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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. And your credibility was destroyed upon writing this statement
  2. I saw that car on 70 a week or so ago, theres a yellow GT3 running around as well
  3. Pryor 20-40k, thats quite a difference in cash isn't it? Newton 180k, yet was able to win the heisman and national title, gotta love the media
  4. Umm UofM is being investigated too...so don't act like Michigan is running a clean program. The fact is no program in the country is clean, hell theres reports that Texas is about to be the next to get exposed. Colt McCoys gf/wife whatever, was on radio today talking about how she saw players take money and gifts while Colt was there. Heres some links if you want to read more about it Texas scandal: http://twitter.com/#!/Andy_Staples/status/78197236940537856 I'll find the link to the Michigan shit here in a few, btw you dont see UofM going through this? Have you ever heard of the Fab 5? Or how about Rich Rod being caught cheating by practicing more then allowed, not that it helped them
  5. 8 game season is a joke, I was watching ESPN and apparently they had a 9 game season in 82 when the Redskins won the SB
  6. Over rated? The kid lost 3 or 4 games as a starter, was the first qb to beat an SEC team in how long? 2 Bowl game MVP's winner, 2nd place in career leading rusher for qb at OSU, 5th in passing yards...his on the field acomplishments are far from over rated. He was the best player on the field in every game the Buckeyes suited up for. Buckeye fans seem oh so glad to see him leave, we'll see how much they miss him as we go 7-5 this year. Like it or not there is no talen on offense to pull through an entire year. The best qb and running back imo just left, Boom is probablly gonna be gone as well, super thin at WR with the leading returning guy being Philly Brown who drops balls like Braylon Edwards. I'll continue to be a Buckeye fan, I just think its going to be a rough year, hell its gonna be a rough next 2-4 years once the NCAA hammers us. I will say this though, he would be wise to switch to WR. Did you watch the Texas game where Boeckman threw the fade route to him? No DB in the NFL is going to be able to defend Pryor on a jump ball, the dude runs a 4.3 at 6'6 250lbs, I think he'd be just fine switching to WR. It worked for Antwon Randle El and a few others that have made the switch from college qb to NFL wr
  7. He shouldn't be drinking, this was posted on Ohiohondas a year or so ago. http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/codypassedout.jpg
  8. Alex can you have your daddy buy me a supra? I won't hate
  9. Alex, he is perma banned now for calling the owner (Rashy) a wetback, real fucking intelligent. I used to like Cody as I am friends with his older brother, but after his brother left for the millitary it seems that Cody's mouth got out of control. Its almost like he has to make up for his brother being awesome, by attempting to be, but fails 90% of the time. I remember the first time I met Cody his brother was like "he's such a douche and annoys me, lets leave him here". I was like nah he seems like a funny kid and I don't mind him being around us. Should have listened to your brother haha Cody you know damn well that you act like a know it all, thus the reason we no longer speak. You also like to talk shit behind peoples backs yet when called out on it you backpeddle like a mother fucker, remember our conversation after the first time I met Chris and he tells me your talking shit...I haven't been to the meets so I can't comment on him getting in and out of cars without permission, but it sounds like something he would do, along with the smokin/drinking? I bet daddy wouldn't be happy if he happened to find out, hell he'd prob sell your prelude and get his money back that he has put in it One day you will find the person that doesn't care about you being 17 and will lay you flat the fuck out for that mouth of yours. Maybe you should take a step away from the entire car scene i.e forums and meets for a while and do some serious soul searching and get back to being the old Cody. You'll have plenty of time to do that while polishing your block/transmission. How close was you to being banned on Honda-Tech for nutswinging from silkyjohnsons dick, yes thats the guys username and trust me, you was hanging onto them hard. Your track record with forums isn't the greatest, banned from Ohiohondas (like alex said pretty hard to do that) not once, but numerous times. Nearly banned from Honda-Tech and now working on banishment from this forum....take a fucking chill pill, stop coming back with oh so clever and witty comebacks on a computer screen, and stop being a douche. Maybe people would like you a lot more if you would just chill and take a back seat instead of trying to be the focal point. I know you miss your brother and feel lonely but don't take it out on everyone you encounter.
  10. Pryor is looking like a real selfish asshole right now. First he says he doesn't feel a bit responsible for Tress resigning, then he shows up to a team meeting with news cameras everywhere driving a 350z with temp tags and no L's, real fucking smart there dumbass! I read where Simon and the others were looking into legal action against the SI writer, idk if they have a case or not, but it'd definitley send a message to writers and media outlets to get their shit straight before posting it as "news"
  11. If I were Storm and others accused without evidence, I would file a lawsuit against SI.com for defimation (sp) of character.
