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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I am about to start my 2nd quarter of school on Jan 4th. Currently I am doing all my pre-reqs to get into the Radiology program. However I have started to question if or if not I really want to be doing somethin in that field. I have given thought to switching my major to nursing as the only difference in pre-reqs is 2 classes. I am trying to find info from people that have expierence either being a nurse or living with one. I am wanting to know the following: 1) Was an associates degree good enough to get you a job or should I stay the extra year and get my Bachelors? 2) What type of facility are you/they working in? I.E Hospital, Nursing Home, School? 3) What was the starting salary and whats current salaray? You don't have to give exact details as I don't wanna get too personal, just wanting a close ball park figure.
  2. I am in the market for these items: 44mm Tial Wastegate (Black) Intercooler piping for a DC Integra Intercooler capable of supporting 700+hp B series Topmount T3/44mm Flange I am only looking to buy quality parts from repitable brands.
  3. You could always try double posting for something new and exciting to do Without knowing you its really hard to find new things for you to do. How about you post up things that you have done.
  4. i wasn't really talking about the website in Chicago...the owners of Bucknuts know about as much as me and you. I stopped my "premium" membership on there cause they are a fucking joke. The "insider" info that you speak about was usually bullshit. They were always reporting how this recruit was going here or there, and very rarely did they get it right. In fact it was 2008 that i stopped my membership, i can't tell you how many times their "insider" reported Pryor was a Michigan verbal, or was going to pick Penn St so he could stay close to home, then he was Oregon bound haha. I was talking more about the poster on BN that was also the first to report players were going to get suspended. This guy isn't a worker of Bucknuts, but a random guy like me or you that seems to be spot on with his "rumors" Either way, hopefully it is true that this was just a hoax. Time will tell
  5. I was just kidding man, nothing personal. I'm sure theres something out there for you. The world really isn't that small. If I had no wife and no kids, I would turn into a truck driver and get paid to travel the country.
  6. They sold things to help their families. They have multiple pairs of gold pants and multiple b10 championship rings. If i were in that position I would've done the same thing. Herbie has always had something against Pryor. In fact its well documented that he and Pryor do not get along. Pryor once tweeted that Herbie wasn't a real Buckeye. Blah blah blah bunch of BS as to if or if not someone is a real Buckeye. Also they are not the first OSU player to sell the gold pants. The hatred that comes from espn towards OSU and the big 10 in general is ridiculous. I guess part of the reason could be the fact they have a contract with the SEC.
  7. Bwahahahaha fair enough, back to the "my life sucks, I can't find the mother of my children, give me a razorblade" talk now
  8. Not Brian, therapy might be a good thing for you haha.
  9. Aside from that blog reporting it, theres a dude on Bucknuts that also reported the players being in trouble days before anyone else broke it. See the college football thread for more info on that. It is just a rumor right now, but so was the players getting in trouble, until they had a news conference. Urban Meyer would be more then welcomed by me to come coach at tOSU. Meyer, John Gruden and Mark Dantonio would be on my want list. PS, didn't Pryor also tweet that he did nothing wrong, the day before being suspended 5 games? Just saying, it could be true, or it could be totally bogus. Hopefully its just bogus
  10. Death is something I think about daily. Its not that i sit and think "my life sucks, im going to end it. No actually its "fuck im 26 and its flown by, I am not ready to leave". Having a kid totally changed my outlook completely. I used to drive fast all the time, did stupid things for friends to laugh at, just lived without a care in the world. Now I sit and think about things I want to do, basically a bucket list. I also think about things I want to make sure I teach my son before leaving. I for one haven't done nearly enough to be happy if I were to go out today. Its cliche but "Live each day as if its your last", has been something that I recently started trying to do.
  11. Mark May has an absolute hatred for tOSU. ESPN really needs to do something about it, they don't allow Herbie to be bias'd towards OSU. Yet they let fat fuck Mark May talk all the shit he wants. Apparently he is still salty from the 72-0 ass beating Ohio State gave Pitt in 95 (I believe it was 95). Just read a rumor on bucknuts, take it for what its worth now, Tressell to step down. The guy that is reporting it, was also the first person to report players were going to be suspended. He posted that a couple days before it came out and got absolutely trashed on, then it comes out and everyone had to eat crow. Apparently the same source that told him about the players being in trouble is the same one telling him this now. Again take it for what its worth, just a rumor at this time.
