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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Thanks for all the info. I know for sure we want to see Amsterdam, Berlin. We could pass on the Mercedes and Porche museums as I am not really a fan of either car maker (just a car fan in general) and my buddy is not a car guy. So by eliminating that it opens up free time. We are flying into Frankfurt as it appears to be the closest airport to my buddies camp. He is going to come up that morning and meet us, we have looked up train info and it says its a 3hr 42min ride to Amsterdam and theres a train leaving right around 1 1/2hrs after we land which should allow us enough time to get off the plane, get our backpacks and go. We did look at the castle that inspired Disney and that looks pretty cool. I found Hostels for $9 a person each night, and if they are the same as the pics shown then they aren't bad. We still have 6 months to really figure everything out before buying plane tickets, setting up reservations and getting train passes taken care of. We are planning on getting one of my friends army buddies to let us either borrow a car a few days or just go with us. They know a few Germans as well which should help with the translation stuff, and could help if they know quicker routes. I will check on flights from Frankfurt to Amsterdam and then from Amsterdam to the US.
  2. Meh, I wish they were making fun of videos, oh wait MTV has nothing to do with Music anymore. Bring back Tom Green!!!
  3. We'd like to visit Italy and Austria but I don't know if were gonna have the time to do it or not. In Schweinfurt we'll have access to a car so that will help cut down some traveling time. I wanna drive on the Autobahn and visit a concentration camp
  4. Any other details lol, like I said I have never traveled over seas so not sure what to expect
  5. Long story short, my best friend of 18 years is stationed in Schweinfurt Germany and wants me and my wife to come over next March and do some traveling around Europe with him. I have never been over seas, so this will be a learning expierence in many ways. We are planning on traveling to Berlin, Amsterdam, The Czech Replublic and a few other places while there (8 days). We have a list of some of the places we want to visit while there, just looking for some other places to check out and some helpful hints/knowledge about over seas traveling and Europe. We plan on staying in Hostels and taking the trains everywhere we go for the most part. Heres the places we have planned to see, feel free to add to them Amsterdam: Ann Frank Museum Redlight District (might as well see what all the hype is about lol) Berlin: Berlin Wall Olympic Stadium Stuttgart: Porche/Mercedes Benz Museums Wurzburg: couple castles there Bas Kissigen: XXL Burger (makes thurmans burger look like a bitch) Czech Republlic: Prague
  6. Best new talent out of Ohio belongs to this guy: /debate
  7. Rhianna is in this movie as well. When I first heard about this (bout a year ago), I though it was going to be "you sunk my destroyer" "Miss", but this looks like Transfomers just lamer. Oh well the girl in the beginning would get it This is what this movie will prob end up like:
  8. And they say Hondas suck lol, these things are nasty
  9. This chick is fucking hillarious "I think the meaning to life is to get as many guys as possible to tongue punch my fart box" roflmao!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ9nykstdAE&feature=relmfu
  10. Hinderer on 79? P.S that the only pic you got?
  11. I saw him out last night while I was up there. Kid rolled in and nutswingers flocked to him by the dozens. Car is nice, but there is no car in this world that would make me all giddy and want to jerk another man off lol.
  12. Had free tickets for this tomorrow, but gonna be too hot
  13. How many of these characters will be included? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Avengers_members
  14. ^^ Not as bad as Michael Bay using the same footage from one of his movies for Transformers 3, but that is still pretty crazy
  15. Whole time I was watching that all I could think was, damn who ever made that vid has some skills. Probablly the best vid I have seen Linn post
  16. Well the last one did come out like 5 years ago...supposedly the Villians are going to be Proto Goblin and Lizard. And story starts out pre-Mary Jane, IDk sounds kinda lame honestly and the dude playing Spiderman is like 30 years old and is supposed to potray a 17 year old highschool kid lol. The suck part is aside from fucking up Venom in the last movie, they were setting the Lizard up perfectly for the 4th film. Then the director (Sam Raimi backed out and the reboot was on)
  17. Much like TDKR trailer, its how they filmed it. Supposedly its going to be darker then the other 3 previously released
  18. Ah your prob right, well FML....sorry. Ill update if I can find a unblocked version
  19. Official release is friday but for now here is this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzNvKs0uIcY
  20. could also use Pit to help heal Batmans broken back...
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