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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Pretty sure this was filmed in Mexico but can't verify that, anyways the vid seems to show a turbo GSR vs a Turbo Camaro, view for yourself I guess (Integra vs Turbo Camaro....Integra on camera side) (Teg on left side) (Brake boosting, Camaro hits it late due to not being able to hear) (Teg on left side)
  2. I'll be on 195/50/15 Kumho's, what you know about that
  3. I drive just as good in flip flops as I do in shoes, that should never be used as an excuse lol
  4. Isn't that why you sign a release form stating that you will not hold the track responsible should death or injury occur?
  5. Pacemakers is a nice track, just not for me that is all. I think I am going to trails tomorrow to play with launching, tire pressure as well
  6. Only bad thing about Pacemakers is the fact that its 1/8th mile
  7. Yeah she was on there apparently but I have never watched the show
  8. Was walking in wal-mart today and my wife made the comment about this girl on a posters voice. So I come home and check her out on youtube, and holy shit. It almost looks like she is lip syncing. Not my kinda music but her voice is insane for 9-11 years old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKhmFSV-XB0
  9. So is the guy in the hatch Brian or is he Toretto?
  10. I will let my dad know about the rear stuts, his crx needs some badly, you wouldn't happen to have a front pair would you? Also no issues with them i.e blown?
  11. Where was the racing...looked like 2 slow cars trying to speed
  12. All you have to do is register is as a mix breed and your in the clear...my Pit is registered as a Chocolate Lab Mix becaue he is chocolate and at first glance no one realizes he is full blooded pit. BSL or Breed Specific Legislatoin as its known is total bullshit. I just wrote a paper for my comp2 class last quarter about it. Did you know that Pit Bulls have a better termperment score then German Shepards, Poodles and even Retrievers? The media has created such a bias against these dogs along with shitty owners using them for fighting that it kills those of us that own them. Thats because DNA testing isn't even conclusive when it comes to dogs, add to the fact that the term Pit Bull isn't even a breed in its own right. The "pitbull breed" is actually composed of 3 breeds, the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Yeah its shitty how any dog looking like a Pit is labeled as such, thus the reason the bite count is higher. Consider the following study performed by the National Canine Research Council: In August of 2007, four serious dog attacks were tracked. The attacks involved four different breeds (only one involved a pit bull). All of the attacks were severe, ranging from a fatal head and neck injury to severe hospitalizations (the fatality was not caused by the pit bull). The two hospitalizations and the fatality were reported only by local newspapers either one or two times. In contrast, the pit bull attack was reported over 230 times in national and international newspapers and in major television networks, including CNN, MSNBC and FOX. This severe bias has a devastating effect on public perception and takes a toll on public safety.
  13. Was that an all motor civic you was racing, good god that thing didn't go anywhere
  14. yeah I hope your not trying to put factory 13in rims on your civic for slicks, you wont clear the brakes... Like steve said Exospeed or even Lenso are your best options
  15. Now you know where your tax dollars are going
  16. Don't trust me? I have a 6psi spring in the gate with no boost controller, trust me its on 6psi, but ill bring the lap top with me to verify it
  17. Good, my car on 6psi vs your car on 6psi, both on street tires! I am going to tree your ass then proceed to pull away for 1,320 feet
  18. You tell me when and bring some cash
  19. Sorry I am postig in a couple day old thread but just got home from vacation, with that said, let me chime in haha. First, Bosh was one of the best players these playoffs for the Heat. Look at his numbers, 18.6ppg, 8.5 rebounds per game. There was a couple games where he was the best player on the court through out the Heats run. If you think for a minute that Orlando is going to trade Howard to Miami, your fucking high. I was watching ESPN and they said that the cost to get Howard from Orlando would be too much for any team in the league, including LA (Bynum). I think Howard ends up in LA once he becomes a free agent. I don't think Miami is poised to win championships anytime soon. They have issues at the PG and Center position, lack a quality bench which is needed to win a championship and are limited on funds. As for Cleveland not being able to bring in talent for Lebron, thats a fucking joke. He basically named who he wanted and Cleveland tried getting them, the only one they missed on was Amare and thats because the Suns wanted way too much for him. They wanted Hickson, Varajao, Mo Williams and draft picks, thats a little excessive don't ya think? They got Mo Williams after he tore shit up in Milwaukee (17.8ppg) I was never a fan of the Jamison deal but he was the best available PF outside of Amare. The Cavs did everything in their power to help Lebron out, he just failed in the playoffs. He has the most talen playing with him now, yet its the same result, whats your excuse for that? They haven't gel'd yet? They had an entire fucking year to mesh together, plus they played together in the olympics. The fact is Lebron does not have the clutch gene and does not show up in the Finals /debate! Not to mention those 2 were traded to Boston, they didn't get as free agents like Lebron did. Plus they were both in shitty situations where the team was not trying to help them win a ring (Minnesota/Seattle)
  20. Lmfao, I am done watching ESPn for a while. I am tired of hearing every day some new "awesome source" talking shit
  21. Do you really think the NCAA is going to take Ohio state off tv? OSU is a huge cash cow for the NCAA and they know it. They didn't take USC off the air waves for far worse crimes. Also theres a big difference between 20k and 40k
  22. Brother of a former qb who transfered because Pryor was coming in and also got popped picking up a undercover hooker....real credible source here folks. You know what I love, how Colt McCoys wife comes out and tells the world that Texas players cheated, yet the media is saying "its ok to take a free meal and car loan once in a while", I shit you not every anchor on ESPN has defended Texas today.
  23. The USC situation vs OSU situation are 2 completely different things though. USC was giving fucking houses away, plus they had lack of institutional control according to the NCAA, where tOSU has been cleared compliance department wise. I never understood taking away victories and scholarships, shits lame
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