  12. Exactly, it isnt like the first 4-5 games are murderous. They are very winable, just on athletic ability alone OSU should win them. I also agree that in order to win those games the gameplan is simple, run the ball, play solid D and make every kick count! I refuse to get back on bucknuts after the shit I read on there earlier. You would think these kids commited murder for fucks sake.
  13. Theres a process and Gene Smith said in the press conference that they plan to start the paperwork. With that said Georgia did the same thing for AJ Green and yet he still had to serve his 5 game suspension. That situation is bullshit to compared to this one, he was in contact with an agent which is a huge no no, these kids sold stuff to a tattoo artist for money off his work.
  14. Umm they are being suspended for selling Big10 Championship rings, The gold pants you get for beating michigan, autographed gloves ect. AJ Green from Georgia got suspended 4 games this year for selling autographed jerseys. I think the 5 that got busted will declare for the draft
  15. boom already filled paperwork to see where his draft stock was at, say good bye to him now. Same thing with Posey, Pryor and Adams they are gone unfortunately. I figured 2012 would be a rough year, never thought 2011 would be. I think 5 games is a little extreme, but it is what it is. Apparently OSU is appealing the suspensions, we'll see what happens.
  16. Florida in June. Debating if I wanna goto Atlanta and Tennesee for car shows or not.
  17. Im gonna say they aren't suspended. If Cam Newton can win the Heisman with his daddy trying to get 180k from schools, then I don't see OSU losing players over tattoos. Aside from that nothing is confirmed and no major media outlets are even reporting on it yet. I was just on Bucknuts reading about it and one of the owners of the site said one investigator says nothing will happen the other said its 50/50, which usually means, not a damn thing is gonna happen. Should they get suspended I say kick em out of school. You have to be totally fucking dumb to do something like this. Especially when your a high profile player like most the guys named. Adams Brewster Herron Hall Pryor Posey All those guys are starters. The other guys don't see much playing time, but still a dumb ass move on their part.
  18. I walked home with my buddy from the titty bar the night that started. We went into local dive strip club and it was just starting to snow a little. Come out 3 hours later and its covered, tried calling cab, they wouldn't come get us haha. So we walked 3 miles in the snow. It was actually kind of fun cause no one was out. I remember my buddy who was drunk pissing in the middle of the road lmfao!!
  19. I haven't bought anything off ebay in over 4 years. I used to sell a shit ton on there though til they jacked their rates up through the roof
  20. Umm should've left well enough alone, way too much fucking salt on these bad boys. Sad thing is Wendy's is my fav fast food joint. Everytime its a #6 with a sprite, can never go wrong with the spicey chicken
  21. Bed by 11:30...its just another day to me, nothing more, nothing less
  22. Mista Bone on OH is the only person I would let touch my Honda transmission in Ohio. He came up here, took mine apart, told me what needed fixed. Took my trans back home to cincy with him, shipped him the parts, had trans back in a week. Shifts like butter!! As for synchros you might as well goto synchrotec.com and buy a complete kit. http://shop.synchrotech-transmissions.com/BSK-SYN101-Type-R-GSR-B16-Bearing-Seal-and-Carbon-Synchro-KIt-BSK-SYN101.htm You can buy the bearings from them or from Mfactory, I went MFactory since I ordered them same time I ordered my LSD.
  23. For some reason when I see that I tihnk of a Scion TC in the rear end...I would still own a v power cts
  24. don't feel bad, unless its a college football game or driving game I suck lol. Put me on NCAA football ill destroy anyone (willing to put money on that), put me on Madden and im a fucking failure
  25. Yeah, the thing I find funny is people questioning how our offense will be without Hazell. Nothings going to change, Tress is still the OC lol. I really wish Tress would hire an offensive coordinator and qb coach though, plus a new line coach would be icing on the cake
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