to begin with. I don't see a team that they would beat in a BCS matchup. Hell I dont look for them to win whatever bowl game they go to. Might as well self impose a bowl ban at this point
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