  12. I was just thinking, you know what OSU should do if/when Pryor comes back from suspension...line his ass up at WR. They are thin at WR anyways, he will be the best WR in the nation (don't even try arguing this one), dude is a fucking freak of nature and no DB is going to match up with his size and speed. Plus honestly I don't think he'll be a pro qb, so might as well help him out while you can
  13. Dungy will not be the next coach at Penn State, that has already been discussed by Joe Pa and PSU, its one of his assistants that is taking over when he dies (he will die before retiring). The hot name is Urban Meyer and yes he wins games, but he got away with a ton of shit because he was in the NCAA and media's darling conference the SEC, with the shit that just happened here the eye will be even closer on tOSU. Plus I dont see Meyer wanting to take over the mess that will be left by the time the NCAA gets done. I believe Gruden would take the job here today if offered. I don't have any real reason to believe that outside of gut feeling. I read this on the scout forum regardding the SI article, it mentions John Simon and Storm Klein, here is what one posted posted: "Storm has NO tats and Simon has the exact same number as when he came to OSU. That should tell you guys all you need to know. Didn't want that to be lost in the other thread...." As for Pryor being off the team I have a hard time believing that. He is taking the biggest beating out of the Tat 5, which has me puzzled. The other 4 are looking like they will escape with their heads in tact, while Pryors is being taken off.
  14. First thing I noticed in the first pic is the fact that you have a Coke machine in your garage lol
  15. People need to stop hating on Pryor, there were 4 others involved in the events that lead to this...
  16. Yeah Gruden is the fucking man, he is old school and tells it how it is. I have said for the last 3-4 years that Gruden should be the next coach here if Tress decided to leave for whatever reasons.
  17. Fuck Urban Meyer, bring me Jon Gruden!! That guy is a winner plain and simple, he took 2 terrible franchises to the super bowl (Tampa Bay and Oakland), imagine what he could do at the college level with pretty much the best talent you can get at his disposal. He is laid back enough that parents of recruits will like him, but has a fire inside him that will make fans and players fall in love with him on game day. Go watch some youtube videos of Gruden's QB camp or just Gruden in general and tell me that is not who you want here next. The thing about Urban Meyer is, yes he wins games...but he doesn't run a clean program at all. Go look up all the Florida player arrest while he was coaching there. Secondly, he bails on programs, look at Utah and Florida. Once they lost Alex Smith (utah) and Tebow (Florida), Meyer was done. Honestly though I think it will be a no name guy that ends up as the next head coach, that is unless Fickell leads OSU to a 14-0 season with a NC victory. The last no name coach that got hired here worked out pretty well... Off topic a little bit, but damn Ray Small is one dumb mother fucker. This was his tweet this morning apparently: Former Ohio State receiver Ray Small: Lol what y'all gone do 2 me that man resigned his self if u don't like me [bleep] u!!
  18. Fickell has a year long job interview in my opinion to keep the job. I am sure the rumors of Stoops, Gruden and Meyer will be everywhere, just like when Cooper stepped down. Hopefully Youngstown State has a good coach this year, it worked out pretty well the last time lol. I hate reading people over on "sports" forums, they are grilling Terrelle Pryor, there were others involved in this case, yet he is the only one getting heat. I don't think we turn into Michigan.
  19. Well I see CR has finally gotten a taste of the real Cody lol. As for polishing your engine, hate to burst your bubble but its already been done on a honda. Go through the 1100 pages on Honda-Tech or NWP's "shaved/tucked" thread. The car was a trailer queen that was towed to shows. If you didn't come off as such a little cock sucker people might be more willing to help you out. Instead you are the typical Honda kid that gives other non ricer honda owners a bad name. You don't have a fucking clue about anything, yet you will argue til your blue in the face, as if you have a clue. You ask questions, then argue until 1 person gives you the answer that you was looking for, regardless of how many others are telling you not to waste your time ect. You are 17 for fucks sake, sit down, shut up and wait your turn while learning. Don't act like a know it all just because you polished the lip on a set of wheels. This is the main reason I do not get along with you anymore, regardless of what type of shit you try telling other people... Can it be done, sure most likely Is it feasable to do it, most likely not Painting blocks has been done for atleast 50 years, your not reinventing the wheel here. Just paint the fucking thing or leave it alone. Or prove us all wrong like you want to do and spend the 100+hours polishing it up only to watch it change colors after driving it a few times..
  20. 5/22/11: Well I finally got to his some boost Also installed my gauge switch panel in the stock radio location http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/bezelin.jpg
  21. Sorry if I offended you by saying...mmm no?
  22. Mmm....no? 5/21/11: Came home from my sons birthday party and found that my neighbor had something for me. He gave me this (see pic), fits in the spot where my radio once went. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/bezel.jpg
  23. True story, that Prius was fucking motoring lol. Thats ok, I see it out on the roads after tomorrow and im gonna rape it lol
  24. Another wrestler to die "young". I grew up watching him as well
  25. I just read a report that said Fast 5 was going to be the movie that kinda turned fast and furious from a car movie into a heist franchise. Apparently they are going to keep making these movies but make them more heist related, rather then car related...might as well just change the name of the fucking franchise lol
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